Direct Administrative Costs Sample Clauses

Direct Administrative Costs. Failure to meet the requirement to obtain and maintain insurance. Key Points that must be followed when Administering FEMA Grants: • Designate one person to coordinate the accumulation of records. • Establish a separate and distinct account for recording revenue and expenditures, and a separate identifier for each specific FEMA project. • Ensure that the final claim for each project is supported by amounts recorded in the accounting system. • Ensure that each expenditure is recorded in the accounting books and references supporting sources of documentation (checks, invoices, etc.) that can be readily retrieved. • Research insurance coverage and seek reimbursement for the maximum amount. Credit the appropriate FEMA project with that amount. • Check with your Federal Grant Program Coordinator about availability of funding under other Federal programs (Federal Highways, Housing and Urban Development, etc.) and ensure that the final project claim does not include costs that another Federal agency funded or could have funded. • Ensure that materials taken from existing inventories for use on FEMA projects are documented by inventory withdrawal and usage records. • Ensure that expenditures claimed under the FEMA project are reasonable, necessary, directly benefit the project, and are authorized under the “Scope of Work.” I acknowledge that I have received a copy of, and have been briefed on, the above DHS OIG Audit Issues. _ _ Sub-Recipient Agency Date [ ] ADVANCE REQUESTED Advance payment of $ _ is requested. Balance of payments will be made on a reimbursement basis. These funds are needed to pay pending obligations for eligible work. We would not be able to operate the program without this advance. If you are requesting an advance, complete the following chart and line item justification below. BUDGET CATEGORY/LINE ITEMS (list applicable line items) 20 _-20 Anticipated Expenditures for First Three Months of Agreement Example: PW#00001(0) Contract Work $1,500,000.00 (provide detailed justification).
Direct Administrative Costs. The net cost of maintaining and operating any offices (excepting the corporate headquarters office), suboffices, camps, warehouses, housing, and other facilities directly serving Operations shall be charged to the Joint Account. If such facilities serve operations in addition to Operations, the net costs shall be allocated to all operations served on an equitable basis mutually agreed to by the Participants.
Direct Administrative Costs. Pursuant to paragraph 27.1, herein Grantor hereby approves a variance up to 25% (or $5,000, whichever is greater) for each of the 300 series sub-line items except Line 317 Indirect Costs in the Direct Administration cost category of the Budget. In no event may such transfers in this specific cost category result in an increase to the total Grant Budget or increase to the total original allocation for the Administration cost category [total of the combined amounts of the Direct Administrative and Indirect Costs lines] without prior Grantor written approval.
Direct Administrative Costs. The Recipient and all subrecipients may claim direct administrative costs associated with requesting, obtaining, and administering the FMAG award and subawards. Eligible direct costs include contract labor and travel costs and regular and overtime pay and travel expenses for permanent, reassigned, and temporary employees that assist in administering the FMAG award or a subaward. Funding for other direct administrative costs to administer the FMAG award or subaward, such as the purchase of equipment or supplies by a non-Federal entity or its contractor require prior approval by the Regional Administrator.

Related to Direct Administrative Costs

  • Administrative Costs Administrative costs will not be included in the budget neutrality limit, but the State must separately track and report additional administrative costs that are directly attributable to the Demonstration. All such administrative costs must be identified on the Forms CMS-64.10 Waiver and/or 64.10P Waiver, using “MA Demo” as the waiver name.

  • TIPS Administration Fees The collection of administrative fees by TIPS, a government entity, for performance of these procurement services is required pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 791.011 et. seq. The administration fee (“TIPS Administration Fee”) is the amount legally owed by Vendor to TIPS for TIPS Sales made by Vendor. The TIPS Administration Fee amount is typically a set percentage of the amount paid by the TIPS Member for each TIPS Sale, less shipping cost, bond cost, and taxes if applicable and identifiable, which is legally due to TIPS, but the exact TIPS Administration Fee for this Contract is published in the corresponding solicitation and is incorporated herein by reference. TIPS Administration Fees are due to TIPS immediately upon Vendor’s receipt of payment, including partial payment, for a TIPS Sale. The TIPS Administration Fee is assessed on the amount paid by the TIPS Member, not on the Vendor’s cost or on the amount for which the Vendor sold the item to a dealer or Authorized Reseller. Upon receipt of payment for a TIPS Sale, including partial payment (which renders TIPS Administration Fees immediately due), Vendor shall issue to TIPS the corresponding TIPS Administration Fee payment as soon as possible but not later than thirty-one calendar days following Vendor’s receipt of payment. Vendor shall pay TIPS via check unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties in writing. Vendor shall include clear documentation with the issued payment dictating to which sale(s) the amount should be applied. Vendor may create a payment report within their TIPS Vendor Portal which is the preferred documentation dictating to which TIPS Sale(s) the amount should be applied. Failure to pay all TIPS Administration Fees pursuant to this provision may result in immediate cancellation of Vendor’s TIPS Contract(s) for cause at TIPS’ sole discretion as well as the initiation of collection and legal actions by TIPS against Vendor to the extent permitted by law. Any overpayment of participation fees to TIPS by Vendor will be refunded to the Vendor

  • Administrative Fee The Borrower agrees to pay to the Administrative Agent the annual administrative fee as described in the Fee Letter.