Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.
ATTACHMENT D Standard State Provisions - Architect/Engineer Professional Service Agreement (dated 04/12/2011)
Configuration Management The Contractor shall maintain a configuration management program, which shall provide for the administrative and functional systems necessary for configuration identification, control, status accounting and reporting, to ensure configuration identity with the UCEU and associated cables produced by the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain a Contractor approved Configuration Management Plan that complies with ANSI/EIA-649 2011. Notwithstanding ANSI/EIA-649 2011, the Contractor’s configuration management program shall comply with the VLS Configuration Management Plans, TL130-AD-PLN-010-VLS, and shall comply with the following:
Enterprise Information Management Standards Performing Agency shall conform to HHS standards for data management as described by the policies of the HHS Chief Data and Analytics Officer. These include, but are not limited to, standards for documentation and communication of data models, metadata, and other data definition methods that are required by HHS for ongoing data governance, strategic portfolio analysis, interoperability planning, and valuation of HHS System data assets.
Xxxxxxxx Tobacco Co the jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, found the decedent, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, 50% at fault, RJR Tobacco to be 25% at fault, and the other defendant 25% at fault, and awarded $2 million in compensatory damages and $750,000 in punitive damages against each defendant.
TOOL STORAGE 1. A company shall provide on all construction jobs in towns and cities, and elsewhere where reasonably necessary and practicable (or if requested buy the employee), a suitable and secure waterproof lock-up solely for the purpose of storing employees’ tools, and on multi-storey and major projects the company shall provide, where possible, a suitable lock-up for employees’ tools within a reasonable distance of the work area of large groups of employees. 2. Where an employee is absent from work because of illness or accident and has advised the company in accordance with Clause 33 – Personal Leave of the award, the company shall ensure that the employee’s tools are securely stored during his/her absence.
Task Description This task includes activities associated with permit-required monitoring conducted in accordance with the conditions specified by state or federal regulatory agencies. All monitoring tasks must be located within or adjacent to the Project area and follow the Department’s Regional Coastal Monitoring Program and FWC's marine turtle and shorebird monitoring programs. Guidance for monitoring of nearshore resources is available in the Department's Standard Operation Procedures For Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Of Beach Nourishment Projects. The Local Sponsor must submit work products directly to the appropriate state or federal regulatory agencies in accordance with permit conditions to be eligible for reimbursement under this task, unless otherwise directed.
Network Interconnection Architecture Each Party will plan, design, construct and maintain the facilities within their respective systems as are necessary and proper for the provision of traffic covered by this Agreement. These facilities include but are not limited to, a sufficient number of trunks to the point of interconnection with the tandem company, and sufficient interoffice and interexchange facilities and trunks between its own central offices to adequately handle traffic between all central offices within the service areas at a P.01 grade of service or better. The provisioning and engineering of such services and facilities will comply with generally accepted industry methods and practices, and will observe the rules and regulations of the lawfully established tariffs applicable to the services provided.
Five-Tier Copayment Structure This prescription drug plan formulary has a five-tiered copayment structure. The copayment for a prescription drug will vary by tier. The tier placement of a prescription drug on our formulary is subject to change. For more information about our formulary, and to see the tier placement of a particular prescription drug, visit our website or call our Customer Service Department. Below indicates the tier structure for this plan and the amount that you are responsible to pay. You will be responsible for paying the lowest cost of either your copayment, the retail cost of the drug, or the pharmacy allowance. We reserve the right not to accept manufacturer coupons, discount plan payments or other cost share assistance program payments for prescription drug copayments and/or deductibles. In accordance with RIGL § 27-20.8-3, copayments for insulin prescription drugs will not exceed $40 for each thirty-day supply and are not subject to a deductible. Prescription Drugs, other than Specialty Prescription Drugs, and Diabetic Equipment and Supplies (which includes Glucometers, Test Strips, Lancet and Lancet Devices, Needles and Syringes, and Miscellaneous Supplies, calibration fluid): When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy: For maintenance and non-maintenance prescription drugs, a copayment applies for each 30-day period (or portion thereof) within the prescribeddosing period. Prorated copayments for a shorter supply periodmay apply for network pharmacy only. See Prescription Drug section for details. For tiers 1, 2, and 3: Up to a 90-day supply of maintenance and non-maintenance prescription drugs is available at certain network retail pharmacies and a 365-day supply for contraceptive prescription drugs is available at all network pharmacies. A copayment will apply for each 30-day supply. For more information about pharmacies offering this option, visit our website. Tier 1: $10 Not Covered Tier 2: $30 Not Covered Tier 3: $50 Not Covered Tier 4: $75 Not Covered Tier 5: See specialty prescription drug section below. Not Covered When purchased at a Mail Order Pharmacy: Up to a 90-day supply of maintenance and non- maintenance prescription drugs. Tier 1: $25 Not Covered Tier 2: $75 Not Covered Tier 3: $125 Not Covered Tier 4: $225 Not Covered Tier 5: See specialty prescription drug section below. Not Covered