Casual Labour Sample Clauses

Casual Labour. 19.1.1 A casual employee is an employee employed on an occasional basis and whose work pattern is not regular and systematic. When a person is engaged for casual employment the employee will be informed in writing that the employee is to be employed as a casual, the job to be performed, the classification level, the actual or likely length of engagement including number of hours to be worked per week, and the relevant rate of pay. 19.1.2 A casual employee shall be entitled to all the applicable rates and conditions of employment prescribed in this Agreement except annual leave, personal leave, parental leave, jury service and public holidays. 19.1.3 On each occasion a casual employee is required to attend work the employee shall be entitled to payment for a minimum of four hours work plus the relevant fares and travel allowance. 19.1.4 A casual employee for working ordinary hours shall be paid 125 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the employees’ classification. 19.1.5 A casual employee required to work overtime or weekend shall be entitled to the relevant penalty rates prescribed in this Agreement provided that: Where the relevant penalty rate is time and a half the employee shall be paid 175 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the employee’s classification and where the relevant penalty rate is double time the employee shall be paid 225 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the employee's classification. 19.1.6 A casual employee required to work on a public holiday shall be paid 275 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the employee's classification. 19.1.7 Termination of all casual employment shall require one hours notice on either side or the payment or forfeiture of one hours pay, as the case may be.
Casual Labour. 3.1 The parties confirm their commitment to maintaining a high level of full-time employment and to use wherever practicable full-time permanent employment. 3.2 Casual employees shall be paid a 25% casual loading on their classification’s wage rate. The casual loading applies for all purposes. 3.3 Where the Company does engage a casual employee the Company shall provide the employee with a schedule of hours to be worked and likely period of engagement. 3.4 A casual employee shall not be entitled to any forms of paid leave or unpaid leave except for eligible casuals in the case of parental leave and Coinvest long service leave as provided for in this Agreement.
Casual Labour a) A casual Employee is an Employee employed on an occasional basis and whose work pattern is not regular and systematic. When a person is engaged for casual employment the Employee must be informed in writing that the Employee is to be employed as a casual, the job to be performed, the classification level, the actual or likely number of hours to be worked, and the relevant rate of pay. b) A casual Employee must be entitled to all the applicable rates and conditions of employment prescribed in this Agreement, including redundancy contributions except annual leave, personal leave, jury service, and public holidays on which no work is performed. A casual employee is entitled to unpaid bereavement leave, domestic violence leave and unpaid carer’s leave. c) On each occasion a casual Employee is required to attend work, the Employee must be entitled to payment for a minimum of eight (8) hours work plus allowances, the relevant fares, and travel allowance and daily rate of redundancy contribution in this Agreement. d) A casual Employee for working ordinary hours must be paid 135 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employees classification. e) A casual Employee required to work overtime or weekend work must be entitled to the relevant penalty rates prescribed in this Agreement provided that: (i) Where the relevant penalty rate is double time the Employee must be paid 235 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement Employee's classification. (ii) A casual Employee required to work on a public holiday must be paid 285 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employee's classification. f) Termination of all casual employment must require one hour’s notice on either side or the payment or forfeiture of one hour’s pay, as the case may be. g) A casual Employee, who has been engaged by the Company on a regular and systematic basis for a period in excess of six-weeks, thereafter, will have their contract of employment converted to permanent employment. Regular and systematic shall be defined as an average of 4 days or more, per week, over 6 weeks. h) Any Employee, who is entitled to be converted to permanent employment pursuant to this clause is entitled to be paid 180% of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employee’s classification from the first day of the seventh week of their employment.
Casual Labour. 14.1 A casual Employee is an Employee employed on an occasional basis and whose work pattern is not regular and systematic. However there is no limit to the number of engagements or length of time an Employee can be employed as a casual Employee. 14.2 A casual Employee shall be entitled to all the applicable rates and conditions of employment prescribed in this Agreement except for all paid leave ie; annual leave, personal leave, sick leave, parental leave etc, redundancy, jury service and public holidays. 14.3 Casual employment shall be by the hour and may be regular, irregular or scheduled, for minimum number of hours each week or for a full week/s. 14.4 A casual Employee for working ordinary hours shall be paid 125 percent of the ordinary hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employees' classification. 14.5 A casual Employee required to work overtime or weekend shall be entitled to the relevant penalty rates prescribed in this Agreement provided that: Where the relevant penalty rate is time and a half the Employee shall be paid 175 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employee's classification and where the relevant penalty rate is double time the Employee shall be paid 225 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employee's classification. 14.6 A casual Employee required to work on a public holiday shall be paid 275 percent of the hourly rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employee's classification. 14.7 Termination of all casual employment shall require one hours notice on either side or the payment or forfeiture of one hours pay, as the case may be.
Casual LabourCasual part-time employees will be paid only straight time rates except where total hours worked exceeds eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week.
Casual LabourA casual Employee is an Employee employed on an occasional basis and whose work pattern is not regular and systematic. When a person is engaged for casual employment the Employee will be informed in writing that the Employee is to be employed as a casual, the job to be performed, the classification level, the actual or likely number of hours to be worked, and the relevant rate of pay.
Casual Labour. 14.1 The minimum period of engagement for a casual employee is one working day. On each occasion a casual employee is required to attend work the employee shall be entitled to payment for a minimum of one day’s work. 14.2 Casual employees shall be paid a 25% casual loading on the wage rate of their classification set out in this agreement.
Casual LabourThe Employer agrees that no casual labour will be engaged for a period of three months after redundancies unless in exceptional circumstances and after appropriate consultation with the employees and/or their representative(s).
Casual LabourThe parties agree to the following conditions regarding casual employment: a) Casual labour will be entitled to the benefits of this Agreement. b) For the purpose of this Agreement, a casual employee is one who is engaged by the hour and receives a 25% loading on the hourly rate of pay in lieu of all paid leave provisions (except that service will count for long service leave purposes where eligible according to the relevant Act) and payment for Public Holidays. c) The above loading is in lieu of the prescribed Agreement conditions except annual leave, personal leave, parental leave, jury service, public holidays and redundancy as specified in the Agreement(s).
Casual Labour a) Casual labour shall be permitted to be employed in the following circumstances: i. Short term increase in demand ii. Absenteeism b) Casual labour shall be limited to the following positions: • General Labour c) If casual employee is employed by the company for more than twenty (20) work days he/she shall no longer be considered casual and shall apply for a full-time position pursuant to the collective agreement, his/her seniority shall date back to the day he/she commenced work as a casual worker and all provisions of the Collective Agreement apply. d) No position shall be filled by a casual employee, for a period greater than twenty (20) work days. e) Special projects, that may require casual employees, shall be by written mutual agreement.