Contraband Sample Clauses
Contraband. Contractors shall not bring clothing or contraband into or onto the Facility's grounds or leave clothing or contraband in a vehicle located on the grounds of the Facility outside of an area designated by DOC personnel. Contraband is defined below and all persons are subject to these DOC Facilities Rules concerning contraband when on the Facility's grounds. Contractor shall not introduce into or upon, take or send to or from, or attempt the same to or from, the grounds of the Facility anything whatsoever without the knowledge of the Facility supervisor.
Contraband. We" do not cover contraband or property in the course of illegal transportation or trade.
Contraband. No contraband of war shall be shipped, but petroleum and/or its products shall not be deemed contraband of war for the purposes of this clause.
Contraband. LESSEE shall not rent the Aircraft for flights or any use involving the transportation of any illegal drugs, firearm, or contraband of any type.
Contraband. While on the University’s campuses, you may not possess property that is prohibited by applicable laws or regulations, University Policies, or the Rules. If the University discovers or determines that you are in possession of prohibited property on campus, then the University may confiscate and dispose of the property without compensation or liability to you. By way of illustration and not by way of limitation, such property may include weapons, ordnance, explosives, controlled substances (except as lawfully prescribed), drug paraphernalia, and alcohol (unless you are at least twenty-one (21) years of age).
Contraband. 1. Defendants will develop and submit to USDOJ and the Monitor for review and approval facility-specific policies regarding contraband that are designed to limit the presence of dangerous material in the facility. Such policies will include the following:
a. Clear definitions of what items constitute contraband;
1. Review, revise, and develop contraband policies to include all forms of contraband, consequences for its introduction and possession, and actions staff are to take in its collection and disposition.
b. Prevention of the introduction of contraband from anyone entering or leaving Golden Grove, through processes including prisoner mail and package inspection and searches of all individuals and vehicles entering the prison; Contraband Seized Sept - Dec 2013 Count Total Items 94 Phones 23 Sharp Weapons 17 Intoxicants / Drugs 26 Contraband Reports 3 12 10 2 2 16 9 15 25 44 Not Identified 1 5 8 0 8 6 7 14 21 Cell Phones 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 Weapons/Sharps 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 2 0 9 Illegal Drugs 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 Totals 4 12 11 1 8 17 9 17 27 52
Contraband. Any person who takes into or out of, or attempts to take into or out of a correctional facility or the grounds belonging to or adjacent to a correctional facility, any item not specifically authorized by the correctional facility shall be prosecuted under the provisions of the Arizona Revised Statutes. All persons, including employees and visitors, entering upon these confines are subject to routine searches of their person, vehicles, property of packages.
Contraband. Any person who takes into or out of, or attempts to take into or out of a correctional facility or the grounds belonging to or adjacent to a correctional facility, any item not specifically authorized by the correctional facility shall be prosecuted under the provisions of the Arizona Revised Statutes. All persons, including employees and visitors, entering upon these confines are subject to routine searches of their person, vehicles, property of packages.
27.1 DEFINITION − A.R.S. § 13−2501 Contraband means any dangerous drug, narcotic drug, intoxication liquor of any kind, deadly weapon, dangerous instrument, explosive or any other article whose use or possession would endanger the safety, security, or preservation of order in a correctional institution or any person therein. (Any other article includes any substance which could cause abnormal behavior, i.e. marijuana, nonprescription medication, etc.) 27.2 PROMOTING PRISON CONTRABAND − A.R.S. § 13−2505
1. A person, not otherwise authorized by law, commits promoting prison contraband:
A. By knowingly taking contraband into a correctional facility or the grounds of such a facility; or
B. By knowingly conveying contraband to any person confined in a correctional facility; or
C. By knowingly making, obtaining or possessing contraband while being confined in a correctional facility.
Contraband. Drugs, alcohol, weapons and other articles specified as contraband by Banner Health may not be brought onto Banner Health premises. Any illegal substance will be confiscated and turned over to law enforcement authorities:
Contraband. Contraband defined as all equipment, products and materials of any kind which are used, intended for use, or designed, for use in injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body, marijuana or other controlled substances, in violation of law. This includes: hypodermic syringes, needles, and other objects to inject controlled substances in the body or objects to ingest, inhale or otherwise introduce marijuana, cocaine or hashish oil into the body is prohibited.