Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting. The District shall ensure that all classrooms, restrooms, workspaces are cleaned and disinfected daily, including but not limited to desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant necessary, as recommended by federal, state, and/or local health officials.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting. The District shall ensure that all classrooms, common spaces, restrooms, hallways, and workspaces are cleaned and disinfected at least according to the District COVID-enhanced cleaning schedule (Cleaning Schedule) daily, between class sessions, and between cohorts including but not limited to desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant necessary, as recommended by federal, state, and/or local health officials.
a. Within each stable group where students move to another class and teacher, a passing period will be allocated with enough time for high touch (e.g. student desk, faucet) surfaces to be cleaned. These high touch surfaces may be cleaned by staff and/or students as a part of their Routine Hygiene Practice each day, but these routines shall not replace daily cleaning and disinfecting.
b. Sufficient cleaning supplies for the routine hygiene practice shall be provided to each classroom.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting. The District shall ensure that all classrooms, common spaces, restrooms, hallways, and workspaces are cleaned and disinfected at least according to the District COVID-enhanced cleaning schedule (Cleaning Schedule) daily, including but not limited to desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant necessary, as recommended by federal, state, and/or local health officials.
a. These high touch surfaces may be cleaned by staff as a part of their Routine Hygiene Practice each day, but these routines shall not replace daily cleaning and disinfecting
b. Sufficient cleaning supplies for the routine hygiene practice shall be provided to each classroom and work location.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting. The District shall ensure that all classroom spaces, restrooms, common spaces, and workspaces are cleaned and disinfected daily, including but not limited to desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant necessary, as recommended by federal, state, and/or local health officials. Daily cleaning and disinfecting shall be done by trained custodial personnel. Certificated unit members shall not be required to perform daily cleaning and disinfecting that falls outside the scope of the normal duties in our bargaining unit.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting. 13.1. The District shall adhere to the “Environmental Safety Precautions” and ensure that all classroom spaces, restrooms, common spaces, and workspaces are cleaned and disinfected daily, including but not limited to desks, tables, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant necessary, as recommended by federal, state, and/or local health officials.
13.2. Disinfecting products, medically effective hand sanitizer will be provided and regularly restocked in each classroom/workspace.
13.3. Hand sanitizer stations shall be provided at various locations on a school campus.
13.4. Unit Members shall limit shared materials and supplies, especially if they are unable to be sanitized between use.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting a. The District shall ensure that all classroom spaces, restrooms, common spaces, and workspaces are cleaned and disinfected daily, including but not limited to desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant necessary, as recommended by federal, state, and/or local health officials.
b. Daily cleaning and disinfecting as described in Section 3.32 shall be done primarily by trained custodial personnel. Certificated unit members may be required to perform cleaning and disinfecting (e.g. workstation disinfecting during passing periods, student movement within the classroom). Classrooms will be cleaned by trained custodial personnel each school day.
c. If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, the District will disinfect the classrooms for which the positive cohort was present.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting. The District shall ensure that all classrooms, restrooms, and workspaces are cleaned and disinfected daily according to the most current guidelines of the CDE and CDPH. An expectation list will be provided to all members identifying the nightly cleaning procedures.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting a. The District shall ensure that all classrooms, common spaces, restrooms, hallways, and workspaces are cleaned and disinfected at least according to the District COVID-enhanced cleaning schedule (Cleaning Schedule) daily, between class sessions, and between cohorts including but not limited to desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant necessary, as recommended by federal, state, and/or local health officials.
b. Signage shall be visible for students, employees, and visitors on best practices for handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer. Students and employees will be provided education on this topic.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting. The District shall ensure that all classrooms, restrooms, and workspaces are cleaned and disinfected daily, including but not limited to desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant available. The district shall source cleaning supplies based on guidelines from the Center for Disease Control. District employees will be provided with all necessary equipment and supplies to perform these responsibilities. The District shall ensure all HVAC systems operate on the mode which delivers the most fresh air changes per hour, including disabling demand-controlled ventilation, and open outdoor air dampers to 100% as indoor and outdoor conditions safely permit. Air filters shall be MERV-13 or higher and changed at the recommended intervals. Spaces without adequate central HVAC shall be equipped with low noise HEPA air filters with a large enough capacity and flow rate for the square footage of the room. Classroom space: The District shall ensure minimum physical distancing of six (6) feet between student workspaces, between educator and student workspaces, and between employee workspaces. Where this is not practical based on available space, classrooms will be set up to maximize space between students but at no time will staff or students be required to work in a space where there is 6 feet apart or less feet between them. Student lunch: If the District and Union mutually agree that students stay in classrooms for lunch, the District shall compensate supervising educators for the assignment at their hourly rate of pay. Educators are still entitled to duty-free lunch per Article XII Section 1 of the Master Agreement.
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting. The District shall ensure all classrooms, restrooms, and workspaces are disinfected daily by trained staff, including but not limited to desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and other high touch fixtures, using the safest and most effective disinfectant necessary, with products recommended by health officials.
i. Unit members shall be provided with spray disinfectant to quickly spray high use classroom areas such as desks, doorknobs, light switches, faucets, etc. at the end of each day; however, unit members are not responsible for cleaning and disinfecting.
ii. All parties shall avoid equipment and materials sharing whenever possible if feasible. Students shall be provided individual equipment and materials whenever possible.