CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT CLAUSE. 7 NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT 7.1 Regular full time weekly hire 7.1.1 A regular full time weekly hire employee under the terms of this agreement is an employee who is contracted to work an average of thirty-eight hours per week inclusive of any over time worked on a Sunday. 7.1.2 A regular full time weekly employee has a reasonable expectation to on going employment except for misconduct, poor performance, other areas of dissatisfaction or the needs of the business. 7.1.3 The ordinary time hourly rate for a weekly employee is the prescribed weekly rate for the relevant classification in Clause 9 of this agreement divided by thirty-eight with proportionate rates for juniors. A full time weekly employee shall not be engaged for any less than 3.8 hours on any one day. 7.2 Regular part time weekly hire. 7.2.1 A regular part time weekly hire employee is an employee who is engaged and normally rostered on a weekly basis for less than thirty-eight hours, but not less than two hours per day and not less than one day per week. 7.2.2 The regular part time employee enjoys the same hourly rate of pay and the benefits provided to a full time weekly employee under the terms of this agreement, except that the benefits accrue on a pro rata basis to the ordinary hours worked. 7.3 Temporary full time or temporary part time hire


  • CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT 22.1 At the point of engagement of each Employee, the Employer must inform the person in writing whether the engagement is on a permanent, casual or job share basis, stating by whom the Employee is employed, the job performed, the classification level, office from which they are engaged and the relevant rate of pay. Employees may relocate and transfer their office of engagement provided that there has been consultation between the Parties and it is agreed in writing between the Employer and the Employee. Each new Employee shall upon commencement also be provided with a copy of this Agreement, or alternatively, access to the Agreement in electronic format at the discretion of the Employee. 22.2 The Employer may direct an Employee to carry out such duties as are reasonably within the limits of the Employee's skill, competence and training consistent with the Employee's classification provided that such duties do not promote deskilling. 22.3 If an Employee is absent from work for a period for which they have or will claim workers' compensation, the Employee's contract of employment shall remain intact during the period of absence. The Employer shall continue to make contributions (and where applicable, reports of service) on behalf of the Employee to BUSSQ, XXXX, BEWT, CIPQ and Qleave or NTBuild or other funds nominated herein. The Employee shall also continue to accrue all appropriate leave entitlements for the first twelve months of the Employee's absence due to the workers compensation claim.

  • Agreement Not a Contract of Employment Neither the grant of the Restricted Stock Units, this Agreement nor any other action taken in connection herewith shall constitute or be evidence of any agreement or understanding, express or implied, that the Grantee is an employee of the Company or any subsidiary of the Company.

  • Not a Contract of Employment This Agreement shall not be deemed to constitute a contract of employment between the parties hereto, nor shall any provision hereof restrict the right of the Bank to discharge the Executive, or restrict the right of the Executive to terminate employment.

  • No Contract of Employment Nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed as a right of the Executive to be continued in the employment of the Company, or as a limitation of the right of the Company to discharge the Executive with or without Cause.

  • Release of Employment Claims Executive agrees, as a condition to receipt of the termination payments and benefits provided hereunder, that he will execute a release agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Company, releasing any and all claims arising out of Executive's employment (other than claims made pursuant to any indemnities provided under the articles or by-laws of the Company, under any directors or officers liability insurance policies maintained by the Company or enforcement of this Termination Agreement).

  • Statement of Employment An employer shall, in the event of termination of employment, provide upon request to the employee who has been terminated a written statement specifying the period of employment and the classification or type of work performed by the employee.

  • Continuity of Employment This Option shall not be exercisable by the Grantee in any part unless at all times beginning with the date of grant and ending no more than three (3) months prior to the date of exercise, the Grantee has, except for military service leave, sick leave or other bona fide leave of absence (such as temporary employment by the United States Government) been in the continuous employ of the Company or a parent or subsidiary thereof, except that such period of three (3) months shall be one (1) year following any termination of the Grantee's employment by reason of his permanent and total disability.

  • Terms of Employment This Section 2 sets forth the terms and conditions on which the Company agrees to employ Executive during the period (the "Protected Period") beginning on the first day during the Term of this Agreement on which a Change of Control occurs and ending on the second anniversary of that date, or such earlier date as Executive's employment terminates as contemplated by Section 3.

  • Commencement of Employment 1.1 Your effective date of employment will be 11/07/2023.

  • TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT This Contract shall terminate, the Lead Groundsman employment shall cease, and no salary shall be paid, under any one of the following circumstances: