Determent, Detection and Treatment Sample Clauses

Determent, Detection and Treatment. The City and Union also will work together to support the City programs, policies, and procedures currently implemented to deter, detect and treat the problems of alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace, provided that such programs are consistent with the law. Such policies, programs, and procedures include but are not limited to the City's Employee Assistance Program, Medical Standards, Drug and Alcohol Educational and Training Programs, Policy of Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal or Controlled Substances, Drug and Alcohol Screening for pre-­‐placement candidates, safety sensitive promotional candidates, employee renewal of Class "A" and "B" Driver's licenses, and reasonable suspicion of employees under the influence on work time.
Determent, Detection and TreatmentThe City and Association also agree to support and commit themselves to the support of all City programs, policies, and procedures currently implemented to deter, detect and treat the problems of alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace. Such policies, programs, and procedures include the City's Employee Assistance Program, Drug and Alcohol Educational and Training Programs, Policy of Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal or Controlled Substances, Drug Screening for pre-placement candidates, promotional candidates, employee renewal of Class A and B Motor Vehicle Licenses, and reasonable suspicion of employees' under the influence on work time, and medical standards.
Determent, Detection and Treatment. The City of Glendale and the Glendale Police Officers’ Association also will work together to support the City programs, policies, and procedures currently implemented to deter, detect and treat the problems of alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace, provided that such programs are consistent with the law. Such policies, programs, and procedures include the City's Employee Assistance Program, Medical Standards, Drug and Alcohol Educational and Training Programs, Policy of Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal or Controlled Substances, Drug Screening for pre-placement candidates, promotional candidates, employee renewal of Class "A" and "B" Drivers' Licenses, and reasonable suspicion of employees' under the influence on work time.
Determent, Detection and Treatment. The City and Association also will work together to support the City programs, policies, and procedures currently implemented to deter, detect and treat the problems of alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace, provided that such programs are consistent with the law. Such policies, programs, and procedures include but are not limited to the City's Employee Assistance Program, Medical Standards, Drug and Alcohol Educational and Training Programs, Policy of Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal or Controlled Substances, Drug Screening for pre‐placement candidates, safety sensitive promotional candidates, employee renewal of Class "A" and "B" Driver's licenses, and reasonable suspicion of employees under the influence on work time.

Related to Determent, Detection and Treatment

  • Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Supplier will scan its internal environments (e.g., servers, network devices, etc.) related to Deliverables monthly and external environments related to Deliverables weekly. Supplier will have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days.

  • Substance Abuse Treatment Information Substance abuse treatment information shall be maintained in compliance with 42 C.F.R. Part 2 if the Party or subcontractor(s) are Part 2 covered programs, or if substance abuse treatment information is received from a Part 2 covered program by the Party or subcontractor(s).

  • Accident Prevention Health and Safety Committee The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in the Hospital in order to prevent accidents, injury and illness. its responsibilities, under the applicable legislation, the Hospital agrees to accept as a member of its Accident Prevention - Health Safety Committee at least one representative selected or appointed by the Union from amongst bargaining unit employees. Such Committee shall identify potential dangers and hazards, institute means of improving health and safety programs and recommend actions to be taken to improve conditions related to safety and health. The Hospital agrees to co-operate providing necessary information to Committee to its functions. Meetings shall be held every second month or more frequently at the call of--the chair required. The Committee shall maintain minutes of all meetings and make the same available for review. Any representative appointed or selected in accordance with hereof shall serve for a term of one calendar year from the date of appointment, which may be renewed for further periods of one year. Time off for such representative(s) to attend meetings of the Acci- dent Prevention - Health & Safety Committee in accord- ance with the foregoing shall be granted and time so spent attending such meetings shall be deemed to be work time for which the representative(s) shall be paid by the Hospital at his regular or premium rate as may be applicable. The Union agrees to endeavour to obtain the full co-operation of its membership in the observation of all safety rules and practices. Pregnant employees may request to be transferred from their current duties if, in the professional opinion of the employee's physician, the pregnancy may be at risk. If such a transfer is not feasible, the pregnant employee, if she so requests, will be granted an unpaid leave of absence before commencement of the maternity leave referred to in Article Where the Hospital identifies high risk areas where employees are exposed to Hepatitis the Hospital will provide, at no cost to the employees, a Hepatitis B vaccine.

  • Procurement Planning Prior to the issuance of any invitations to bid for contracts, the proposed procurement plan for the Project shall be furnished to the Association for its review and approval, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 to the Guidelines. Procurement of all goods and works shall be undertaken in accordance with such procurement plan as shall have been approved by the Association, and with the provisions of said paragraph 1.

  • Substance Abuse Testing The Parties agree that it is in the best interest of all concerned to promote a safe working environment. The Union has no objection to pre-employment substance abuse testing when required by the Employer and further, the Union has no objection to voluntary substance abuse testing to qualify for employment on projects when required by a project owner. The cost and scheduling of such testing shall be paid for and arranged by the Employer. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for any failed pre-access Alcohol and Drug test costs.

  • Electrical appliance safety The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the premises and used there shall be safe, in good working order, and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. Where a residual circuit breaker is provided the hirer must make use of it in the interests of public safety.

  • Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Contractor understands that HHS does not tolerate any type of fraud, waste, or abuse. Violations of law, agency policies, or standards of ethical conduct will be investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 321.022, if the administrative head of a department or entity that is subject to audit by the state auditor has reasonable cause to believe that money received from the state by the department or entity or by a client or contractor of the department or entity may have been lost, misappropriated, or misused, or that other fraudulent or unlawful conduct has occurred in relation to the operation of the department or entity, the administrative head shall report the reason and basis for the belief to the Texas State Auditor’s Office (SAO). All employees or contractors who have reasonable cause to believe that fraud, waste, or abuse has occurred (including misconduct by any HHS employee, Grantee officer, agent, employee, or subcontractor that would constitute fraud, waste, or abuse) are required to immediately report the questioned activity to the Health and Human Services Commission's Office of Inspector General. Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and System Agency policies regarding fraud, waste, and abuse including, but not limited to, HHS Circular C-027. A report to the SAO must be made through one of the following avenues: ● SAO Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-TX-AUDIT ● SAO website: xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/ All reports made to the OIG must be made through one of the following avenues: ● OIG Toll Free Hotline 0-000-000-0000 ● OIG Website: ● Internal Affairs Email: XxxxxxxxXxxxxxxXxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx ● OIG Hotline Email: XXXXxxxxXxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx. ● OIG Mailing Address: Office of Inspector General Attn: Fraud Hotline MC 1300 P.O. Box 85200 Austin, Texas 78708-5200

  • Information Technology Accessibility Standards Any information technology related products or services purchased, used or maintained through this Grant must be compatible with the principles and goals contained in the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards adopted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board under Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794d), as amended. The federal Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards can be found at: xxxx://

  • Prescription Safety Glasses Prescription safety glasses will be furnished by the employer. The employer retains the authority to establish reasonable rules and procedures regarding frequency of issue, replacement of damaged glasses, limits on reimbursement costs and coordination with the employer's vision plan.

  • Random Drug Testing All employees covered by this Agreement shall be subject to random drug testing in accordance with Appendix D.