Diploma Supplement. The information contained in the Traineeship Certificate from the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise should also be included in the Diploma Supplement produced by the Sending Institution (at least for Sending Institutions located in Programme Countries), except if the trainee is a recent graduate.
Diploma Supplement. The information contained in the Traineeship Certificate from the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise should also be included in the Diploma Supplement produced by the Sending Institution (at least for Sending Institutions located in Programme Countries), except if the trainee is a recent graduate. It is also recommended to record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document (if applicable), particularly in the case of recent graduates, and in any case when the Sending Institution had committed to do so before the mobility. Recording the traineeship in the Europass Mobility Document is not applicable to mobility with Partner Countries which are not part of the Europass network. Provide traineeship programme. Commitment of the three parties with original / scanned/ digital signatures. changes signatures. is possible via email/digital
Diploma Supplement. The information contained in the Traineeship Certificate from the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise should also be included in the Diploma Supplement produced by the Sending Institution (at least for Sending Institutions located in Programme Countries), except if the trainee is a recent graduate. It is also recommended to record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document (if applicable), particularly in the case of recent graduates, and in any case when the Sending Institution had committed to do so before the mobility. Provide traineeship programme. Commitment of the three parties with original / scanned/ digital signatures. If modifications are needed: An agreement by the three parties on the changes is possible via email/digital signatures.
Diploma Supplement. A complete Joint Diploma Supplement will be attached to the degree certificates. The Joint Diploma Supplement describes the master design and the student performance, highlighting the international mobility of the training.
Diploma Supplement. A complete Diploma Supplement is attached to the degree certificates. The Diploma Supplement describes the work performed to obtain the degree awarded. The purpose of this document is to facilitate recognition and accreditation of EXTATIC degrees when seeking employment and to make explicit the value added by the fact that the work of the candidate has been performed in the international environment of the EXTATIC joint doctoral programme.
Diploma Supplement. In the case of HEIs based in countries part of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the information contained in the Traineeship Certificate from the receiving organisation should also be included in the Diploma Supplement (or equivalent) of the trainee upon his or her graduation. It is also recommended to record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document, especially if the student is from a Partner Country where the Diploma Supplement is not applicable. Provide traineeship programme. If combined with study period, provide study programme and plan recognition. If modifications are needed: An agreement by the three or four parties on the changes is possible via email/digital signatures. original / scanned/ digital signatures.
Diploma Supplement. The information contained in the Traineeship Certificate from the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise should also be included in the Diploma Supplement produced by the Sending Institution. It is also recommended to record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document (if applicable), and in any case when the Sending Institution had committed to do so before the mobility. Recording the traineeship in the Europass Mobility Document is not applicable to mobility with Countries which are not part of the Europass network. If modifications are needed: An agreement by the three parties on the changes is possible via email. Provide traineeship programme. Commitment of the three parties with original / scanned/ digital signatures.
Diploma Supplement. The degrees awarded will be contextualized by a Joint Diploma Supplement, which is not a diploma in itself. The Supplement describes the QUARMEN programme’s design and the student performance and highlights the international mobility of the training.
Diploma Supplement. In the case of HEIs based in countries part of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the information contained in the Traineeship Certificate from the receiving organisation should also be included in the Diploma Supplement (or equivalent) of the trainee upon his or her graduation. It is also recommended to record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document, especially if the student is from a Partner Country where the Diploma Supplement is not applicable.
Diploma Supplement. In addition to official diplomas and to ensure the best understanding and recognition of the Programme graduates achievements, notably towards employers, the Full Partners shall deliver to each Student a personalized Diploma Supplement, signed by all awarding Higher Education Institutions and issued by Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Coordinating Institution, including:
(a) learning objectives and Consortium track-record and recognition;
(b) overall organization of the study Programme (selection process, mobility, host institutions, Learning Outcomes methods of assessment, tuition language);
(c) added value which it brings to the Students with respect to Learning Outcomes (which have been developed in cooperation with recruiters from the industry);
(d) full transcript of all (120 ECTS credits minimum) obtained during the master unit, concentration and grades obtained (including overall cohort ranking and relative position of each grade obtained with regards to cohort performance and final averaged grade (and honors when applicable to national degree award), Master Thesis subject, and
(e) awarded degrees in national languages and legalized English translation. A template of this diploma supplement must be made available on the Programme website.