Duplication of discs Sample Clauses

Duplication of discs. Prices offered shall be all inclusive for the production of CD-ROM in accordance with the terms of these specifications. Cost must include all required materials for duplicating in accordance with the specifications.
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Duplication of discs. (a) Duplication of CD, 700 MB, printing the face of the disc up to and including four color process. Cost per disc… 4200 III. PRINTING INSERT-CARDS FOR CD-ROM: (a) Printing insert card in a single ink color. Cost per side… 2132 (b) Printing insert card in four-color process. Cost per side… 4973 IV. PROOFS, cost must include all set-up and materials (a) Color proof of the disc face, cost per proof… 2 (b) Color proof, of insert card, cost per proof… 1 (c) Laser single color proof, of insert card or disc label, cost per proof… 1 (d) Pre-production CD disc, (check disc), cost per disc… 5 V. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS AND SERVICES (a) Standard clear plastic jewel cases for single discs. Cost will include inserting disc and insert card. Cost per case… 830 (b) Standard clear plastic slim-line jewel cases for single discs. Cost will include inserting disc and insert card. Cost per case… 2800 (c) Standard size paper disc envelope. Cost will include inserting disc. Cost per envelope… 600 (d) Standard size Tyvek envelopes. Cost will include inserting disc. Cost per Tyvek envelope… 2475 (e) Translucent soft clam shell case. Cost will include inserting disc. Cost per clam shell case… 200 (f) Suitable disc pockets with a pressure sensisitive adhesive backing mount on a removal liner, cost per pocket… 200 (g) Jiffy bags or equal. Cost will include inserting cased or enveloped disc into jiffy bags and sealing bags. Cost per jiffy bag… 415 (h) Boxing and packing in individual cartons for "Sales Stock" to USGPO. Cost per carton… 830 (i) Individual mailing labels addressed and affixed onto jiffy bags or cartons. Cost per label… 830 (j) Computer time work. Cost to be rounded to the nearest 15 minutes. Cost per hour… 4 (k) Shrink film wrap over each disc case. Cost per shrink film wrapped case… 1600 100.00 700.00 65.00 455.00 25.00 175.00 150.00 1050.00 80.00 560.00 95.50 668.50 0.50 1452.50 0.40 1162.00 0.88 2556.40 0.50 1452.50 0.40 1162.00 0.4297 1248.28 0.99 4158.00 0.90 3780.00 0.88 3696.00 1.00 4200.00 0.79 3318.00 1.0928 4589.76 0.06 127.92 0.18 383.76 0.10 213.20 0.20 426.40 0.18 383.76 0.1836 391.44 0.13 646.49 0.22 1094.06 0.60 2983.80 0.20 994.60 0.19 944.87 0.1836 913.04 28.00 56.00 40.00 80.00 20.00 40.00 50.00 100.00 30.00 60.00 30.84 61.68 28.00 28.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 30.84 30.84 N/C 40.00 40.00 15.00 15.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 30.84 30.84 100.00 500.00 80.00 400.00 20.00 100.00 150.00 750.00 45.00 225.00 48.96 244.80 0.24 199.20 0.30...

Related to Duplication of discs

  • Definition of Dispute a) A dispute can include:

  • Definition of Displacement Any employee classified as a regular employee shall be considered displaced for the purposes of this document, when her services shall no longer be required as a result of exhausting the Collective Agreement processes.

  • Reproduction of Documents This Agreement and all schedules, exhibits, attachments and amendments hereto may be reproduced by any photographic, photostatic, microfilm, micro-card, miniature photographic or other similar process. The parties hereto each agree that any such reproduction shall be admissible in evidence as the original itself in any judicial or administrative proceeding, whether or not the original is in existence and whether or not such reproduction was made by a party in the regular course of business, and that any enlargement, facsimile or further reproduction shall likewise be admissible in evidence.

  • Notification of Dispute If You or We consider that a dispute has arisen in relation to this agreement (either during the Services, or after they have been completed), written notice of the dispute will be given to the other party. Even if that notice is given, You and We must continue to perform any obligations outstanding by Us under the agreement.

  • Description of Data Instructions to the drafter; delete after completion of this section: This section of this attachment should provide sufficient information such that each party understands the information that will be transmitted under this Agreement. Examples of information that should be provided include: * Whether the data is obtained from human subjects and, if so, a description of the population included in the data. * If the data is from animal subjects, the species of animal the data was obtained using. * If not from human or animal subjects, a description of the focus of the data. * The number of subjects and/or experiments included * Name of the study that the data was obtained under If there is a particular study that needs to be acknowledged/cited as the source of the data, this information should be included here.

  • PUBLICATION OF DOCUMENTS The Parties acknowledge that the District is required to publish the Application and its required schedules, or any amendment thereto; all economic analyses of the proposed project submitted to the District; and the approved and executed copy of this Agreement or any amendment thereto, as follows:

  • Deletion of Data You can delete the information saved on your device at any time by uninstalling the App via your operating system. If you have activated a cloud solution to synchronize your device (e.g. Samsung Cloud or Apple iCloud), it may be necessary for you to delete the safeguard saved in the cloud to delete the data saved in the cloud. Images taken with the treasure xxxx App are saved on your device and are not automatically deleted from your device when the app is uninstalled. The TabTracks App is not authorized to do this under requested permissions. This is a security setting for the iOS and Android operating systems. The information saved on our servers under your user account can be deleted at any time upon your request. Please write an email with your request to xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx.

