Considerations Determining Renewal. The School acknowledges that improving all pupil learning and all student achievement is the most important factor Osprey Wilds will consider in determining Contract renewal, which determination shall be based substantially on the School’s attainment of its academic and academic-related goals identified in Exhibit G. Osprey Wilds will also consider the degree to which the School has improved all pupil learning and all student achievement other than the attainment of goals specified in Exhibit G. Osprey Wilds will consider other factors in its renewal determination, which factors are considered secondary to improving pupil learning and student achievement. Specifically, Osprey Wilds will consider the School’s environmental education performance specified in Exhibit H, achievement of any additional identified purposes specified in Exhibit F, and financial and operational performance obligations and compliance with Applicable Law as set forth in this Contract. The School will be eligible for renewal only if the School has improved all pupil performance and all student achievement, and met environmental education performance expectations notwithstanding superior performance in financial, operations, governance, and legal compliance factors.
Considerations Determining Renewal. The School acknowledges that improving all pupil learning and all student achievement is the most important factor the District will consider in determining Contract renewal, which determination shall be based substantially on the School’s attainment of its academic outcomes/goals identified in Exhibit F. The District will also consider any compelling evidence of improved pupil learning and student achievement for all students on Department of Education measures other than the attainment of outcomes/goals specified in Exhibit F. The District will consider other factors in its renewal determination, which factors are considered secondary to improving all pupil learning and all student achievement. Specifically, the District will consider the achievement of any additional identified purposes specified in Exhibit D, and financial and operational performance obligations and compliance with Applicable Law as set forth in this Contract. The School will be eligible for renewal only if the School has improved pupil performance and student achievement for all students, notwithstanding superior performance in financial, operations, governance, or legal compliance factors. If the District offers a renewal contract, a five-year term will be awarded only if warranted by School performance: the School has improved all pupil learning and all student achievement, the School has met or substantially met its academic pupil performance outcomes/goals in Exhibit F, the school has no significant financial, operational, governance, or legal compliance deficiency, or multiple deficiencies in any of the financial, operational, governance, or legal compliance areas, or deficiencies in multiple areas.
Considerations Determining Renewal. The School acknowledges that improving all pupil learning and all student achievement is the most important factor PUC will consider in determining Contract renewal, which determination shall be based substantially on the School’s attainment of its academic and non-academic goals identified in Exhibit C. PUC will also consider the degree to which the School has improved all pupil learning and all student achievement other than the attainment of goals specified in Exhibit C. PUC will consider other factors in its renewal determination, which factors are considered secondary to improving all pupil learning and all student achievement. Specifically, PUC will consider the School’s achievement of additional purposes specified in Exhibit B, and financial and operational performance obligations and compliance with Applicable Law as set forth in this Contract. The School will be eligible for renewal only if the School has improved all pupil performance and student achievement, and met education performance expectations notwithstanding superior performance in financial, operations, governance and legal compliance factors.
Considerations Determining Renewal. The School acknowledges that improving all pupil learning and all student achievement is the most important factor ACNW will consider in determining Contract renewal, which determination shall be based substantially on the School’s attainment of its academic and academic-related goals identified in Exhibit G. ACNW will also consider the degree to which the School has improved all pupil learning and all student achievement other than the attainment of goals specified in Exhibit G. ACNW will consider other factors in its renewal determination, which factors are considered secondary to improving pupil learning and student achievement. Specifically, ACNW will consider the School’s environmental education performance specified in Exhibit H, achievement of any additional identified purposes specified in Exhibit F, and financial and operational performance obligations and compliance with Applicable Law as set forth in this Contract. The School will be eligible for renewal only if the School has improved all pupil performance and all student achievement, and met environmental education performance expectations notwithstanding superior performance in financial, operations, governance, and legal compliance factors.