Device Software. You may be required to install software on your Devices (or update the software already installed on your Devices) to utilize certain features of the Sierra Platform. We may make this Device software available to you through the Sierra Platform or otherwise. Your rights to this Device software are limited to a non-exclusive right to install and execute this software on your Devices to support your use of the Devices and the Sierra Platform. You are responsible for (a) configuring the software in accordance with industry best practices and any instructions or bulletins we provide, and (b) promptly installing any security updates that we may make available. We will not be responsibility for any loss of security caused or contributed to by your failure to properly configure the software or install software security updates.
Device Software. PS Bluetooth I Software version 1.0 includes all the object files and APIs needed to support the use in Palm OS 4.1 of an add-on or built-in Bluetooth module. The software is localized for English, Japanese, and FIGS (French, Italian, German, and Spanish). PS Bluetooth I Software version 1.0 is delivered in two modules: (a) the standard Developer SDK and (b) the Licensee Supplement to the SDK:
(a) contains only header files, the upper layer APIs, sample applications, and documentation so developers can write applications for PS Bluetooth I Software version 1.0 as delivered in licensee products.
(b) contains the various language overlays, object code, sample source code for transport drivers, and the relevant lower-layer documentation for writing transport drivers. The transport driver is the only component that should need to be customized in licensee solutions.
Device Software. Except as otherwise provided, if Device Software is included with the Server Software, Microsoft grants a limited, nonexclusive, royalty-free license to make, use and install the Device Software on any number of Devices for use by others, provided that such use is solely in conjunction with the design, development. testing, and demonstration of Licensee Server Software.
Device Software. If you obtain a Product from us which contains Device Software, we grant to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except together with the sale of the Product on which the Device Software resides), right and license to use Device Software for your own business operations solely as part of the Product on which such Device Software resides. You will not remove Device Software from a Product. The terms of this Agreement and restrictions on use of the Device Software will be binding upon and apply to any subsequent purchaser of a Product.
Device Software. Lz77Lib.prc; WebBrowser.prc; WebBrowserPanel.prc
Device Software. You may be required to install software on your Devices (or update the software already installed on your Devices) to utilize certain features of the Sierra Platform. We may make this Device software available to you through the Sierra Platform or otherwise. Your rights to this Device software are limited to a non-exclusive right to install and execute this software on your Devices to support your use of the Devices and the Sierra Platform.
Device Software. This Agreement permits you to use the Software installed on the Device for personal or clinical Augmentative and Alternative Communications use. Such Software may only be used on a single Device.
Device Software. PS Bluetooth II Software includes Bluetooth Stack (BtStackLib.prc), Bluetooth Library (BtLib.prc), Bluetooth Exchange Library (BtExgLib.prc), Bluetooth Virtual Serial Driver (BtCommVdrv.prc), Bluetooth UI Components (BluetoothPnl.prc, ConnectionPnl.prc), Misc. Bluetooth components (BluetoothExt.prc, BtLibTest.prc, BtPiconet.prc), Palm SMS (SmsLib.prc, SmsMessenger.prc), Telephony (ATPhoneDriver.prc, Dial.prc, PhoneLib.prc, PhonePnl.prc, SerialPhoneTask.prc), Web Clipping(WebClippingPnl.prc, Clipper.prc), Stratega SDIO Slot Driver (SlotDrvrSDIO_xx.prc), and any other related components provided with the Hurricane Bluetooth Card and/or Tungsten T software as of the ARSLA Execution Date.
Device Software. Any firmware or other software installed on the Hardware (“Device Software”) is licensed and not sold to Client. As between the parties, RIGID shall retain all right, title and ownership in and to the Device Software. Client’s right to access and use the Device Software is limited to the Hardware device on which such Device Software is installed. Client acknowledges and agrees that: (a) this Agreement does not grant Client any rights with respect to the Source Code to the Device Software; and (b) Client is not permitted to copy, translate, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Device Software in whole or in part. Additional license terms may apply to certain of the Device Software which, if applicable, will be disclosed upon Client’s first use of such Device Software. “Source Code” means computer code and related system documentation that is in human-readable form, including, but not limited to, all comments and any procedural code such as job control language.
Device Software. Device software allows a device (other than this server) to access or use the server software. You may install and use the device software on any number of devices.