  • LIMITATIONS ON REVERSE ENGINEERING, DECOMPILATION AND DISASSEMBLY You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

  • Collection of Data The Insured acknowledges being informed that the Insurer processes his personal data in accordance with regulations relative to the protection of personal data in effect and that, moreover: - the answers to the questions asked are mandatory and that in the event of false declarations or omissions, the consequences for him may be invalidity of the subscription to the contract (article L 113-8 of the Insurance Code) or the reduction of indemnities (article L 113-9 of the Insurance Code), • The processing of personal data is necessary for acceptance and execution of its contract and its guarantees, for the management of commercial and contractual relationships, and for the execution of legal, regulatory or administrative provisions in effect. • The data collected and processed is kept for the period necessary for execution of the contract or the legal obligation. This data is then archived in accordance with the durations specified by the provisions relative to time limits. • The recipients of the data concerning him are, within the limits of their powers, the services of the Insurer in charge of signature, management and execution of the Insurance Contract and guarantees, its delegates, agents, partners, subcontractors and reinsurers, within the framework of their duties. It can also be sent, if necessary, to professional bodies as well as to all persons involved in the contract such as lawyers, experts, court officials and ministerial officers, trustees, guardians or investigators. Information concerning him may also be transmitted to the Underwriter, as well as to all persons authorized as Authorized Third Parties (courts, arbitrators, mediators, relevant ministries, supervisory and regulatory authorities and all public bodies authorized to receive it as well as departments in charge of control such as statutory auditors, auditors as well as departments in charge of internal control). • In its capacity as a financial organization, the Insurer is subject to the legal obligations resulting mainly from the Monetary and Financial Code with regard to money laundering and against the financing of terrorism and, as such, it monitors contracts, which may result in the drafting of a declaration of suspicion or a measure of freezing of assets. The data and documents concerning the Insured are kept for a period of five (5) years from the end of the contract or termination of the relationship. • His personal information will also be able to be used within the framework of processing to fight against insurance fraud, which may lead, if applicable, to placement on a list of persons presenting a risk of fraud. This registration may have the effect of extending examination of his case, or even the reduction or refusal of the benefit of a right, benefit, contract or service offered. In this context, personal data concerning him (or concerning persons or parties who are interested in the contract may be processed by any authorized persons working within the entities of the Insurer Group in the context of the fight against fraud. This data may also be intended for the authorized personnel of organizations directly concerned by fraud (other insurance organizations or intermediaries; judicial authorities, mediators, arbitrators, court officials, legal officers; third-party organizations authorized by a legal provision and, if applicable, victims of acts of fraud or their representatives). In the event of a fraud alert, the data is kept for a maximum of six (6) months to qualify the alert and then deleted, unless the alert is relevant. In the event of a relevant alert, the data is kept for up to five (5) years following closure of the fraud case, or until the end of the legal proceedings and the applicable limitation periods. For people registered on a list of suspected fraudsters, their data is deleted after 5 years from the date of placement on this list. • In its capacity as insurer, it is founded in carrying out the processing of data relative to violations, condemnations and measures of security, either at the time of subscription of the insurance contract, or during the period of execution, or within the framework of the handling of legal action. • Personal data may be used by the Insurer within the framework of processing implemented by the insurer, the purpose of which is research and development to improve the quality or relevance of its future insurance or assistance products and service offers • Personal data concerning him may be accessible to some of the Insurer's employees or service providers established in countries outside the European Union. • By proving his identity, the Insured has a right of access, rectification, deletion and opposition concerning the data processed. He also has the right to ask to limit the use of his data when it is no longer necessary, or to recover, in a structured format, the data that he has provided when it was necessary for the contract or when he consented to the use of this data. He has the right to provide instructions relative to the fate of his personal data after his death. These instructions, general or specific, concern the storage, removal and communication of his data after his death. These rights can be exercised with the Insurer's Data Protection Representative: - by email: sent to XXXX@XXXXXXXX.xx or - by postal mail: by writing to the following address: Délégué représentant à la protection des données – MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE – 000, xxx xx xx Xxxxxx – 93196 Noisy le Grand. After having made a request to the Data Protection Representative without having received satisfaction, he has the possibility of contacting the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'informatique et des Libertés).

  • Access To, Return, and Disposition of Data Upon written request of LEA, Operator shall dispose of or delete all Data obtained under the Service Agreement when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, and transfer said data to LEA or LEA’s designee within sixty (60) days of the date of termination and according to a schedule and procedure as the Parties may reasonably agree. Operator acknowledges LEA’s obligations regarding retention of governmental data, and shall not destroy Data except as permitted by LEA. Nothing in the Service Agreement shall authorize Operator to maintain Data obtained under the Service Agreement beyond the time period reasonably needed to complete the disposition. Disposition shall include (1) the shredding of any hard copies of any Data; (2) Data Destruction; or (3) Otherwise modifying the personal information in those records to make it unreadable or indecipherable. Operator shall provide written notification to LEA when the Data has been disposed of. The duty to dispose of Data shall not extend to data that has been de-identified or placed in a separate Student account, pursuant to the other terms of the DPA. The LEA may employ a “Request for Return or Deletion of Data” FORM, a sample of this form is attached on Exhibit “D”). Upon receipt of a request from the LEA, the Operator will immediately provide the LEA with any specified portion of the Data within five (5) business days of receipt of said request.

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