DAYS AND HOURS. A. The Board retains the right to schedule its employees, however, the Board shall schedule consecutive hours during the employee’s work day, with the exception of bus operators and monitors, who may have two one-half day shifts several hours apart.
1. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 June 30.
2. If the work schedule at a given worksite(s) or within a given classification of employees will be changed by more than two hours per day, employees shall be notified at least 30 calendar days in advance. If the change will affect only a part of the work force, volunteers shall be sought to the extent feasible. In the absence of volunteers, the least senior employees shall make the schedule change.
3. The Board shall provide a five-day notice of any other change in the workday starting and ending times. If requested, a reason shall be provided as to why a schedule change is required.
4. To accommodate a school or civic function held outside the regular workday, an employee shall be provided at least a two-duty day notice.
5. In cases of emergency or other unanticipated circumstances requiring a temporary schedule change, the supervisor shall notify the employee as soon as feasible.
6. When changes in existing programs or the addition of new ones occur, the number of hours an employee works per day may be varied, subject to the provisions of Article X Section E.
DAYS AND HOURS. 24.1 The number of working days required of Unit Members employed for a traditional school year shall not exceed one hundred eighty-four (184) days per school year of one hundred and eighty (180) days shall be designated as instructional days (i.e. student attendance days for ADA purposes). Additional days are possible upon mutual agreement of the Employer and the Unit Members. Unit Members shall be compensated for working days that are in excess of one hundred and eighty-four (184) at the Unit Member's regular rate of pay.
(a) Two (2) non-instructional teacher preparation days shall be included in the total number of working days required by the Employer. These days are to be utilized by the Unit Member for the purpose of program/classroom preparation. During these two (2) days, the Unit Members program administrators may require that up to four (4) hours be used for program orientation/in-service. An agenda will be provided to the Unit Members forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If the JFK program administrator finds it necessary to provide orientation/in-service for para educators, the orientation/in-service shall be conducted concurrently with teaching staff.
(b) Two (2) non-instructional Professional Development days shall be included in the total number of working days required by the Employer.
24.3 The Employer may grant in-service days as deemed necessary, and the Unit Member shall be paid per diem for such days. Required training (e.g., child abuse reporting, blood borne pathogens, keeping and giving medications, and confidentiality) shall be provided throughout the year at regular staff meetings.
24.4 Unit Members shall be entitled to one (1) conference day annually at the Unit Member’s discretion with the Employer’s input and approval. This day will be a paid workday and may be spent outside Stanislaus County. Costs for such Employer approved conferences shall be reimbursed up to a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500) per conference day according to the Employer’s Administrative travel policy. If a Unit Member’s proposal exceeds the allotted amount the travel authorization shall be reviewed by a Cabinet level administrator to be considered for approval.
24.4.1 Unit Members may elect to accrue up to three (3) paid conference days in the following manner: If a Unit Member elects not to use his/her annual paid conference day in a given year, he/she may use up to two
DAYS AND HOURS. A. Workday Employees may only work overtime with prior approval from their supervisor. All full day employees will be required to work an eight-hour day. In the event the Board declares a four-day work week for all or part of the workforce, the workday shall consist of ten (10) hours including two fifteen-minute breaks and a 30-minute unpaid lunch. In addition, employees may request a four-day work week. Management will endeavor to respond within ten (10) workdays. The grant of such a request is within the sole discretion of management.
B. Work Week The work week shall consist of no more than five (5) days of work.
DAYS AND HOURS. 6.1.1 You are required to work: [insert details of days and hours of work – note that this clause may include a roster if relevant].
6.1.2 [include only if term time only employee]
DAYS AND HOURS. A. Student Attendance Days
1. No later than May of each fiscal year, the School Board will determine the opening date of school and the 180 pupil attendance days for the traditional calendar which would provide approved calendars one year in advance of the current school year. In planning the 180-day student calendar consideration will be given to the following priorities when feasible.
a. A teacher workday at the end of every 9-week period
b. The Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving as a non-attendance day
c. A winter vacation of at least two weeks duration
d. A spring vacation of one week in duration
e. The Federal holidays, i.e., Labor Day, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. Day, President’s Day, and Memorial Day.
2. Prior to such determination the Association shall have the opportunity to participate in any district committee set up for the purpose of preparing the traditional school calendar. The Association may present its recommendations of student attendance days at the Board meeting at which the calendars are presented.
3. Negotiations on the remainder of the calendar shall begin at the earliest mutually agreed upon time following the Board's determination of student attendance days.
B.1. The Board and the Association will establish within the school calendar a minimum of two (2) days to be used as pupil/teacher make-up days in the event it becomes necessary to close school due to emergencies resulting from, but not limited to the following: acts of God; energy crisis; civil disorders; or, other unforeseen emergencies.
