DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 15.1 Any information of weight, dimensions, capacity, price, technical and other data given in catalogues, leaflets, circular letters, advertisements, pictures and pricelists is approximate only.
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 5.1 All drawings and technical documents relating to the Equipment or its manufacture submitted by one party to the other, prior or subsequent to the formation of the Contract shall remain the property of the submitting party.
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. All and any drawings and technical documents relating to the Equipment or to the production of same which one party hands over to the other party before or after entering into the Agreement shall belong to the submitting party and cannot, without the consent of that party, be used for any other purposes than for the installation, start-up, operation and maintenance of the Equipment. Apart from these applications, the documents mentioned may not, without the consent of the submitting party, be used, copied, reproduced or handed over to a third party or in any other way be brought to the knowledge of a third party.
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 10.1. If a party makes available drawings and technical documents of the delivered product, its manufacturing or the installation, prior or sub- sequent to the formation of the Contract, these shall remain the property of the submitting party.
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 1. All drawings and technical documents relating to the Products or manufacture submitted by the Contractor to the Principal, prior or subsequent to the formation of the Agreement, shall remain the property of the Contractor. Drawings, technical documents or other technical information received by the Principal shall not, without the consent of the Contractor, be used for any other purpose than that for which they were provided. They may not, without the consent of the Contractor, otherwise be used or copied, reproduced, transmitted or communicated to a third party. 2. In support of installation, operation and maintenance of the Products, the Contractor shall provide the Principal with free of charge information and drawings. 3. Such information and drawings shall be supplied in the number of copies agreed upon or at least one copy of each. The Contractor shall not be obliged to provide manufacturing drawings for the Products or for spare parts. 4. แบบรูปแบบและค˚ำบรรปำป 1 . แบบรูปและเอกสำรเทคนิคท้งั หมดท่เี ก่ยี วกบั ผลิตภัณฑ์ ห รื อกำรผ ลิ ต ซึ่ ง มอบให้ แก่ ผู้ ว่ ำ จ้ ำ ง โ ดย ผู้ รั บจ้ ำ ง ก่อนหรือหลังกำรทำ˚ สญั ญำ ยังคงเป็ นทรัพย์สนิ ของผู้รับจ้ำง แ บ บ รู ป เ อ ก ส ำ ร เ ท ค นิ ค ห รื อ ส ำ ร ส น เ ท ศ เ ท ค นิ ค อ่ื น ๆ ท่ี ผู้ ว่ ำ จ้ ำ ง ไ ด้ รั บ จะใช้เพ่ือวัตถุประสงคอ์ ่นื ใดนอกจำกเพ่ือวัตถุประสงค์เฉพำะ ท่ีจัดให้เท่ำน้ันไม่ได้ หำกมิได้รับควำมยินยอมจำกผู้รับจ้ำง ร ว ม ถึ ง ถู ก ใ ช้ ห รื อ ท˚ ำ ส˚ ำ เ น ำ ผ ลิ ต ซ˚้ ำ ส่ ง ต่ อ ห รื อ ส่ื อ ส ำ ร ไ ป ยั ง บุ ค ค ล ภ ำ ย น อ ก ไ ม่ ไ ด้ หำกมไิ ด้รับควำมยินยอมจำกผู้รับจ้ำง 2 . ผู้รับจ้ำงจะจัดสำรสนเทศและแบบรูปให้แก่ผู้ว่ำจ้ำงโดยไ ม่ คิดมูลค่ำเพ่ื อสนับสนุนกำรติดต้ัง กำรปฏิบัติกำร และกำรบำรงุ รักษำผลิตภัณฑ์ 3 . สำรสนเทศและแบบรปู ดงั กล่ำวจะจัดสำ˚ เนำให้เป็ นจำ˚ นว นตำมท่ีตกลงกันหรืออย่ ำ งน้ อยอย่ ำ งละหน่ึงฉบับ ผู้รับจ้ำงไม่มีหน้ำท่จี ัดให้ซ่ึงแบบรูปเพ่ือกำรผลิตสำ˚ หรับผลิต ภัณฑหรือสำหรับชิ้นส่วน
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 15.1 Any information of weight, dimensions, capacity, price, technical and other data given in catalogues, leaflets, circular letters, advertisements, pictures and pricelists is approximate only and is not binding on Grundfos, unless verified with Grundfos before entering into the Agreement.
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 15.1 Any information of weight, dimensions, capacity, price, technical and other data given in catalogues, leaflets, circular letters, advertisements, pictures and pricelists is approximate only and is not binding on the Company, unless verified with the Company before entering into the Agreement.
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 15.1 Any information of weight, dimensions, capacity, price, technical and other data given in catalogues, leaflets, circular letters, advertisements, pictures and pricelists is approximate only. It can be adjusted later on, only the information which are mentioned in the contract are binding on the Parties.
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 3.1. Any information about weight, dimensions, capacity, technical and other data stated in drawings and/or other technical documents are informative, approximate and without any obligation on the part of Nedschroef Herentals. Nedschroef Herentals reserves the right to make changes it may consider necessary at any time and at its sole discretion.
DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 3.1. The weights, dimensions, capacities, prices, specifications and other data comprised in catalogues, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements, illustrations and price lists shall be regarded as approximations only. These data shall be binding only insofar the contract explicitly refers to them.