Cultural and Archaeological Resources Plan Sample Clauses

Cultural and Archaeological Resources Plan. Prior to construction, the Certificate Holder shall obtain all necessary Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) permits and perform all necessary archaeological work in order to comply with RCW 27.53. With the assistance of an experienced archaeologist, and in consultation with EFSEC, DAHP, and the Yakama Nation, the Certificate Holder shall develop a Cultural Resources Monitoring and Mitigation Plan for monitoring construction activities and responding to the discovery of archaeological resources or buried human remains. The Certificate Holder shall provide copies of the draft Plan for comment to other potentially affected tribes, prior to submitting the plan for EFSEC approval. The Certificate Holder shall submit the Plan to EFSEC for review and approval no later than sixty (60) days prior to the start of Site Preparation. The Certificate Holder shall not begin Site Preparation prior to obtaining approval of the Plan from the Council. All applicable elements of the Plan shall be implemented prior to the start of Site Preparation. The Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The Plan shall include a copy of the final construction and micro-siting plans for the Project, and shall provide for the avoidance of significant archaeological sites where practical. For sites to be avoided, the boundaries of identified cultural resources and buffer zones shall be staked in the field and flagged as no-disturbance areas to avoid inadvertent disturbance during construction. These site markings will be removed following construction. The Plan shall address alternative mitigation measures developed in coordination with DAHP to be implemented if it is not practical to avoid archaeological sites or isolates. 2. The Plan shall address the possibility of the unanticipated discovery of archaeological artifacts during construction. If any archaeological artifacts, including but not limited to human remains, are observed during construction, then disturbance and/or excavation in that area will cease, and the Certificate Holder shall notify DAHP, EFSEC, the Yakama Nation and any affected tribes and, in the case of human remains, the County Coroner or Medical Examiner. At that time, appropriate treatment and mitigation measures shall be developed in coordination with the agencies and tribes cited above, and implemented following approval by EFSEC. If Project facilities cannot be moved or re-routed to avoid the resources, the Certificate ...
Cultural and Archaeological Resources Plan. Prior to construction, the Certificate Holder shall obtain a Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) excavation permit for site 45KT4012 identified on the Penstemon Project Site and perform all necessary archaeological work in order to comply with RCW 27.53.
Cultural and Archaeological Resources Plan. Prior to construction, the Certificate Holder, in consultation with DAHP and EFSEC, shall provide final construction and micro-siting plans showing avoidance of impacts to sites 45KT4015 and 45KT4016 identified on the Typha Solar Site. In the event that construction will not avoid impacts to these sites, the Certificate Holder shall obtain a Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) excavation permit for sites 45KT4015 and 45KT4016 and perform all necessary archaeological work in order to comply with RCW 27.53.38
Cultural and Archaeological Resources Plan. Prior to construction, the Certificate Holder, in consultation with DAHP and EFSEC, shall provide final construction and micro-siting plans showing avoidance of impacts to site 45KT4019 identified on the Urtica Project Site. In the event that construction will not avoid impacts to this site, the Certificate Holder shall obtain a Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) excavation permit for site 45KT4019 and perform all necessary archaeological work in order to comply with RCW 27.53.

Related to Cultural and Archaeological Resources Plan

  • Cultural Resources If a cultural resource is discovered, the Purchaser shall immediately suspend all operations in the vicinity of the cultural resource and notify the Forest Officer. Operations may only resume if authorized by the Forest Officer. Cultural resources identified and protected elsewhere in this contract are exempted from this clause. Cultural resources, once discovered or identified, are not to be disturbed by the Purchaser, or his, her or its employees and/or sub- contractors.

  • Cultural ceremonial leave may be taken as whole or part days off. Each day, or part thereof, shall be deducted from: a) the Employee's annual leave entitlements (where applicable); b) the Employee’s accrued long service leave entitlements, but in full days only; or c) accrued days off or time in lieu.

  • Additional Resources The WLSC may establish workgroups that include other department representatives and/or subject matter experts. These subcommittees shall conform with rules established by the WLSC.

  • Information Technology Accessibility Standards Any information technology related products or services purchased, used or maintained through this Grant must be compatible with the principles and goals contained in the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards adopted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board under Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794d), as amended. The federal Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards can be found at: xxxx://

  • COUNTY’S QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN The County or its agent will evaluate the Contractor’s performance under this Contract on not less than an annual basis. Such evaluation will include assessing the Contractor’s compliance with all Contract terms and conditions and performance standards. Contractor deficiencies which the County determines are severe or continuing and that may place performance of the Contract in jeopardy if not corrected will be reported to the Board of Supervisors. The report will include improvement/corrective action measures taken by the County and the Contractor. If improvement does not occur consistent with the corrective action measures, the County may terminate this Contract or impose other penalties as specified in this Contract.

  • Research Independence The Company acknowledges that each Underwriter’s research analysts and research departments, if any, are required to be independent from their respective investment banking divisions and are subject to certain regulations and internal policies, and that such Underwriter’s research analysts may hold and make statements or investment recommendations and/or publish research reports with respect to the Company and/or the offering that differ from the views of its investment bankers. The Company hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims that the Company may have against such Underwriter with respect to any conflict of interest that may arise from the fact that the views expressed by their independent research analysts and research departments may be different from or inconsistent with the views or advice communicated to the Company by such Underwriter’s investment banking divisions. The Company acknowledges that the Representative is a full service securities firm and as such from time to time, subject to applicable securities laws, may effect transactions for its own account or the account of its customers and hold long or short position in debt or equity securities of the Company.

  • MANAGEMENT OF EVALUATION OUTCOMES 12.1 Where the Employer is, any time during the Employee’s employment, not satisfied with the Employee’s performance with respect to any matter dealt with in this Agreement, the Employer will give notice to the Employee to attend a meeting; 12.2 The Employee will have the opportunity at the meeting to satisfy the Employer of the measures being taken to ensure that his performance becomes satisfactory and any programme, including any dates, for implementing these measures; 12.3 Where there is a dispute or difference as to the performance of the Employee under this Agreement, the Parties will confer with a view to resolving the dispute or difference; and 12.4 In the case of unacceptable performance, the Employer shall – 12.4.1 Provide systematic remedial or developmental support to assist the Employee to improve his performance; and 12.4.2 After appropriate performance counselling and having provided the necessary guidance and/or support as well as reasonable time for improvement in performance, the Employer may consider steps to terminate the contract of employment of the Employee on grounds of unfitness or incapacity to carry out his or her duties.

  • Human and Financial Resources to Implement Safeguards Requirements The Borrower shall make available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully implement the EMP and the RP.

  • Cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection 1. The aims of cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection will be, but not limited to, as follows: (a) establishing bilateral cooperation relations in the forestry sector; (b) developing a training program and studies for sustainable management of forests; (c) improving the rehabilitation and sustainable management of forest with the aim of increasing carbon sinks and reduce the impact of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region; (d) cooperating on the execution of national projects, aimed at: improving the management of forest plantations for its transformation for industrial purposes and environmental protection; (e) elaborating studies on sustainable use of timber; (f) developing new technologies for the transformation and processing of timber and non-timber species; and (g) improving cooperation in agro-forestry technologies. 2. To achieve the objectives of the Article 149 (Objectives), the Parties may focus, as a means of cooperation and negotiations on concluding a bilateral agreement on forestry cooperation between the two Parties. Such collaboration will be as follows: (a) exchanges on science and technology as well as policies and laws relating the sustainable use of forest resources; (b) cooperation in training programs, internships, exchange of experts and projects advisory; (c) advice and technical assistance to public institutions and organizations of the Parties on sustainable use of forest resources and environmental protection; (d) facilitating forest policy dialogue and technical cooperation under the Network of Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Rehabilitation in Asia- Pacific Region, initiated at the 15th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting; (e) encouraging joint studies, working visits, exchange of experiences, among others; and (f) others activities mutually agreed.

  • Health and Safety Plan Consultant shall prepare and submit a Health and Safety Plan (“HASP”) for the portion of Consultant’s work that will involve field work, assessments, or investigations of certain Project elements. The HASP shall describe how Consultant plans to complete field work, assessments, and/or investigations at the RWF. Consultant’s HASP must comply with the CIP HASP and shall be updated as new conditions are encountered.