DAYS AND HOURS. A. Student Attendance Days
1. No later than May of each fiscal year, the School Board will determine the opening date of school and the 180 actual teaching days as prescribed by section 1011.60(2) F.S., or equivalent on an hourly basis as specified by rules of the State Board of Education each school year for the traditional calendar which would provide approved calendars one year in advance of the current school year. In planning the student calendar consideration will be given to the following priorities when feasible.
a. A teacher workday at the end of every 9-week period
b. The Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving as a non-attendance day
c. A winter vacation of at least two weeks duration
d. A spring vacation of one week in duration
e. The Federal holidays, i.e., Labor Day, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. Day, President’s Day, and Memorial Day.
2. Prior to such determination the Association shall have the opportunity to participate in any district committee set up for the purpose of preparing the traditional school calendar. The Association may present its recommendations of student attendance days at the Board meeting at which the calendars are presented.
3. Negotiations on the remainder of the calendar shall begin at the earliest mutually agreed upon time following the Board's determination of student attendance days.
B.1. The Board and the Association will establish within the school calendar a minimum of two (2) days to be used as pupil/teacher make-up days in the event it becomes necessary to close school due to emergencies resulting from, but not limited to the following: acts of God; energy crisis; civil disorders; or, other unforeseen emergencies.
DAYS AND HOURS. SECTION 1: LUNCH/BREAK PERIOD Employees will receive a ten minute break with each four hours worked. These breaks will be considered hours worked, and therefore will be paid time for the employees. In the event the board declares a four day work week for all or part of the workforce, the workday for full time employees (40 hours) shall consist of ten hours, including a fifteen minute break with each five hours worked and a 30 minute unpaid lunch break. Employees who work six hours or more, but less than eight hours will be provided a 45 minute lunch break. Employees who work eight hours will be provided a 60 minute lunch break. Lunch breaks shall not be considered hours worked, and therefore will not be paid time. With the agreement of the worksite administrator, these lunch breaks may be reduced or waived. The work site administrator shall determine the scheduling of lunch breaks and rest breaks. Immediate supervisors shall establish the service needs of their buildings/departments. The immediate supervisor shall, keeping the service needs of the building/department as the primary consideration, give consideration to suggestions from employees regarding flexible scheduling of the lunch break. Suggestions may include the time the lunch is taken as well as the length of the lunch break. The immediate supervisor shall, if requested, meet with the staff to discuss the suggestions. The employer recognizes the uniformity between departments, schools, etc., is not required, that each department/school may have unique needs in regard to coverage, which may result in different solutions.
DAYS AND HOURS. Section 1. The beginning and ending of the regular workday (Monday – Friday) may be varied to meet individual work center needs.
Section 2. The regular lunch period for each member of the Bargaining Unit shall be no less than thirty (30) minutes in each workday, which shall be duty-free. In work centers where the program will not permit duty-free lunch the employees' workday as stated above shall be reduced by the amount of time the lunch period is not duty free. Employees may take a rest period of not more than fifteen (15) minutes for each half-day of work at times authorized by the employer. The rest period is intended to be a recess to be preceded and followed by an extended work period; thus, it may not be used to cover an employee’s late arrival to work or early departure, nor may it be regarded as accumulative if not taken.
DAYS AND HOURS. Section 1. The beginning and ending of the regular workday may be varied to meet individual work center needs.
Section 2. The regular lunch period for each member of the Bargaining Unit shall be no less than thirty (30) minutes in each workday, which shall be duty-free except in work centers where the program will not permit duty- free lunch or except in cases of emergency, the employee’s workday shall be reduced by the amount of time that is not duty-free. During student non-attendance days where lunch is not available for sale by the Food Service Department, the lunch period shall be sixty (60) minutes. The work center head may designate a thirty (30) minute lunch period at his/her discretion, providing all bargaining unit members in that work center are required to adhere to the decision. Such decision shall be non-grievable.
Section 3. All employees shall be employed for the days and hours specified in Appendix D, exclusive of lunch, for the days as set forth in the adopted school calendar.
Section 4. Employees may take a rest period of not more than fifteen (15) minutes for each half day of work at times authorized by the employer. The rest period is intended to be a recess to be preceded and followed by an extended work period; thus, it may not be used to cover an employee’s late arrival to work or early departure, nor may it be regarded as accumulative if not taken.
DAYS AND HOURS. When a position is vacated or is newly created, the administration may adjust the days and hours to meet the needs of the District. If the job requirements or workload changes in an existing position the administration may adjust the days and hours by mutual agreement with the employee. (Department designations are placed in this article for information purposes only.)