Direct Salary Costs Sample Clauses
Direct Salary Costs. Direct Salary Costs are the base salaries and wages actually paid to the Contractor's personnel directly engaged in performance of the Services under the Agreement. (The range of hourly rates paid to the Contractor's personnel appears in Section 2 below.)
Direct Salary Costs. This category shall include the direct salary cost of all professional, technical and/or clerical employees of the Prime Consultant and/or Sub-consultant directly engaged in the Project.
Direct Salary Costs. The direct salary cost is the direct salary paid to principals, professional, technical, and clerical personnel for the time they are productively engaged in work necessary to fulfill the terms of this AGREEMENT.
Direct Salary Costs. Direct Salary Costs incurred by TKDA for employees’ time directly chargeable to a project, and in accordance with TKDA’s schedule included in ATTACHMENT A. Periodic revisions to the schedule may be made and any such revisions shall be submitted by TKDA to the OWNER for approval.
Direct Salary Costs. Direct Salary Principal Project Engineer Inspector Surveyor Technician Draftsman Others as appropriate Total Direct Salary Costs $___________
Direct Salary Costs. 13 Direct Salary Costs are the base salaries and wages actually paid to the ENGINEER’s personnel directly 14 engaged in performance of the Services under the Agreement. Salary rates for specific employees shall 15 be provided on the Fee Proposal Worksheets included in ARTICLE CV • COST PROPOSAL. All Salary 16 rates shall be in effect for three years following the effective date of the Agreement. Thereafter, 17 ENGINEER may request adjustments to individual rates on an annual basis. ENGINEER shall notify 18 COUNTY in writing requesting a change in the rates included herein. All adjustments to rates shall be 19 subject to approval by the County Director of Transportation, or his designee.
Direct Salary Costs. TITLE Principal Senior Project Engineer Project Manager Senior Engineer Engineer Senior Planner Planner Registered Land Surveyor Senior Technician Technician Clerk/Secretary Total Direct Salary Cost LABOR AND GENERAL ADM Percentage of Direct Xxx SUBTOTAL: Items 1 and 2 PROFIT: 15 % of Item 3 Subtotal OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES a. Mileage b. Meals c. Motel d. Printing and Shipping Total Out-of-Pocket Expe SUBCONTRACT COSTS: a. Topographic Survey b. Geotechnical Consul MAXIMUM TOTAL FEE: Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 HOURS RATE/HOUR COST ($) 40 390 0 1586 1512 0 0 0 642 1124 5,294 = $192,500.56 s 173.62 % = $334,219.47 ary Costs @ = $526,720.03 = $79,008.00 nses tant 3600 Miles @ $0.55 / Mile = $1,980.00 15 Days @ $32.00 / Day = $480.00 6 Nights @ $112.00 / Night= $672.00 = $1,000.00 = $4,132.00 = $11,500.00 = $18,300.00 = $29,800.00 Principal 0 Senior Project Engineer 58 Project Manager 0 Senior Engineer 108 Engineer 92 Senior Planner 0 Planner 0 Registered Land Surveyor 0 Senior Technician 6 Technician 0 Clerk/Secretary 10 274 Total Direct Salary Costs = $11,116.00 173.62 % = $19,299.60 Percentage of Direct Salary Costs @ = $30,415.60 Items 1 and 2 = $4,562.34 15 % of Item 3 Subtotal Subtotal $34,977.94
Direct Salary Costs. SOJ shall be compensated on an hourly basis for the services performed under Section 1 above in accordance with the fee schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B and by reference made a part of this Agreement.
Direct Salary Costs. Costs of hours worked and other benefits required by law to be paid to employees working on DSMOA eligible services related to DoD installations on the CA Attachment A. Examples include the estimates of hourly costs expended by: • Engineers • Geologists • Hydrogeologists • Environmental Scientists • Toxicologists • Project Managers • Attorneys • Public Information Officers (for joint activities or activities requested by a Component)
Direct Salary Costs. Direct Salary Costs are the base salaries and wages actually paid to the ENGINEER’s personnel directly engaged in performance of the Services under the Agreement. Salary rates for specific employees shall be provided on the Fee Proposal Worksheets included in ARTICLE CV • COST PROPOSAL. All Salary rates shall be in effect for three years following the effective date of the Agreement. Thereafter, ENGINEER may request adjustments to individual rates on an annual basis. ENGINEER shall notify COUNTY in writing requesting a change in the rates included herein. All adjustments to rates shall be subject to approval by the Director of Transportation and Land Management Agency, or his designee.