Continuing Education 24.01 The Hospital and the Union recognize that continuing education is important for all employees and that they have shared interests and responsibilities in ensuring equitable access to it.
Required Education (a) The Employer shall provide and fund any Employer required training/education for a Nurse.
Adult Education Teachers of Adult Education shall be paid at the rate of thirty-five ($35.00) an hour. Break time will not be deducted from teachers’ pay.
Public Education 7.1.01 Inform and educate the public about vaccines and vaccine- preventable diseases
In-Service Education The parties recognize the value of in-service both to the employee and the Employer and shall encourage employees to participate in in-service. All employees scheduled by the Employer to attend in-service seminars shall receive regular wages.
Employee Education (A) The state may allow employees time off with pay for the purpose of attending short courses, institutes, and workshops that will improve their performance in their current position.
Special Education Teachers Elementary/Secondary Special Education Coordinators shall be compensated for an extended work day in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000).
Continuing Education Allowance (a) A registered nurse or enrolled nurse who holds a continuing education qualification in a clinical field, in addition to the qualification leading to registration or enrolment, shall be paid an allowance subject to the conditions set out in this clause.
Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training The state and the PBA recognize the importance of supervisor training programs to develop management skills in our law enforcement supervisors. The state will make a reasonable effort to continue existing training programs in law enforcement techniques and to develop new programs in performance review techniques, supervisory skills, and managerial techniques.
Health Promotion and Health Education Both parties to this Agreement recognize the value and importance of health promotion and health education programs. Such programs can assist employees and their dependents to maintain and enhance their health, and to make appropriate use of the health care system. To work toward these goals: