Contracting Information Requirements Contractor represents and warrants that it will comply with the requirements of Section 552.372(a) of the Texas Government Code. Except as provided by Section 552.374(c) of the Texas Government Code, the requirements of Subchapter J (Additional Provisions Related to Contracting Information), Chapter 552 of the Government Code, may apply to the Contract and the Contractor agrees that the Contract can be terminated if the Contractor knowingly or intentionally fails to comply with a requirement of that subchapter.
Documentation Requirements ODM shall pay the MCP after it receives sufficient documentation, as determined by ODM, detailing the MCP’s Ohio Medicaid-specific liability for the Annual Fee. The MCP shall provide documentation that includes the following: 1. Total premiums reported on IRS Form 8963;
Training Requirements Grantee will: A. Authorize and require staff (including volunteers) to attend training, conferences, and meetings as directed by DSHS. B. Appropriately budget funds to meet training requirements in a timely manner, and ensure staff and volunteers are trained as specified in the training requirements listed at xxxxx:// and as otherwise specified by DSHS. Grantee shall document that these training requirements are met. C. Follow the appropriate DSHS POPS by funding opportunity (as per Section I: General Requirements for All Grantees) for training and observation requirements.
Food Service Waste Reduction Requirements Contractor shall comply with the Food Service Waste Reduction Ordinance, as set forth in San Francisco Environment Code Chapter 16, including but not limited to the remedies for noncompliance provided therein.
Personnel Requirements and Documentation Grantee will; 1. maintain current personnel documentation on each employee. All documents must be factual and accurate. Health-related information must be stored separately with restricted access as appropriate under Tex. Gov. Code §552.102. Training records may be stored separately from the main personnel file but must be easily accessible upon request. Required documentation includes the following, as applicable: i. A copy of the current job description signed by the employee; ii. Application or resume with documentation of required qualifications and verification of required credentials; iii. Verification of work experience; iv. Annual performance evaluations; v. Personnel data that includes date hired, rate of pay, and documentation of all pay increases and bonuses; vi. Documentation of appropriate screening and/or background checks, to include probation or parole documentation; vii. Signed documentation of initial and other required training; and viii. Records of any disciplinary actions. 2. document authentication must include signature, credentials when applicable, and date. If the document relates to past activity, the date of the activity must also be recorded. Documentation must be permanent and legible. When it is necessary to correct a required document, the error must be marked through with a single line, dated, and initialed by the writer.
DATA ESCROW REQUIREMENTS Registry Operator will engage an independent entity to act as data escrow agent (“Escrow Agent”) for the provision of data escrow services related to the Registry Agreement. The following Technical Specifications set forth in Part A, and Legal Requirements set forth in Part B, will be included in any data escrow agreement between Registry Operator and the Escrow Agent, under which ICANN must be named a third-‐party beneficiary. In addition to the following requirements, the data escrow agreement may contain other provisions that are not contradictory or intended to subvert the required terms provided below.
Staffing Requirements Licensee will be in full compliance with the main studio staff requirements as specified by the FCC.
RECORD RETENTION REQUIREMENTS To the extent applicable, Supplier must comply with the record retention requirements detailed in 2 C.F.R. § 200.333. The Supplier further certifies that it will retain all records as required by 2 C.F.R. § 200.333 for a period of 3 years after grantees or subgrantees submit final expenditure reports or quarterly or annual financial reports, as applicable, and all other pending matters are closed.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS I understand that in order to graduate from the program and to receive a certificate of completion, diploma or degree I must successfully complete the required number of scheduled clock hours as specified in the catalog and on the Enrollment Agreement, pass all written and practical examinations with a minimum score of 80%, and complete all required clinical hours and satisfy all financial obligations to the College.
Minimum Condition and Warranty Requirements for TIPS Sales All goods quoted or sold through a TIPS Sale shall be new unless clearly stated otherwise in writing. All new goods and services shall include the applicable manufacturers minimum standard warranty unless otherwise agreed to in the Supplemental Agreement.