DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges that the probationary period is a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new employee has not performed to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list that he or she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or her employment shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement is lodged with the Manager within hours after the employee ceases to work for the Company All preliminary steps of the grievance procedure prior to Step No. will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of discharge or suspension stating reasons for same. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an employee is given discipline above a verbal warning. Such special grievances may be settled by confirming the management's action in dismissing the employee or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory to the conferring parties. If an employee feels is suffering a grievance should report the complaint in the same manner described in paragraph above. It is understood that the management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance of an employee. The Company agrees to provide a copy of all notices of discipline given to employees to the Chairperson.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges that the probationary period is 9.01 Subject to 2.04 (a), a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new employee has not performed to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. A claim by the Union that an approved employee on the seniority list that he or she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or her employment shall be treated as a special grievance if a written statement of such special grievance is lodged with the Manager within hours Director of Education or designate by a member of the Union Committee or designate no later than ten (10) working days after the notification to the employee. The Employer shall direct a letter to the employee ceases concerned and a copy thereof to work the Chief Xxxxxxx stating its reasons for any discharge or suspension. Despite the Company All preliminary steps foregoing, the Union and the Employer agree that a lesser standard for discharging employees shall apply during an employee’s probationary period.
9.02 A special meeting between the Union Committee and the Employer will be held within ten (10) working days of receipt of such special grievance.
9.03 Failing settlement of such special grievance under the foregoing procedure, the grievance procedure prior may be referred to Step No. will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of discharge or suspension stating reasons arbitration as provided for same. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an employee is given discipline above a verbal warningunder Article 8. Such special grievances grievance may be settled by confirming the management's Employer’s action in dismissing the employee employee, or by reinstating the employee with or without compensation, or in such a manner as is deemed just and equitable in the opinion of the conferring parties or the arbitration board.
9.04 The Chief Xxxxxxx shall be notified on a basis satisfactory the dismissal of an employee and such notice will be mailed within one (1) day of the effective date of the dismissal. Verbal notice will be given to the conferring parties. Chief Xxxxxxx, or Union representative, on the day the employee is dismissed if a Union representative is not present at the time the employee is notified of the dismissal.
9.05 If an employee feels is suffering has a grievance should report 24 month period during which there was no disciplinary action against the complaint said employee, then the employee’s disciplinary record during the time prior to the commencement of the said 24 month period shall not be used against the employee.
9.06 An employee, shall, upon written request to the Director of Education or his/her designate be granted the opportunity to view his or her complete personnel file in the same manner described in paragraph abovepresence of the Manager of Human Resources or his/her designate.
9.07 An employee who may be subject to discipline shall have the right to Union representation. It is understood the Employer’s responsibility to inform such employee of that the management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect right to the conduct of the Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance of an employee. The Company agrees to provide a copy of all notices of discipline given to employees to the Chairpersonrepresentation.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges that the probationary period is Subject to (a), a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new employee has not performed to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. A claim by the Union that an approved employee on the seniority list that he or she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or her employment shall be treated as a special grievance if a written statement statementof such special grievance is lodged with the Manager within hours Director of Education or designate by a member of the Union Committee or designate no later than ten (10) working days after the notification to the employee. The Employer shall direct a letter to the employee ceases concerned and a copy thereof to work the Chair stating its reasons for any discharge or suspension. Despite the Company All preliminary steps foregoing, the Union and the Employer agree that a lesser standard for discharging employees shall apply during an employee’s probationaryperiod. Failing settlement of such special grievance under the foregoing procedure, the grievance procedure prior may be referred to Step No. will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of discharge or suspension stating reasons arbitration as provided for same. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an employee is given discipline above a verbal warning. under Article Such special grievances grievance may be settled by confirming the management's Employer’s action in dismissing the employee employee, or by reinstating the employee on with or without compensation, or in such a basis satisfactory to manner as is deemedjust and equitable in the opinion of the conferring partiesparties or the arbitration board. The Chair shallbe notified on the dismissalof an employee and suchnotice will be mailed within one (1) day of the effective date of the dismissal. Verbal notice will be the Chair, or Union representative,on the day the employeeis dismissed if a Union representative is not present at the time the employee is notified of the dismissal. If an employee feels is suffering has a grievance should report month period during which there was no disciplinary action against the complaint said employee, then the employee’s disciplinaryrecord during the time prior to the commencement of the said month period shall not be used against the employee. An employee, shall, upon written request to the Director of Education or designate be granted the opportunity to view his or her complete personnel file in the same manner described in paragraph abovepresence of the Manager of Human Resources or designate. An employee who may be subject to discipline shall have the right to Union representation. It is understood the Employer’s responsibility to inform such employee of that the management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect right to the conduct of the Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance of an employee. The Company agrees to provide a copy of all notices of discipline given to employees to the Chairpersonrepresentation.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges (a) It is recognized that an employee's period of probation (the probationary period first fifty (50) days worked for full time employees and 176 hours worked for part time employees) is a trial period within during which management reserves the Employer has the right to appraise new employees assess an employee to determine whether such employee is, in the discretion of the employer, acceptable for employment and that may be dismissed for reasons less serious than would justify the sole fact that a new employee has not performed to the standards dismissal of an approved employee on the seniority list. However, during the first fourteen (14) working days worked of the probationary period, it is recognized that probationary employees may be dismissed at the discretion of the Employer and such dismissal will be deemed to be for just cause for dismissal. and will not be questioned or made the subject of a grievance.
(b) A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list (subject to 11.6 (a» that he or she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or her employment shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement is of such grievance Is lodged with the Manager manager of the Hotel within hours five (5) days after the employee ceases to work for the Company Employer. All preliminary steps of the ofthe grievance procedure prior to Step No. 3 will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of discharge or suspension stating reasons for same. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an employee is given discipline above a verbal warning. .
(c) Such special grievances may be settled by confirming the management's action in dismissing the employee {subject to 11.6 (a)}, or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory to the conferring parties. If an employee feels with full compensation for time lost or by any other arrangement which is suffering a grievance should report the complaint just and equitable in the same manner described in paragraph above. It is understood that the management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction opinion of the conferring parties.
(d) When an employee has been dismissed she shall have the right to interview her xxxxxxx for a reasonable period of time before leaving the premises.
(e) The Employer shall in its evaluation of probationary employees act in good faith taking into consideration the employee's conduct, it may treated as attitude, attendance and appearance.
(f) This does not prevent a probationary employee who has completed his fourteen (14) working days worked from lodging a grievance and referred to arbitration either at Step#1for discipline for Step #3 in the same way as cast of discharge.
(g) No employee shall be disciplined or discharged on her day off. In any event, the grievance of Employer reserves the right to instigate disciplinary action should an employee. The Company agrees to provide a copy of all notices of discipline given to employees to employee engage in misconduct while on the ChairpersonEmployer's premise on her day off.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges 9.01 In the event of an employee, who has attained seniority, being discharged from employment and the employee feeling that the probationary period discharge is without cause, the case may be taken up as a trial period within which management reserves grievance. The Company shall have the right to appraise new employees release any employee for any reason, during his/her probationary period and that the sole fact that a new such employee has not performed shall have no recourse to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. grievance procedure.
9.02 A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list employee, who has attained seniority, that he or he/she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or his/her employment shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement of such grievance, signed by the employee, is lodged with the Manager Management within hours three (3) working days after the employee ceases to work for the Company is notified of his/her discharge. All preliminary steps of the grievance procedure prior to Step No. 3 will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of discharge or suspension stating reasons for same. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an employee is given discipline above a verbal warning. .
9.03 Such special grievances grievance may be settled by confirming the managementManagement's action in dismissing the employee employee, or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory to in his/her former position with full compensation for time lost, or by any other arrangement which is just and equitable in the opinion of the conferring partiesparties or of the Board of Arbitration, as the case may be.
(a) Any disciplinary action taken and noted in an employee's record will be removed from the employee's record twenty-four (24) months from the date of the disciplinary notation. Discipline related to harassment, discrimination, violence, or drugs and alcohol in the workplace will remain on the Employee’s record if the employee receives any further discipline related to those issues during the following twenty four (24) months.
9.05 An employee shall be accompanied by a committeeperson for an investigatory meeting which may lead to discipline, or a meeting where discipline is to be provided. The committeeperson shall attend the meeting without loss of wages. Employees will not have disciplinary meetings without union representation. Such disciplinary meeting shall normally take place during the employee’s scheduled shift. If the issue requires an immediate meeting, he/she may be called in at a time he/she is not scheduled. If the employee feels is suffering requests to meet for a grievance should report the complaint in the same manner described in paragraph above. It is understood that the management may bring forward at any meeting held reasonable period of time with the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect member after the initial meeting has concluded, such request will not be unreasonably denied. When it is known that discipline is to be administered, the reason(s) for the discipline shall be communicated during the meeting and confirmed in writing to the conduct of the Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may treated as employee afterwards. The time limits for filing a grievance and referred to arbitration in as per Article 8 shall commence when the same way as the grievance of an employee. The Company agrees to provide a copy of all notices written confirmation of discipline given to employees to the Chairpersonis received.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges that the probationary period is a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new employee has not performed to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list that he or she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or her employment shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement is lodged with the Manager within hours after the employee ceases to work for the Company All preliminary steps of the grievance procedure prior to Step No. will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of discharge or suspension stating reasons for same. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an employee is given discipline above a verbal warning. Such special grievances may be settled by confirming the management's action in dismissing the employee or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory to the conferring parties. If an employee feels is suffering a grievance should report the complaint in the same manner described in paragraph above. It is understood that the management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance of an employee. The Company agrees to provide a copy of all notices of discipline given to employees to the Chairperson.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges that (1) In the probationary period is a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new employee has not performed to the standards event of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. who has attained seniority being discharged from employment, and the employee alleges that an injustice has been done, the case may be taken up as a grievance.
(2) Discharge of an employee shall only be undertaken by a Department Head or designated Director.
(3) A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list employee, who has attained seniority, that he or she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or her employment shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement of such grievance is lodged with the Manager Senior Director, Human Resource Services by the Union within hours five (5) working days after the employee ceases to work for the Company All preliminary steps of the grievance procedure prior to Step No. will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of Corporation.
(4) A discharge or suspension stating reasons for same. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an employee is given discipline above a verbal warning. Such special grievances grievance may be settled by confirming the management's action in dismissing the employee employee, or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory to the conferring parties. If an employee feels with full compensation for time lost, or by other arrangement which is suffering a grievance should report the complaint just and equitable in the same manner described in paragraph above. It is understood that the management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction opinion of the conferring parties, it may treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration or in the same way as the grievance opinion of an employeeArbitration Board.
(5) Where any employee has been dismissed without notice, he shall have the right to interview a member of the Executive Committee of the Union for a reasonable time before leaving the Corporation's premises.
(6) The Union Xxxxxxx or Executive Officer shall be advised and have the right to be present whenever the Employer discharges, suspends or issues a written warning of offence or any disciplinary document intended for the personnel-8fi-le.
(7) An employee who has been the recipient of a Warning of Offence or on whose record a Derogatory Notation has been made, will have an opportunity to have such Warning of Offence or Derogatory Notation removed from his/her file in accordance with the following procedure: Such employee in excess of two year's service with the City , who has not received a Warning of Offence or caused a Derogatory Notation to be made on his record for two (2) consecutive years, may request a review by the Senior Director, Human Resource Services. The Company agrees to provide a copy Department Head and Senior Director, Human Resource Services may remove, at their option, any such Warning of all notices of discipline given to employees to Offence or Notation from the Chairpersonemployee's record.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges that the probationary period is a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new employee has not performed to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list that employeethat he or she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or her employment shall be treated as a grievance if a grievance, written statement of such grievance is lodged with the Manager General Manager,within hours after seven (7) days the employee ceases ceasesto work for the Company. Such grievance shall commence at Step of the procedure,as herein provided. When it is necessary to discharge an employee employment the Company such shall take place at a meeting with the Company, and the employee shall be provided with a such action and a will be given to the Union. At the of either Party,a Union may also attend such The Union shall have the to a with the employee, at a place by the Company, prior to the employee leaving thepremises. of without pay and benefits may be by the Company to an employeeupon request. Such request not be unreasonably withheld. Request for of absence be made in writing to the Manager at least two weeks prior to the date of of such leave and must indicate the length of leave requested and the reason for the leave. The reply will be given to the employee in writing within seven (7) days following receipt of the request. It is that employees on leave of may not use the time granted for xxxxxx declared their requestfor leave. Violation of thisArticle will be just causefor Any employee or to a time position within the Union will be granted upon request one (1) year leave of absencewithout pay and An employee required to serve on a legally during a period when he would otherwisebe to work for the Company All preliminary steps shall be paid the wages he have received during this on the of regular hours and then rate of pay. Such employee will the of the grievance procedure prior to Step Noattend thejury and shall adequate of the pay shall be his pay cheque. will be omitted in such cases. When The not the employee to work any other than his scheduled while onjury may require an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of discharge or suspension stating reasons for same. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an employee is given discipline above a verbal warning. Such special grievances may be settled by confirming the management's action in dismissing the employee or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory excused jury to the conferring parties. If an employee feels is suffering a grievance should report balance of the complaint Employees be and Paternal Leaves of in the same manner described in paragraph above. It is understood that the management may bring forward at any meeting held accordance with the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect to Standards Act. In the conduct event of the Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance death of an employee's member,such employee shall be granted three(3) days without loss of pay, for the purpose of attendingthe arrangements for such. "Immediate shall include mother, brother, sister, child, and or partner. In the event of the death of a mother-in-law,father- in-law,grandchild or an employee shall be provided on (1) day off without loss of pay to attend make arrangementsfor the The Company agrees to will provide a copy bulletin board in the for the convenience of all such notices must be by the proper of discipline given to employees the local Union, and to the Chairperson.Director ofHuman his approval before ARTICLE
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges that the probationary period is a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new A by employee has not performed to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list that he or she has been unjustly discharged or suspended from his or her employment shall be treated as a grievance grievance, if a written statement of grievance is lodged with the Manager within hours after the General Manager, (7) calendar days employee ceases to work for the Company All preliminary steps Company. Such grievance shall at Step of the grievance procedure prior to Step No. will be omitted in such casesGrievance Procedure, as herein provided. When it is to an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, the Company such discharge shall be given provided a letter such action a copy be given to Union. At of discharge or suspension stating reasons for sameeither Party, a Union Xxxxxxx also attend meeting. The xxxxxxx and Union Xxxxxxx to conduct a employee, at a place designated by the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxxCompany, prior to the employee leaving premises. the premises, provided the xxxxxxx is on duty. If request no to an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will upon request. for leave of absence be present when an employee is in to Manager at two prior to desired date of of leave arid must of leave and the reason for requesting leave. Company's reply be given discipline above a verbal warning. Such special grievances may be settled by confirming the management's action in dismissing the employee or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory to the conferring parties. If an employee feels is suffering a grievance should report the complaint in the same manner described in paragraph abovewriting (7) days receipt of request. It is understood that employees on leave of absence granted for as Any employee elected or to a full position the management may bring forward at any meeting held with be granted upon request one
(1) year of absence pay and benefits. An employee to serve on a legally jury during a period he would be scheduled to for the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect to Company be paid wages would period on basis of and current rate of pay. the conduct of the Unionto and adequate proof of amount of jury pay received, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is be deducted his next pay cheque. Company will not settled require employee to the mutual satisfaction work any than his scheduled on jury duty but may require an employee excused from duty to complete balance of the conferring parties, it may treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in regular Employees be granted Pregnancy arid Leaves of Absence accordance the same way as the grievance Employment Standards Act. In event of death of an employee's such employee be granted
(3) consecutive days off, loss of pay, for the purpose of attending funeral arrangements for such. "Immediate family" shall include father, brother, sister, and wife or partner. event of of a mother-in-law, or grandparents, an employee shall be provided one (1)day off without loss of pay to attend arrangements for funeral. Company will provide a bulletin board in Cafeteria for convenience of the Union for posting notices of Union activity. All notices be signed by the proper officer of local and to the Director of for approval before being posted. event that employee loses or tools or equipment that were supplied to by Company, or fails to return the cost of the or tools or equipment be deducted wages of employee. remain property of Company. Employees are prohibited except engaged in service for are supplied. Any on other to be them against employee. Maintenance of shall include dry as by the Company, cost of be at expense of employee, effective July and in Company supply lockers for employees presence of a employee, to inspect lockers from time to time. The Company agrees its current respect to provide providing to certain of An employee off duty sickness, be requested by the Company, to produce a copy medical cause of all notices of discipline given to employees absence if Company it necessary due to the Chairpersonemployees previous record.