Professional Development Days Upon request, each Employee shall be granted at least three (3) professional development days annually for professional development, at the Basic Rate of Pay. An Employee shall be advised, prior to taking any professional development days of any transportation, registration fees, subsistence and other expenses that will be paid by the Employer. Such hours not used in each fiscal year shall not be carried forward into subsequent years. Applications for such paid professional development opportunities shall be made in writing, to the Employer as early as possible.
Calendar Committee The calendar committee is charged with the task of collaborating with site base teams in developing the academic calendar. The committee should complete its recommendations by consensus and report these to the Board no later than January 31.
Professional Development Plan Professional Development Plan (PDP) refers to plans developed by faculty members addressing the criteria contained in Article 22 and Appendix G.
Professional Development Committee There shall be a Professional Development Committee composed of three (3) members of the Association one of whom shall be the Bargaining Unit President or designate and three (3) representatives of the Hospital one of whom shall be the Chief Nursing Officer or designate and one human resources representative.
Professional Development Fund Article 20
Professional Development Program (a) The parties agree to continue a Professional Development Program for the maintenance and development of the faculty members' professional competence and effectiveness. It is agreed that maintenance of currency of subject knowledge, the improvement of performance of faculty duties, and the maintenance and improvement of professional competence, including instructional skills, are the primary professional development activities of faculty members. (b) Information collected as part of this program shall be the sole property of the faculty member. This information or any judgments arising from this program shall not be used to determine non-renewal or termination of a faculty member's contract, suspension or dismissal of a faculty member, denial of advancement on the salary scale, nor affect any other administrative decisions pertaining to the promotion or employment status of the faculty member. (c) A joint advisory committee consisting of three regular faculty members who shall be elected by and are P.D. Committee Chairpersons and three administrators shall make recommendations for the operation, financing and management of the Professional Development Program.
JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The parties agree that they will continue the Joint Labor-Management Committee to discuss matters of mutual interest relating to the employees covered by this Agreement. Topics for the Joint Labor-Management Committee may include, but are not limited to, Professional Development, Incentive Pay, etc. The Committee shall meet quarterly or as mutually agreed by the co-chairs. The President of CWA or designee and the Director of Human Resources or designee shall serve as co-chairs.