December 2027 Sample Clauses
December 2027. The Property
December 2027. The Partnership Agreement shall be prepared in accordance with the code of conduct established by the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 240/2014. When a Member State already provides for a comprehensive partnership during the preparation of its programmes, this requirement is considered to be complied with.
December 2027. The Commission shall draw up a report in respect of the delegation of power not later than nine months before the end of the 7- year period. The delegation of power shall be tacitly extended for periods of an identical duration, unless the European Parliament or the Council opposes such extension not later than three months before the end of each period.
December 2027. Interest payment: The interest on the outstanding amount will be accrued from 1 January 2023, and will be payable in three installments on 31 December 2025, 2026 and 2027, at the prevailing benchmark rate for three-year RMB fixed deposit published by the China Construction Bank in PRC from time to time. Other terms and conditions: The performance of the IEC Supplemental Termination Agreement is conditional upon the approval by the Independent Shareholders at the 2023 EGM. Save as modified by the IEC Supplemental Termination Agreement, all other terms and conditions of the IEC Termination Agreement shall remain unchanged and continue in full force and effect. Governing law: The laws of the PRC. Having considered the recent trends of the real property market in the PRC and the current situation that the uncompleted IEC Project could not be disposed by SRF at acceptable prices, the Directors are of the view the that an extension of the repayment period for the outstanding amount of RMB347.4 million (equivalent to HK$388.9 million) would be the most commercially viable option available to the Group. The Directors do not consider that any court proceedings that may be initiated by Shirble Management Consultant against SRF in the PRC would be helpful to the Group to recover the amount due from SRF as the IEC Project has yet to be completed and that the Group is only one of the unsecured creditors of SRF. All the equity interests of SRF have been pledged to a financial institution as the collateral for its bank financing. Any court proceedings would also adversely affect the business of SRF and the construction progress of the IEC Project, trigger further claims from its other creditors and would probably require the Group to make provision for doubtful debt on the entire outstanding amount of RMB 347.4 million (equivalent to HK$388.9 million) due from SRF. In such case, the recovery of the amount due, if any, would require a long period of time and involve a high degree of uncertainty. Taking into consideration the above, the Board (other than the independent non-executive Directors who will render their view after considering the advice to be given by the Independent Financial Adviser) is of the view that the entering into the IEC Supplemental Termination Agreement is fair and reasonable and in the interest of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.
December 2027. The duration of the programme is aligned to the duration of the MFF.
December 2027. The duration of the Instrument is aligned to the duration of the multiannual financial framework.
December 2027. The parties to this deed agree that the termination of this deed will not prevent the enforcement of the terms of this deed in relation to its period of operation.
December 2027. For all the reasons stated above, the Contracting Parties execute this Amendment. The project National Centre for Information Support of Research, Development and Innovation with the identification 1/4 code MS2101 is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
December 2027. The Serra Húnter Programme is a programme of academic excellence that aims to promote the hiring of highly qualified teaching and research staff with merits comparable to international standards at the Catalan public universities belonging to the SHP.
December 2027. The Agreement Term regarding various Licensed Materials and Participating Institutions is limited by their Subscription Periods, as described below. The previous sentence does not apply and the following provisions of the Agreement remain valid and effective for all Licensed Materials and the entire duration of the Agreement Term (or longer, if such provision are to survive the termination of this Agreement) irrespective of the Subscription Periods: