Daily Operation. Supervision of the PPB Officers assigned to the Clean & Safe Program will be provided by a PPB Sergeant designated by the Commander of Central Precinct. The Clean & Safe Director may provide input and identify concerns to the PPB Officers assigned to the overall Clean & Safe Program through periodic communications or meetings. Other details regarding the exact number of officers and daily operations will be agreed to annually and are set forth in Exhibit A, which is incorporated by this reference.
Daily Operation. During the Term of this Agreement, during Marina operating hours and times, Concessionaire shall schedule its Services from days of the week , times of the day a.m. to
Daily Operation. 6.1. , 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. .
Daily Operation. The goal of this task is to integrate scheduling seamlessly with both manual and automated irrigation systems. It is challenging for any farm crew to exactly irrigate a number of hours due to other field activities but it is critical that the pumps are shut-off between 5 pm and 8 pm (or based on the applicable electric utility rate schedule) to reliably reduce the power load during periods of high strain on the grid in the summer. • Update the workflow of irrigation using existing CropMonitor product based on growers’ feedback and update the User Interface. • Select and integrate a second vendor for automation systems beyond the existing vendor that was part of the previous EPIC project EPC-16-051. • Integrate daily alerts into the platform to facilitate the implementation of the program. Reminders will be included via software (automatic control), local timers (automatic shutoffs) and via stickers at the pumps in English and Spanish (manual control). • Prepare Daily Operation Report to summarize the activities and findings of this task as it relates to maintaining off-peak irrigation. • Daily Operation Report (draft and final)
Daily Operation. The SVRP, the CSIP, SRDF and New Source Water Diversion Facilities will be in operation and will supply water to WRA on a daily basis as described in Exhibit B “Operation and Maintenance of SVRP, CSIP, SRDF, and New Source Water Facilities”, except for temporary periods of shut-down authorized by this Water Recycling Agreement or made necessary by circumstances beyond the control of PCA.
Daily Operation. SFA will: (i) supervise and retain control of the daily operation of the food service establishment described in the Permanent Agreement; (ii) retain control of the quality, extent, and general nature of the food service operation; (iii) establish all prices to be charged to children for meals and snacks, e.g., pricing for reimbursable meals, a la carte sales including vending machines, and adult/non-program meals.
Daily Operation. Person responsible for the daily operation of the senior center on behalf of the Contract is: Name: Address: Phone: ( ) -
Daily Operation. Where spare travel is diagrammed in this way, the employee may elect to return home spare. In such cases, the employee will advise the Company no later than sign on, and the Company will then arrange the employee’s return.
Daily Operation. During the Term of this Agreement, during Marina operating hours and times, Concessionaire shall schedule its Services from Monday through Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., except that such daily hours shall not apply to private charters, which may occur at any time. The length of the daily services also may be longer or shorter depending on weather conditions, at Concessionaire’s discretion, and reservations may be taken at various hours outside these daily hours of operations so long as the Marina is open and operating. Concessionaire shall be available by phone at all other times to accommodate Concessionaire’s customers and shall make such phone number available to the Marina Director.
Daily Operation. Customer shall operate the SC50ies in accordance with the additional terms and conditions outlined in Exhibit F and any additional operation guidelines, manuals and instructions provided by Contractor.