CONTENT UPDATES. If You purchase a Symantec maintenance/support offering consisting of or including Content Updates, as indicated on Your Support Certificate, You are granted the right to use, as part of the Licensed Software, such Content Updates as and when they are made generally available to Symantec’s end user customers who have purchased such maintenance/support offering and for such period of time as indicated on the face of the applicable Support Certificate. This License Agreement does not otherwise permit You to obtain and use Content Updates.
CONTENT UPDATES. Certain Software uses content that is updated from time to time, including but not limited to the following Software: antivirus and crimeware software use updated virus definitions; antispyware software uses updated spyware definitions; antispam software uses updated antispam rules; content filtering and antiphishing software use updated URL lists; some firewall software use updated firewall rules; vulnerability assessment products use updated vulnerability data and web site authentication software uses updated lists of authenticated web pages; these updates are collectively referred to as “Content Updates” (or alternatively referred to as “Protection Updates” or “Security Updates” at times). You shall have the right to obtain Content Updates for any period for which You have purchased a subscription for Content Updates for the Software (including any subscription included with Your original purchase of the Software), except for those Content Updates that Symantec elects to make available by separate paid subscription, or for any period for which You have otherwise separately acquired the right to obtain Content Updates. Symantec reserves the right to designate specified Content Updates as requiring purchase of a separate subscription at any time and without notice to You; provided, however, that if You purchase a subscription that includes particular Content Updates on the date of purchase, You will not have to pay an additional fee to continue receiving such Content Updates for the remaining period of Your existing subscription even if Symantec designates such Content Updates as requiring separate purchase. This License Agreement does not otherwise permit You to obtain and use Content Updates.
CONTENT UPDATES. At no additional cost to Licensee, HSI shall make reasonable efforts to modify the Content from time to time to reflect material changes in regulatory standards by providing updates to standard content as regulatory requirements change and by making operating improvements, in each case the timing and necessity of which shall be determined by HSI in its sole reasonable discretion (“Updates”). Updates may contain, for example, updates in response to regulatory changes, additional questions added to the “question bank”, and “lessons learned” information gathered during previous years. Updates are made for the benefit of our platform and its licensed users, and not for any particular licensee; Licensee requested changes to customize Content will be available for an additional fee to be negotiated and documented in a separate written agreement between HSI and Licensee. HSI reserves the right to charge for additional functionality and modules released for Licensee’s benefit, in HSI’s sole but reasonable discretion.
CONTENT UPDATES. Certain Services use content that is updated from time to time, such as virus definitions; spyware definitions; antispam rules; URL lists; firewall rules; vulnerability data, and updated lists of authenticated web pages; these updates are collectively referred to as “Content Updates.” In such case, you will have access to applicable Content Updates for the Services during your Service Period.
CONTENT UPDATES. If You purchase a Veritas maintenance/support offering consisting of or including Content Updates, as indicated on Your Support Certificate, You are granted the right to use, as part of the Licensed Software, such Content Updates as and when they are made generally available to Veritas’ end user customers who have purchased such maintenance/support offering and for such period of time as indicated on the face of the applicable Support Certificate. This License Agreement does not otherwise permit You to obtain and use Content Updates.
CONTENT UPDATES. As part of the License Agreement, You are entitled to free updates (if any) of the contents within the software that BullWall may offer.
CONTENT UPDATES. Certain Software utilize content that is updated from time to time (including but not limited to the following Software: antivirus software utilize updated virus definitions; antispam software utilize updated antispam rules; content filtering software utilize updated URL lists; some firewall software utilize updated firewall rules; and vulnerability assessment products utilize updated vulnerability data; these updates are collectively referred to as “Content Updates”). You shall have the right to obtain Content Updates for any period for which You have purchased maintenance, except for those Content Updates that Symantec elects to make available by separate paid subscription, or for any period for which You have otherwise separately acquired the right to obtain Content Updates. Symantec reserves the right to designate specified Content Updates as requiring purchase of a separate subscription at any time and without notice to You; provided, however, that if You purchase maintenance hereunder that includes particular Content Updates on the date of purchase, You will not have to pay an additional fee to continue receiving such Content Updates through the term of such maintenance even if Symantec designates such Content Updates as requiring separate purchase. This License does not otherwise permit the licensee to obtain and use Content Updates.
CONTENT UPDATES. Certain Software utilize content that is updated from time to time (including but not limited to the following Software: antivirus software utilize updated virus definitions; content filtering software utilize updated URL lists; some firewall software utilize updated firewall rules; and vulnerability assessment products utilize updated vulnerability data; these updates are collectively referred to as “Content Updates”). You shall have the right to obtain Content Updates for any period for which You have purchased maintenance, except for those Content Updates that Symantec elects to make available by separate paid subscription, or for any period for which You have otherwise separately acquired the right to obtain Content Updates. Symantec reserves the right to designate specified Content Updates as requiring purchase of a separate subscription at any time and without notice to You; provided, however, that if You purchase maintenance hereunder that includes particular Content Updates on the date of purchase, You will not have to pay an additional fee to continue receiving such Content Updates through the term of such maintenance even if Symantec designates such Content Updates as requiring separate purchase. This License does not otherwise permit the licensee to obtain and use Content Updates.
CONTENT UPDATES. For so long as Customer subscribes to Rapid7's maintenance and support services for the Software, Customer is granted the right to use, as part of the Software, such Content Updates as and when they are made generally available to Rapid7's end user customers who are covered by Rapid7's maintenance and support services for such Software. This Agreement does not otherwise permit Customer to obtain and use Content Updates.
CONTENT UPDATES. Refinements and logical tweaks to the website, which were not planned/approved by client earlier.