Disagreement - Impasse Procedure Sample Clauses

Disagreement - Impasse Procedure. In the event that the Agreement cannot be obtained within sixty (60) days, either bargaining team may declare impasse and a request for mediation through the services of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, or both parties can agree to informal mediation without declaring impasse. The assigned mediator shall have the requisite authority to call meetings between the parties. Any cost involved in obtaining the services of a mediator shall be shared equally between the Board and the Association.
Disagreement - Impasse Procedure. If agreement is not reached within sixty (60) calendar days of the initial negotiations session, the impasse procedure of this contract will be implemented.

Related to Disagreement - Impasse Procedure

  • Impasse Procedure 5.1 If negotiations are not successfully concluded by the first day of school, impasse shall exist. At any earlier time either party may declare impasse. Upon reaching of impasse, the items causing the impasse shall be referred to a three-member committee. 5.2 The fact finding committee consisting of three (3) members shall be formed. One (1) member shall be selected by the Association, and one (1) member shall be selected by the Board within five (5) days. The third member shall be selected by the first two (2) members as follows: The parties shall notify the State Superintendent of Public Instruction that a Fact finder is needed and request a list of potential fact finders from the State Superintendent. If no name on the list is agreeable to both parties, a coin toss shall occur with the party winning the toss having the right to strike a name from the list until only one name remains. The person whose name remains on the list will serve as the chairperson of the fact finding committee. 5.3 Within five (5) days after the selection of the chairman, the representatives who have been negotiating for the Board and for the Association shall meet to exchange written language on each item at impasse. The exchanged documents shall also be furnished by each party to the chairman and other members of the committee. 5.4 The chairman shall convene the committee for fact finding. This committee shall meet with the representatives of both parties. Within twenty (20) days after the chairman is selected, the committee shall present written recommendations to the local Board and to the Association. 5.5 If either party decides it must reject any one or more of the committee's recommendations, said party must, within seven (7) days after the committee has presented its recommendations, request a meeting of the representatives who have been negotiating for the Board and for the Association. The parties shall meet within seven (7) days of the request, unless both parties deem it unnecessary. At such meeting, the representatives shall exchange written statements expressing each party's rationale for rejecting each recommendation found unacceptable and shall attempt to clarify any remaining differences. The representatives shall then resume good faith effort to resolve the remaining differences; provided, after fourteen (14) days after the exchange of the written statements, either party may discontinue such effort. 5.6 The costs for the services of the fact-finding committee, including per diem expenses if any, and actual and necessary travel expenses shall be shared in the following manner: the Board shall assume the expenses of the Board representative, the Association shall assume the expenses of the Association representative, and the expenses of the third member shall be shared equally by the Board and the association. 5.7 The Board shall file a copy of the fact finding report with the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. If the effort to resolve differences is successful, the parties shall draft a written agreement and present the agreement to both parties for ratification, and upon ratification such agreement shall also be forwarded to the State Superintendent. If the effort to resolve differences is unsuccessful, the Board shall forward to the State Superintendent in writing its final disposition of the negotiations impasse process within thirty (30) days of the effective date of implementation.

  • Disagreement Any dissension between the parties other than a grievance defined in the agreement and other than a dispute defined in the Labour Code.

  • Dispute Procedure (1) Unless otherwise provided in the Council's Constitution or in this Collective Agreement, any dispute within the registered scope of the Council shall be resolved as set out below: (a) The General Secretary of the Council shall, after consultation with the Secretary of any relevant Regional Chamber, decide whether any dispute referred to the Council must be dealt with by the Council or the Regional Chamber. (b) The Council shall, from time to time, adopt, by resolution, guidelines for the General Secretary of the Council to follow in the allocation of such disputes. (c) When any dispute is allocated to a Regional Chamber in terms of this clause, then such Regional Chamber shall have the same rights, powers and obligations as the Council.

  • NEGOTIATION PROCEDURE 3.1 On or before September 1 of the prior year in which this agreement is to expire either party may initiate negotiations in accordance with RSA 273:A. The parties shall meet not later than September 15th, at which time the Association shall submit its proposals, unless another date is mutually agreed to by the parties. 3.2 The Negotiating Committee of the Board and the Negotiating Committee of the Association shall have authority to reach a complete agreement, subject to ratification by the Board and the qualified voting members of the Association covered by this Agreement. 3.3 Any agreement reached shall be reduced to writing and signed by the Board and the Association. Any agreement reached which requires the expenditure of additional public funds for its implementation shall not be binding on the Board, unless and until the necessary appropriations have been made by the Annual School District Meeting. The Board shall make a good faith effort to secure the funds necessary to implement said agreements. 3.4 If, after discussion of all negotiable matters, the parties fail to reach agreement, either party may declare impasse. In the event of impasse, the rules and procedures for “Resolution of Disputes” as outlined under RSA 273: A-12 shall be followed. 3.5 The cost for the services of the mediator and/or fact finder including per diem expenses, if any, will be shared equally by the Board and the Association. 3.6 Determinations and/or recommendations under the provision of Section 3.4 of this Article III will not be binding on the parties in accordance with RSA 273: A 3.7 If the monies to fund the economic provisions are not appropriated as provided in this Article III, Section 3.3 and/or if either party rejects the recommendations set forth in this Article III, Section 3.6, then the parties shall do the following: A. The appropriate party shall notify the other party of its intent to renegotiate the provisions of this Agreement, and: B. If either negotiating team rejects the neutral party’s recommendations, his/her findings and recommendations shall be submitted to the full membership of the employee organization and to the Board of the public employer, which shall vote to accept or reject so much of his/her recommendations as is otherwise permitted by law. C. If either the full membership of the employee organization or the public employer rejects the neutral party’s recommendations, his/her findings and recommendations shall be submitted to the legislative body of the public employer, which shall vote to accept or reject so much of his/her recommendations as otherwise is permitted by law. D. If the impasse is not resolved following the action of the legislative body, negotiations shall be reopened. Mediation may be requested by either party and may involve the Board of the public employer if the mediator so chooses. 3.8 The parties may, by mutual agreement, pass over mediation and go directly to fact finding. 3.9 Neither party in any negotiations shall interfere with the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party.

  • Disagreement on Decision Should the parties disagree as to the meaning of the Board's decision, either party may apply to the Chairperson of the Arbitration Board to reconvene the Board to clarify the decision, which it shall make every effort to do within seven days.

  • Impasse Procedures Impasse proceedings shall be in accordance with § 6-408 of the Education Article to the Annotated Code of Maryland.

  • Dispute Notice If there is a dispute between the parties, then either party may give a notice to the other succinctly setting out the details of the dispute and stating that it is a dispute notice given under this clause 17.1.

  • Consultation Procedure If a party hereto is unable to meet the provisions of the Service Level Agreement, or in the event that a dispute arises relating to performance goals set forth in the Service Level Agreement, either party to this Agreement shall address any concerns it may have by requiring a consultation with the other party.

  • Resolution Procedure a. Step 1 i. The complainant, if comfortable with that approach, may choose to speak to or correspond directly with the alleged harasser to express their feelings about the situation. ii. Before proceeding to Step 2, the complainant may approach their administrative officer, staff rep or other contact person to discuss potential means of resolving the complaint and to request assistance in resolving the matter. If the matter is resolved to the complainant's satisfaction the matter is deemed to be resolved. Refer to Article E.

  • Review Procedure If the Plan Administrator denies part or all of the claim, the claimant shall have the opportunity for a full and fair review by the Plan Administrator of the denial, as follows: