Yleistä A. Apple-ohjelmisto ja muiden valmistajien ohjelmat, dokumentaatio, käyttöliittymät, sisältö, fontit ja muu tämän Lisenssin mukana tuleva tieto, olipa se sitten kirjoitussuojatussa muistissa, millä tahansa muulla medialla tai missä tahansa muussa muodossa (yhteisnimitykseltään ”Apple-ohjelmisto”) on lisensoitu, ei myyty, sinulle Apple Inc:n (”Apple”) toimesta käytettäväksi ainoastaan tämän Lisenssin ehtojen mukaisesti. Apple ja/tai Applen lisensoijat säilyttävät omistajuutensa Apple-ohjelmistoon ja pidättävät itsellään kaikki oikeudet, joita ei ole erikseen annettu sinulle
Yeah What I do is um I make sure that, that they’re comfortable and they know what to expect and then I actually walk them to that provider so that way it’s like a warm hand-off, um this is a good person, they’re gonna listen to you, um you don’t have to worry about judgment, cause a lot of my you know guys are MSM, so they talk a lot about their sexual abuse or types of sex they have, and so uh sometimes so I have to make sure that even the provider is comfortable with um having this dialogue with the client.” [Staff, Pediatric Clinic] Participants explain that procedures which allow the internal referral to be made upon discharge of the patient are more likely to result in a successful referral. “I think the biggest thing is being able to get the appointment upon discharge, um, prior to leaving the clinic. Because it’s fresh on their mind, you know, they can – they can get the appointment that – that works for them. Right? Because they can talk to a live person to say, “Does this time work? Yes? No? Whatever?” versus after the fact, which is oftentimes, just made for the patient and then the patient’s informed of it, which may or may not work.” [Provider, Main Clinic] Referral paperwork which can be completed electronically using the medical record system are cited as a facilitator of successful referrals. This method removes some burden off of staff and providers, being easier to remember, less cumbersome to complete. A provider expressed belief that this process even improves the success rate of patients linking to the referred services. “I think that for the, um, the referrals that we can make electronically in Epic, that’s – that’s been a huge burden off of the providers, the primary care providers in that, you know, we don’t have to go get another form to fill out in order to make the appointment. It’s – I feel like it’s definitely improved the, um, success rate of patients linking to these services versus paper form because with the paper form, some – some of them will just collect the forms and then schedule after the fact and call the patients and then you run the risk of, you know, not having an accurate phone number or patients having changed phone numbers. And so it’s kind of allowed us to just go ahead and make the appointment also which, you know, benefits our patients.” [Provider, Main Clinic] Participants explained that facilitating successful referrals at this treatment center requires providers and staff to play an active role in the full process, from initiating the appointment to scheduling to ensuring the patient is reminded of the appointment and shows up. This is especially true for referrals that require the patient to schedule them on their own after they leave the clinic. Staff and providers who take an active role in patient care are assets to this treatment center and can be considered facilitators of successful cross sector collaboration. “Or, if they don’t make it, then the provider actually comes to me and says ok the client didn’t make it so then I call the client well what happened? Oh I didn’t have bus fare, ok, well let’s not, let’s try to reschedule and I’ll make sure that you have means to get to this appointment. So, I think that the referral proves here works good because it’s all in one area.” [Staff, Pediatric Clinic] Physical Environment Table 6: TIC assessment survey items evaluating physical environment. Average Likert Scores are presented for each question showing a comparison between providers, staff, and the combined averaged of the two groups. A mean score of >2.0 indicates perceived presence of a service or activity, a mean score between ≥1.4 and ≤2.0, indicates that a service or activity is in need of improvement, and an average of <1.4 indicates the perceived absence of a service or activity. Providers (n=14) Avg. Likert Score Staff (n=17) Avg. Likert Score Combined Avg. Likert Score
xxx/Xxxxxx/XXXXX- 19_School_Manual_FINAL pdf -page 101-102 We will continue to use the guidelines reflected in the COVID-19 school manual.
Pendahuluan Semakin tahun semakin besar kebutuhan akan tanah, baik untuk kepentingan pembangunan perumahan atau gedung maupun untuk pelaksanaan usaha, termasuk usaha pertanian, sedangkan tanah 1 Xxxxx Xxxxxx,XX.XX. adalah Xxxxx Xxxxx III Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi xxx Xxxxx Tetap PS. Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi. kosong yang tersedia sudah semakin sedikit xxx tidak pula memiliki tanah sendiri. Dikarenakan tanah sendiri tidak ada atau sangat kecil sedangkan kebutuhan untuk usaha sangat besar, maka diperlukan pihak xxxx xxxx memiliki lahan tanah yang luas untuk menggunakan tanahnya. Pihak yang membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas untuk usahanya tidak hanya orang perorangan melainkan juga suatu badan usaha. Salah satu badan usaha yang memerlukan lahan tanah yang cukup luas untuk usahanya di kabupaten Muaro Jambi adalah PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama. Perusahaan ini membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas guna usaha perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dari usaha yang dilakukan, akhirnya PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama mendapatkan lahan tanah yang diinginkannya dengan menggunakan tanah xxxxx masyarakat kecamatan Xxxx Xxxx. Penggunaan tanah masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx untuk keperluan usaha perkebunan PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama bukanlah terjadi dengan sendirinya xxx penguasaan semena-mena, melainkan diawali dengan suatu perjanjian kepada xxxxx masyarakat pemilik tanah tersebut. Perjanjian yang diadakan antara PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dengan masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx adalah perjanjian penggunaan tanah untuk keperluan usaha, yang dituangkan dalam surat perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian yang diadakan, ditentukan xxx xxx kewajiban masing-masing pihak, umumnya hak dari pihak PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dapat menggunakan tanah milik masyrakat adat untuk kegiatan usaha perkebunannya hingga jangka waktu yang ditentukan dengan kewajiban membayar sejumlah harga dari hasil perkebunan yang dilakukan xxx mengembalikan pengelolaan tanah tersebut kepada xxxxx masyarakat adat pada saat berakhirnya jangka waktu perjanjian. Sedangkan hak masyarakat adat selaku pemilik tanah selain mendapatkan bagian hasil perkebunan juga mendapatkan tanahnya kembali setelah berakhirnya perjanjian. Dikarenakan penggunaan tanah untuk usaha perkebunan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, maka banyak terjadi perubahan- perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian yang kadangkala tidak diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat, sehingga merugikan xxxxx masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan terjadinya perubahan-perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian tanpa diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx, timbulah berbagai permasalahan berupa :
Rozhodné právo This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of Czech Republic. Courts of the Czech Republic will have jurisdiction over all disputes arising under this Agreement. Tato Smlouva bude vykládána a vymáhána v souladu s právním řádem České republiky. Veškeré spory vzešlé z této Smlouvy budou podléhat jurisdikci soudů České republiky.
JOB XXXXXXX (a) There shall be a Xxxxxxx on each job at all times, who shall be a Union Member in good standing, and shall be appointed by the Business Representative, from amongst the Employees on the job. The Union shall notify the Employer, in writing, who their Xxxxxxx is. If the Employer disapproves of the said appointed Xxxxxxx, they shall immediately notify the Union, in writing, stating the reasons for their disapproval. If their reasons are acceptable to the Union, a new Xxxxxxx will be appointed immediately. If not acceptable, the Union and the Employer will meet to discuss the reasons for disapproval, and if necessary, grievance procedure will be followed. The Xxxxxxx shall keep a record of members hired, laid-off, and discharged, and shall take up all grievances on the job, and try to have same adjusted. In the event he/she cannot adjust them, he/she must promptly report that fact to the Business Representatives of the Union, so STEP 2 of the Grievance Procedure can be followed through. He/She shall see that the provisions of this Agreement are complied with and report the true conditions and facts. It is recognized as the Employer’s responsibility to make whatever provisions are necessary for the care of injured worker. It shall be the duty of the Xxxxxxx to see that the Employer fulfils its obligation. The Employer agrees that when Employees are laid-off, all things being equal, the Xxxxxxx will be one of the last employees laid-off. The Employer further agrees that the Xxxxxxx will not be transferred to another jobsite unless mutually agreed by the Employer Representative and the Union Representative. The Union agrees that the Xxxxxxx shall not be changed without prior notification to the Employer.