Distance Education 7.13.1 Expanding student access, not increasing productivity or enrollment, shall be the primary determining factor when a decision is made to schedule a distance education course. There will be no reduction in force of faculty (as defined in Article XXIII of this Agreement) as a result of the District’s participation in distance education. 7.13.2 Courses considered to be offered as distance education shall be defined in accordance with the Board of Governors’ Title 5 Regulations and Guidelines. Generally, this definition refers to courses where the instructor and student are separated by distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology (reference section 55370 of Title 5 California Code of Regulations). The determination of which courses in the curriculum may be offered in a distance education format, in addition to instructor/student contact requirements, shall be in accordance with the Title 5 California Code of Regulations.
Distance Learning Faculty teaching distance learning classes shall offer virtual office hours as per Article 13.B.7.
Directory Assistance Service Updates BellSouth shall update end user listings changes daily. These changes include: New end user connections End user disconnections
Directory Assistance Service 8.3.1 Directory Assistance Service provides local end user telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller's direction separate and distinct from local switching.
MAINTENANCE SERVICE Free maintenance services including spares shall be provided by the vendor during the period of warranty. User, at its discretion may ask the vendor to provide maintenance services after warranty period, i.e. Annual maintenance and repairs of the system at the rates indicated by bidder in its proposal and on being asked so, the vendor shall provide the same. The cost of annual maintenance and repairs cost (after warranty period), which will include cost of spares replaced, shall be paid in equal quarterly installments at the end of each quarter.
Configuration Management The Contractor shall maintain a configuration management program, which shall provide for the administrative and functional systems necessary for configuration identification, control, status accounting and reporting, to ensure configuration identity with the UCEU and associated cables produced by the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain a Contractor approved Configuration Management Plan that complies with ANSI/EIA-649 2011. Notwithstanding ANSI/EIA-649 2011, the Contractor’s configuration management program shall comply with the VLS Configuration Management Plans, TL130-AD-PLN-010-VLS, and shall comply with the following:
Signaling Link Transport 9.2.1 Signaling Link Transport is a set of two or four dedicated 56 kbps transmission paths between Global Connection-designated Signaling Points of Interconnection that provide appropriate physical diversity.
Cellular Phone Executive is eligible to receive one cellular telephone issued through the Employer's corporate account for use on the Employer's business. The phone will remain the property of the Employer and must be returned upon termination of Executive's employment with the Employer.
Originating Switched Access Detail Usage Data A category 1101XX record as defined in the EMI Telcordia Practice BR-010-200- 010.
Loop A transmission path that extends from a Main Distribution Frame or functionally comparable piece of equipment in a Customer's serving End Office, to the Rate Demarcation Point (or NID if installed at the Rate Demarcation Point) in or at the Customer's premises. The actual transmission facilities used to provide a Loop may utilize any of several technologies.