DETAILS OF WORK Sample Clauses

DETAILS OF WORK. Sl No. Bid No. Name of Work Approximate Bid Value of Work in Rs. Xxxxxxx Money in Rs. Time of Completion 1 04/JAL ADMIP/LI(Sol ar)/W/2019- 20 Construction & installation of Solar power Operated 2 Nos. LI [ 1 nos cluster] & 3 Nos. LI [ 1 nos cluster]including supply of all materials A. Cluster of 02 no’s PLI SOLAR at Mouza- Barodighi Xxxxx, X.X.No-23, Plot No (153) , (174), (744), (969) under Matiali Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. B. Cluster of 03 no’s RLI SOLAR at Mouza- Ramsai (Barohati), X.X.No-9, Plot No (1539) under Maynaguri Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. 5191976.00 (Rupees Fifty One Lakh Ninety One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy Six Only) 103840.00 (Rupees One LakhThree Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Only) 90 (Ninety) Days from date of issued work order 2) TIME SCHEDULE FOR SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF TENDER DOCUMENTS.
DETAILS OF WORK. ‌ RISL intends to enter into a rate contract for One year with the bidder to procure MS-Exchange 2013 Enterprise Edition Server Licenses and Device based CALs including/ without support services for extending the access of the cited Microsoft product to various government employees of the state for which the approx. current requirement is as under: - a. MS-Exchange Server 2013 Enterprise Edition Server Licenses including/ without support services–3 Nos. approx.. b. MS-Exchange Server 2013 Standard Device Client Access Licenses including/ without support services– 40,000 Nos. approx.. The rate contract shall remain in force for a period of One year (from the date of agreement) and Work Order(s) may be placed up to the last date of the rate contract.
DETAILS OF WORK. Sl No. Bid No. Name of Work Approximate Bid Value of Work in Rs. Xxxxxxx Money in Rs. Time of Completio n 1 01/ WBADMIP/ DPMU Jalpaiguri /TW (Solar)/W/201 9-20/Group 1 Construction & installation of Solar power Operated 16 Nos. Tube Well [ 4 nos cluster] including supply of all materials A. Cluster of 05 no’s TW SOLAR at Mouza- Chapadanga IV, X.X.No-96, Plot No- (704), (606), (617), (552), (552) under Mal Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. B. Cluster of 05 no’s TW SOLAR at Mouza- Uttar Jhar Matiali , X.X.No-123, Plot No- (2220/2281), (2229/2231), (2131), (2191/2243), (2530) under Mal Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. 18637492.00 (Rs. One Crore Eighty Six Lakhs Thirty Seven Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Two Only) 372750.00 (Rs. Three Lakh Seventy Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Only) 120 Days (One Hundred Twenty) Days from date of issued work order C. Cluster of 04 no’s TW SOLAR at Mouza- Paschim Dolaigaon I, X.X.No-70, Plot No- (1063), (325), (1072), (1138) under Mal Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. D. Cluster of 06 no’s TW SOLAR at Mouza- Uttar Khalpara III, X.X.No-86, Plot No- (238/448), (517), (416), (419), (333), (737) under Mal Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. 02/ WBADMIP/ DPMU Jalpaiguri /TW (Solar)/W/201 9-20/Group 2 Construction & installation of Solar power Operated 17 Nos. Tube Well [ 4 nos cluster] including supply of all materials A. Cluster of 06 no’s TW SOLAR at Mouza- Uttar Khalpara VI, X.X.No-86, Plot No- (776), (206), (2516), (591), (605), (594) under Mal Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. 17720653.00 (Rs. One Crore Seventy Seven Lakh Twenty Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Three Only) 354413.00 (Rs. Three Lakh Fifty Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirteen Only) 120 Days (One Hundred Twenty) Days from date of issued work order 2 B. Cluster of 04 no’s TW SOLAR at Mouza- Uttar Khalpara IV, X.X.No-86, Plot No- (420), (420), (427), (576) under Mal Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. C. Cluster of 04 no’s TW SOLAR at Mouza- Uttar Khalpara V, X.X.No-86, Plot No- (435), (437), (436), (483) under Mal Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal under WBADMI Project. D. Cluster of 05 no’s TW SOLAR at Mouza- Kodalkati I, X.X.No-77, Plot No- (292/2), (602/605), (472/474), (637), (594/3) under Mal Block in the district of Jalpaiguri, West Be...
DETAILS OF WORK. Sl. No Work Place of work 1 Material contact for the retaining wall construction of the drainage canal. Multispecies Aquaculture Complex(MAC), Vallarpadam, Cochin -682504
DETAILS OF WORK. Sl. No Description of work. Total No. of Man shifts required per Two years Wages fixed per Day per man shift including CMPF@12.72%+ Bonus @8.33%+ CMPS@7%+ Contractor’sProfit@10% (Rs) Total wages for 2 years (Rs) 1 Providing of 6 Nos. unskilled casual labour on contract basis for Maintenance of Canteen services at GDK.11 Incline for a period of Two (2) years under Unit Rate System 4380 (730 daysx6 persons) 598.58 26,21,780.40 Total wages for 2 years (Rs.) 26,21,780.40 Note: However, in the event of any change in minimum wages during the period of the operation of the contract, such increase/decrease will be reimbursed to the successful Agency/contractor, by SCCL.
DETAILS OF WORK a) <PWO> shall undertake the <Name of work > for Rs. <Approved cost in figures? <Approved cost in words> as Public Works Organization based on the preliminary estimates submitted by them and sanction conveyed by <Organisation> vide letter No…………….. dated……….. The estimate covers the provision of construction of <details of work approved>. The estimates have been prepared based on DPAR-2007 with up to date correction slips. <PWO> shall make on its own arrangement of water, electricity and obtain necessary permission for carrying the material by road where applicable from local Traffic Department. b) Built up area of the construction shall be as under :- <Detailed breakup to be given> - < > sqm
DETAILS OF WORKNAME OF WORK: - VÉÉ.Gò. +Ê´É /±Éä¶ÉÉ/ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ/ ÊnùxÉÉÆEò : Ê´É¹ÉªÉ : ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ |ÉʺÉvnù Eò®úhªÉɤÉɤÉiÉ. (E-Tendering) +ʱɤÉÉMÉ ºÉÉ.¤ÉÉÆ. ʴɦÉÉMÉ, +ʱɤÉÉMÉ nÚù®úv´ÉxÉÒ Gò¨ÉÉÆEò 222084
DETAILS OF WORK. Sl. No Work Place of work 1 Material contact on Repair and Renovation of hostel building. Multispecies Aquaculture Complex(MAC), Vallarpadam, Cochin -682504
DETAILS OF WORKTypical work components for the subprojects are expected to be (but are not limited to): a. sidewalk construction, b. accessibility improvements, c. markings, d. signage, e. signals,
DETAILS OF WORKNAME OF WORK: - As per page No 3 TENDER SCHEDULE DETAILED TENDER NOTICE NAME OF WORK: - From 11.00 Am on 25.04.2018 to 30.04.2018 upto 11.00 Am hours.