DATA COLLECTION & AT-SEA MONITORS. The Service Provider must ensure that 10 all At-Sea Monitors are trained and equipped in accordance with NEFSC/NMFS 11 standards. At-Sea Monitors (“ASM”) primary responsibility is to collect accurate 12 actual weights on the discard portion of the catch, as well as accounting for all 13 catch (kept and discarded) on each tow/haul. Data collected by the ASM will be 14 used to quantify the discards that occur on that trip. This data will also be used to 15 estimate the discards that occur by sector vessel trips that were not selected to 16 take an ASM. The ASM will be responsible for describing various aspects of the 17 gear(s) and recording the catch compensation and corresponding weights on a 18 haul by haul basis. The specific data fields to be observed and methods used to 19 collect the data are detailed in the training and published in an At-Sea Monitoring 20 Manual by NMFS. Any additional data collection requests or procedures not 21 directly related to the purpose of this program i.e. catch verification and discard
DATA COLLECTION & AT-SEA MONITORS. The Service Provider must ensure that all At‐Sea 15 Monitors are trained and equipped in accordance with NEFSC/NMFS standards. At‐Sea 16 Monitors (“ASM”) primary responsibility is to collect accurate actual weights on the 17 discard portion of the catch, as well as accounting for all catch (kept and discarded) on 18 each tow/haul. Data collected by the ASM will be used to quantify the discards that occur 19 on that trip. This data will also be used to estimate the discards that occur by sector vessel 20 trips that were not selected to take an ASM. The ASM will be responsible for describing 21 various aspects of the gear(s) and recording the catch composition and corresponding 22 weights on a haul by haul basis. The specific data fields to be observed and methods 23 used to collect the data are detailed in the training and published in an At‐Sea Monitoring 24 Manual by NMFS. Any additional data collection requests or procedures not directly 25 related to the purpose of this program i.e. catch verification and discard information must 26 be agreed upon by the Sector and the Provider(s) prior to implementation. All data must 27 be reported electronically in a standard acceptable form from the At‐Sea Monitor to the 28 Sector and NMFS within 48 hours of completion of the trip. The Sector notes that for FY 29 2015, NMFS via the NEFSC will be reviewing data submitted by ASM for quality assurance 30 and will be computing and producing both the assumed discard rates and observed 31 discard data for the Sector to use in its reports as accessible on XXXXx. In addition to the 32 specific data fields and data collection methods specified by the NMFS at‐Sea Monitoring 33 Manual and training; the Sector may from time to time working with their contracted 34 Service Provider request additional data be collected, which would be approved by NMFS 35 as required. This data if collected will be transmitted to the Sector within 48 hours upon 36 completion of the trip in a manner agreed upon between the Sector and their Service 37 Provider. 38
DATA COLLECTION & AT-SEA MONITORS. The Service Provider must ensure that 15 all At‐Sea Monitors are trained and equipped in accordance with NEFSC/NMFS
DATA COLLECTION & AT-SEA MONITORS. The Service Provider must ensure that all 19 At‐Sea Monitors are trained and equipped in accordance with NEFSC/NMFS 20 standards. At‐Sea Monitors (“ASM”) primary responsibility is to collect accurate 21 actual weights on the discard portion of the catch, as well as accounting for all catch 22 (kept and discarded) on each tow/haul. Data collected by the ASM will be used to 23 quantify the discards that occur on that trip. This data will also be used to estimate 24 the discards that occur by sector vessel trips that were not selected to take an ASM.
DATA COLLECTION & AT-SEA MONITORS. The Service Provider must ensure that all At-Sea Monitors are trained and equipped in accordance with NEFSC/NMFS standards. At-Sea Monitors (“ASM”) primary responsibility is to collect accurate actual weights on the discard portion of the catch, as well as accounting for all catch (kept and discarded) on each tow/haul. Data collected by the ASM will be used to quantify the discards that occur on that trip. This data will also be used to estimate the discards that occur by sector vessel trips that were not selected to take an ASM. The ASM will be responsible for describing various aspects of the gear(s) and recording the catch compensation and corresponding weights on a haul by haul basis. The specific data fields to be observed and methods used to collect the data are detailed in the training and published in an At-Sea Monitoring Manual by NMFS. Any additional data collection requests or procedures not directly related to the purpose of this program i.e. catch verification and discard information must be agreed upon by the Sector and the Provider(s) prior to implementation. All data must be reported electronically in a standard acceptable form from the At-Sea Monitor to the Sector and NMFS within 48 hours of completion of the trip. The Sector notes that for FY 2013, NMFS via the NEFSC will be reviewing data submitted by ASM for quality assurance


  • Data Collection The grant recipient will be required to provide performance data reports on a schedule delineated within Section A of this contract, Specific Terms and Conditions.

  • Data Collection and Reporting 1. Grantee shall develop and use a local reporting unit that will provide an assigned Hospital location for all clients served within the Hospital. This information shall also be entered into Client Assignment and Registration (CARE) when reporting on beds utilized at the Hospital. 2. Grantee shall budget and report expenditure data on the CARE Report III, incorporated by reference and posted at: xxxxx:// portals/behavioral-health-services-providers/behavioral-health-provider- resources/community-mental-health-contracts, within the Community Hospital strategy C.2.1.1 using line 764 - Project Private Beds. 3. Grantee shall ensure that patient registration, diagnostics, admission and discharge data is reported by using the CARE screens and action codes listed below: a. Screen: Campus-Based Assignments (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code: 305; b. Screen: Campus-Based Discharge/Community Placement (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code: 310; c. Screen: Joint Community Support Plan (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code: 312; d. Screen: Register Client, Action Code: 325; e. Screen: Diagnostics (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code: 330; f. Screen: Voluntary Admission and Commitment (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code 332; g. Screen: Campus-Based Residential Xxxx/Dorm (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code 615; and h. Screen: MH Bed Allocation Exception (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code 345. 4. For details related to the use of these screens and action codes, Grantee can refer to the CARE Reference Manual which can be found under the CARE (WebCARE) section on the portal at: xxxxx:// nce%20Manual.htm

  • Income Collection, Transaction Processing, Account Administration of a basis point per annum on the average net assets of the Fund.

  • Data Loss Prevention DST shall implement a data leakage program that is designed to identify, detect, monitor and document Fund Data leaving DST’s control without authorization in place.