Academic Goals. The State Board shall hold the Charter School accountable for the full performance of each of the academic goals listed below. The requirements of each goal are independent of and do not supersede the requirements of any other goal.
Academic Goals. The State Board shall hold the Charter School accountable for the full performance of each of the academic goals listed below. The requirements of each goal are independent of and do not supersede the requirements of any other goal.
i. Goal 1: During each year of its first five-year charter term, the Charter School shall “beat the odds” as determined by a formula measuring expected student growth.
1. The Beating the Odds analysis is a cross-sectional, random effects regression model that currently uses school-based factors from the CCRPI school-level dataset, GaDOE student record file, and the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement Report Card. Note that the factors may change during the charter term. The factors in the current model include such things as:
a. Poverty Level
b. Race/Ethnicity
c. Students with Disabilities
d. English Language Learners
e. School Size (FTE)
f. School Grade Configuration Renewal decisions for new charter schools first opening in 2014 or later will be based in part on whether the school “beat the odds” in each of the first four years of its first charter term (Years 1-4).
ii. Goal 2: The Charter School will demonstrate proficiency and/or improvement on the CCRPI.
1. Measure 1: For new start-up charter schools first opening in 2014 or later, using Year 1 of the charter term to establish a CCRPI baseline, the Charter School’s CCRPI score shall be equal to or better than both the State and local district in Year 2, and better than both the State and local district in Years 3-5 of the charter contract.
Academic Goals. Students will demonstrate mastery of a curriculum that meets the Idaho Achievement standards and Idaho Graduation Requirements.
Academic Goals. The State Board shall hold the Charter School accountable for the full performance of each of the academic goals listed below. The requirements of each goal are independent of and do not supersede the requirements of any other goal.
i. Goal 1: During each year of its first five-year charter term, the Charter School shall “beat the odds” as determined by a formula measuring expected student growth.
1. The Beating the Odds analysis is a cross-sectional, fixed effects regression model that currently uses the following factors from the CCRPI school-level dataset, GaDOE student record file, and GaDOE CPI1 data. Note that factors may change during the charter term.
a. Student-based Factors:
iv. Other v. % Free/Reduced Lunch vi. % Students with Disabilities vii. % English Learners
viii. Gifted
Academic Goals. The Commission shall hold the Charter School accountable for the full performance of each of the academic goals listed below. The requirements of each goal are independent of and do not supersede the requirements of any other goal.
i. Goal 1: The Charter School will perform above the level that would place it on the Priority Schools list, the Focus Schools list, or the Alert Schools list. The Charter School will also meet all targets (currently CCRPI and State Performance Targets), as defined by Georgia state requirements and the state's waiver of No Child Left Behind, subject to any amendment, waiver or reauthorization thereof. Students will demonstrate proficiency and improvement over prior years’ performance.
1. Measure 1: During each year of the charter term, the Charter School will meet or exceed all State Performance Targets and all other statewide-accountability requirements as established by the Department each year for all content areas of the Criterion- Referenced Competency Test (CRCT), the End of Course Test (EOCT) and the graduation rate.
Academic Goals. In each Contract Year, Xxxxxx xxx earn Incentive Salary for Performance as follows:
(i) Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) for each University of Colorado Boulder varsity team that scores an academic progress rate (“APR”), as defined in NCAA legislation, of One Thousand (1000) for the current academic year as of the end of the University of Colorado Boulder Spring Semester of the Contract Year.
(ii) Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) if the average grade point average for all varsity student athletes equals or exceeds the average grade point average for all University of Colorado Boulder undergraduate students. The average grade point averages shall be determined by the University of Colorado Boulder Registrar as of the end of the University of Colorado Boulder Spring Semester of the Contract Year.
(iii) Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) if the average six year graduation rate for varsity student athletes equals or exceeds the average six year graduation rate for all University of Colorado Boulder undergraduate students. The average six year graduation rates shall be determined by the University of Colorado Registrar as of the end of the University of Colorado Boulder Spring Semester of the Contract Year
Academic Goals. The State Board shall hold the Charter School accountable for the full performance of each of the academic goals listed below. The requirements of each goal are independent of and do not supersede the requirements of any other goal.
i. Goal 1: The Charter School will perform above the level that would place it on the Priority Schools list, the Focus Schools list, or the Alert Schools list. The Charter School will also meet all targets (currently CCRPI and State Performance Targets), as defined by Georgia state requirements and the state's waiver of No Child Left Behind, subject to any amendment, waiver or reauthorization thereof. Students will demonstrate proficiency and improvement over prior years’ performance.
1. Measure 1: During each year of the charter term, the Charter School will meet or exceed all State Performance Targets and all other statewide-accountability requirements as established by the Department each year for all content areas of the Criterion- Referenced Competency Test (CRCT), the End of Course Test (EOCT) and the graduation rate.
2. Measure 2: During each year of the charter term, the percentage of charter school students scoring in the meets or exceeds category on the End of Course Test (EOCT) will be greater than the State or local RESA Average, whichever is higher, by at least 2% in all subjects in all grade levels.
Academic Goals. In each Contract Year, Xxxxxx xxx earn Incentive Salary for Performance as follows:
(i) Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for each UCB varsity team that scores an academic progress rate (“APR”), as defined in NCAA legislation, of One Thousand (1000) for the current academic year as of the end of the UCB Spring Semester of the Contract Year.
(ii) Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) if the average grade point average for all varsity student athletes equals or exceeds the average grade point average for all UCB undergraduate students. The average grade point averages shall be determined by the UCB Registrar as of the end of the UCB Spring Semester of the Contract Year.
Academic Goals. All scholars will participate in four standard-based projects involving the community (one per quarter) throughout the school year. (Two in first year). § 50% or more scholars will exceed the Spring Growth Projection in Reading on the Northwest Evaluation Assessment as indicated in the Achievement Status and Growth Projection Report.* o Ignite Internal Goals via our Culture of Achievement Plan: § At least 50% of scholars will exceed their growth goal in Reading based on NWEA RIT Scores.
Academic Goals. The State Board shall hold the Charter School accountable for the full performance of each of the academic goals listed below. The requirements of each goal are independent of and do not supersede the requirements of any other goal.
i. Goal 1: During each year of its five-year charter term, the Charter School shall “beat the odds” as determined by a formula measuring expected student growth.
1. The Beating the Odds analysis is a cross-sectional, fixed effects regression model that uses the following factors from the CCRPI school-level dataset, GaDOE student record file, and GaDOE CPI1 data.
a. Student-based Factors:
iv. Other v. % Free/Reduced Lunch vi. % Students with Disabilities vii. % English Learners
viii. Gifted