Smoke Free Environment The Lessor shall make all parts of the leased premise smoke-free. "
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention and Control The hospital in consultation with the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) shall develop, establish and put into effect, musculoskeletal prevention and control measures, procedures, practices and training for the health and safety of employees.
Materials of Environmental Concern have not been transported or disposed of from the Properties in violation of, or in a manner or to a location that could give rise to liability under, any Environmental Law, nor have any Materials of Environmental Concern been generated, treated, stored or disposed of at, on or under any of the Properties in violation of, or in a manner that could give rise to liability under, any applicable Environmental Law;
Working Environment The Parties agree that a safe and clean working environment is essential in order to carry out work assignments in a satisfactory manner. It will be the Employer's responsibility to ensure that all working areas and Employer-owned vehicles are maintained in a safe and clean condition.
Least Restrictive Environment A. The parties acknowledge that the policy of least restrictive environment is legally mandated. It is also recognized that the extent to which any student who receives services under the Individuals with disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should participate in regular education programs and services involves consideration of that student's unique needs as determined by an Individual Educational Planning Committee (IEPC). It is further acknowledged and recognized that the general education classroom teachers and the appropriate special education teachers are jointly responsible for implementation of the IEP and for attending to the educational needs of special education students assigned to the teacher's class. Teachers agree to cooperate in the delivery of special education and related services. B. Prior to actual placement of a particular special education student within the classroom of a teacher, such teacher(s) may confer directly with the special education teacher/consultant concerning the student and the plan for integration of said student. C. If any teacher has a reasonable basis to believe that a disabled student's current Individual Education Plan (IEP) is not meeting the student's unique needs as required by law, the teacher will advise his/her principal of that opinion, in writing. D. If delivery of related school health services is necessary to provide a student with a free appropriate public education, as mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, those functions shall be performed by a properly trained individual. Appropriate training will be provided to each teacher prior to the placement of that special education pupil in the teacher's room. This training shall include an explanation of procedure(s) for delivery of the school health service, identification of the appropriate persons to whom performance of that function may be permissibly delegated, the extent and availability of supervision for performance of the procedures and the authority for alteration, modification or termination of the procedures. Bargaining unit members shall be required to perform health services under this provision in an emergency situation only.
Manufacturing Technology Transfer Except as the Committee ------------ --------------------------------- may otherwise agree in writing, in order to effectuate an orderly transition of the uninterrupted availability of Product to LILLY for purposes contemplated under this Agreement, MEGABIOS, at least ninety (90) days prior to completion of the Project or completion of Phase I Clinical Trials, whichever is earlier, shall transfer to LILLY all information and instructions concerning the manufacturing process and related matters in MEGABIOS' possession which may be necessary for LILLY to manufacture Product (including information regarding obtaining necessary Lipids related thereto) for clinical trials and commercialization as contemplated hereunder including, but not limited to, analytical and manufacturing methods. MEGABIOS shall also provide assistance (in the form of consultation) to LILLY with respect to manufacturing matters for a period of [ * ] months after completion of the initial transfer of information and instructions as provided below. Such transfer and assistance by MEGABIOS will be referred to herein as the "Manufacturing Transfer." All such information, methods and instructions transferred to LILLY under this Section 4.3 shall be referred to herein as the "Manufacturing Information," and shall be maintained in confidence by LILLY pursuant to Section 7.1, except that LILLY's obligation to maintain in confidence such Manufacturing Information shall survive for ten (10) years following expiration or termination of this Agreement. LILLY agrees that it will use all such transferred Manufacturing Information only for the manufacture of the Products and shall not disclose or transfer such Manufacturing Information to any third party manufacturer except as provided in Section 2.10. MEGABIOS shall provide, and bear its costs for, up to [ * ] FTEs for a period of up to [ * ] months [ * ] in aggregate) to accomplish the Manufacturing Transfer. Such FTEs, at LILLY's request, shall include visits to LILLY's facilities by MEGABIOS personnel including up to [ * ] from MEGABIOS' head of manufacturing. MEGABIOS shall furnish any additional reasonable assistance beyond the assistance described above regarding manufacturing matters that LILLY may request and that MEGABIOS is able to provide, for up to [ * ] after the initial transfer of Manufacturing Information, providing that LILLY [ * ] incurred with respect to such additional assistance.
Work Environment It is mutually agreed that the prevention of accidents and injuries to state employees will result in greater efficiency of operations of state government. Toward this end, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions and the Union shall fully cooperate by encouraging all employees to perform their assigned tasks in a safe manner.
Cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection 1. The aims of cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection will be, but not limited to, as follows: (a) establishing bilateral cooperation relations in the forestry sector; (b) developing a training program and studies for sustainable management of forests; (c) improving the rehabilitation and sustainable management of forest with the aim of increasing carbon sinks and reduce the impact of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region; (d) cooperating on the execution of national projects, aimed at: improving the management of forest plantations for its transformation for industrial purposes and environmental protection; (e) elaborating studies on sustainable use of timber; (f) developing new technologies for the transformation and processing of timber and non-timber species; and (g) improving cooperation in agro-forestry technologies. 2. To achieve the objectives of the Article 149 (Objectives), the Parties may focus, as a means of cooperation and negotiations on concluding a bilateral agreement on forestry cooperation between the two Parties. Such collaboration will be as follows: (a) exchanges on science and technology as well as policies and laws relating the sustainable use of forest resources; (b) cooperation in training programs, internships, exchange of experts and projects advisory; (c) advice and technical assistance to public institutions and organizations of the Parties on sustainable use of forest resources and environmental protection; (d) facilitating forest policy dialogue and technical cooperation under the Network of Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Rehabilitation in Asia- Pacific Region, initiated at the 15th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting; (e) encouraging joint studies, working visits, exchange of experiences, among others; and (f) others activities mutually agreed.
Professional Development; Adverse Consequences of School Exclusion; Student Behavior The Board President or Superintendent, or their designees, will make reasonable efforts to provide ongoing professional development to Board members about the adverse consequences of school exclusion and justice-system involvement, effective classroom management strategies, culturally responsive discipline, appropriate and available supportive services for the promotion of student attendance and engagement, and developmentally appropriate disciplinary methods that promote positive and healthy school climates, i.e., Senate Bill 100 training topics. The Board will conduct periodic self-evaluations with the goal of continuous improvement. New Board Member Orientation The orientation process for newly elected or appointed Board members includes: