Dress Code CONTRACTOR shall maintain a dress code for their employee’s with a minimum of shirts, pants, and work shoes/boots, in decent condition, at all times while the work is being performed. In the event the COUNTY determines ID badges are necessary, the COUNTY will provide CONTRACTOR with ID badges and CONTRACTOR agrees to enforce that its employees, whether employed by CONTRACTOR or a subcontractor, wear such ID badge while working on site for the Project/Service.
WAGE VIOLATIONS Contractor represents and warrants that, during the term of this Master Contract and the three (3) year period immediately preceding the award of the Master Contract, it is not determined, by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction, to be in willful violation of any provision of Washington state wage laws set forth in RCW chapters 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52.
Labor Code Notice 2.6.1 All A-E and subcontractors must comply with the requirements of California Labor Code 1770 et seq. if the work performed is considered a “public works” under California Labor Code 1720 et seq. A-E is encouraged to contact the California Department of Industrial Relations for clarification if the A-E is unsure if some or any of the work performed under this CONTRACT qualifies as “public works”.
Occupational Health and Safety Act The Employer, the Union, and the Employees recognize they are bound by the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, S.N.S. 1996, c.7, and appropriate federal acts and regulations. Any breach of these obligations may be grieved pursuant to this Agreement.