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges In the event that the any employee other than a probationary period is a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new employee has not performed to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list that he or she has been unjustly be discharged or suspended from employment after the date hereof, and should he or the Union believe that his discharge or her employment suspension was without reasonable cause, such discharge or suspension shall constitute a matter to be dealt with under this grievance procedure, provided however, that no such grievance shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement is lodged with the Manager within hours after once the employee ceases to work for concerned has advised both the Company All preliminary steps and the Union that the grievance is to be dropped. Any such matter, if it is to be dealt with, shall be presented at Stage Two of this grievance procedure within twelve (12) working days after notice to the employee of discharge or suspension and not otherwise and the First Stage of the grievance procedure prior to Step No. will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employment, shall be given a letter of discharge or suspension stating reasons for sameomitted. The xxxxxxx and the Union office will be given Company agrees that a The discharged or suspended employee will shall be allowed to granted a private interview xxxxxxxwith the Chief Xxxxxxx, or his designated representative, in the Human Resource Office prior to leaving the premises, provided . Such interview shall be for ten (10) minutes and this period may be extended by mutual agreement. In the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will event that it should be present when decided that an employee is given discipline above a verbal warning. Such special grievances to be reinstated after discharge or suspension he shall be reinstated with or without full compensation for time lost as may be settled by confirming just and equitable in the management's action circumstances. Upon such reinstatement there shall be deemed to have been no break in dismissing such employee’s service. Should arise directly and the employee or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory as to the conferring parties. If an employee feels application, or alleged violation of provisions of this Agreement, it is suffering a grievance should report agreed between the complaint in the same manner described in paragraph above. It is understood that the management may bring forward at any meeting held with Company the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect that instead following the herein set out of representations, as the case be submitted in writing in to party. An opportunity for between the President three (3) other Resources or his designated representative, will be given by the party to such was submitted, and failing settlement, the party to such was submitted shall deliver to the conduct other party a reply in writing to such submission within ten days after the receipt of such submission. The National Representative of the Union and/or the Local Union, its Officers, Committeemen or Stewards; and that ’s Council be present at this if such complaint so requested by management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance of an employee. The Company agrees to provide a copy of all notices of discipline given to employees to the Chairpersoneither party.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
DISCHARGE CASES. The Union acknowledges In the event that the probationary period is a trial period within which management reserves the right to appraise new employees and that the sole fact that a new an employee has not performed to the standards of an approved employee is just cause for dismissal. A claim by an approved employee on the seniority list that he or she has been unjustly be discharged or suspended unjustly from his or her employment shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement is lodged with the Manager within hours after the employee ceases to work for the Company All preliminary steps date of the grievance procedure prior to Step No. will be omitted in such cases. When an employee is discharged or suspended from employmentexecution of this Agreement, shall be given a letter of and believes that his discharge or suspension stating reasons for sameis in violation of the provisions of this Agreement, such discharge, or suspension, shall constitute a matter to be dealt with under the provisions of this Agreement respecting Grievance Procedures. The xxxxxxx and Any such matter may be presented at the Union office will be given a The discharged or suspended employee will be allowed to interview xxxxxxx, prior to leaving Third Stage of the premises, provided Grievance Procedure within seven (7) days after the xxxxxxx is on duty. If an employee so desires a xxxxxxx will be present when an date the employee is given discipline above a verbal warningnotified of his discharge or suspension, and not otherwise. Such special grievances grievance may be settled by confirming the management's ’s action in dismissing the employee or by reinstating the employee on a basis satisfactory to with full compensation for time lost or by any other arrangement which is just and equitable in the opinion of the conferring partiesparties or the arbitrator. If When an employee feels is suffering a grievance should report the complaint being disciplined, either orally or in writing, it shall be done in the same manner described presence of his Departmental Xxxxxxx or some other Union official if the Xxxxxxx is not immediately available in paragraph abovethe plant. An employee who has been discharged or immediately suspended from his or her job, shall be permitted to discuss such discharge or suspension with his or her shop xxxxxxx before leaving the plant premises for a period of time not to exceed one hour. It is understood agreed that any written warning or reprimand shall be removed from an employee’s record after a period of six (6) months. It is agreed that any suspension shall be removed from an employee’s record after a period of twelve months. Seniority will be determined by the management may bring forward at any meeting held with employee’s length of continuous service in the Union Grievance Committee any complaint with respect to bargaining unit. New employees in the conduct service of the UnionCompany who have put in a period of two hundred and forty (240) hours of actual work, its Officerswill be considered as probationary, Committeemen or Stewards; and that if such complaint by management is not settled to will have no seniority during this period of two hundred and forty (240) hours of actual work. At this time they will be considered as regular employees, and their seniority will date from the mutual satisfaction time they were employed. For same day hires after the ratification date of this agreement, the Company will assign seniority ranking based on numerical order of the conferring partieslast three digits of the employee’s SIN. In order to facilitate training and aid in integration, it may treated as new employees will not be permitted to bid on jobs for a grievance period of six months from their date of hire without the permission of the Company. In all cases of promotion, demotion, lay off, recall and referred transfers to arbitration in higher paid jobs or better jobs with equal pay within the same way as bargaining unit, the grievance of an employee. The Company agrees to provide a copy of all notices of discipline given to employees to the Chairperson.following factors shall be considered
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Samples: Collective Agreement