Electronic Publishing Sample Clauses

Electronic Publishing. The RBOCs must use a separate subsidiary when they provide electronic publishing in their regions. Elec- tronic publishing includes generating stock information, sports scores, newspaper sto- xxxx, and other databases of information.
Electronic Publishing. The ‘REGNET-Electronic Publisher node’ provides the production of digital products like CD-ROMS, WEB- sites, etc. This node consists of one component: Electronic Publishing (subsystem-8): Raw data located in digital repositories combined with commercial available data are the basis for personalized electronic publishing. The products generated are bound to a workflow which specifies the production process. Underlying knowledge and methodologies are accessible via this subsystem. Besides the production of CD-ROMs (e.g. using predefined story boards and workflows) the creation of virtual galleries or exhibitions or even WEB-sites are supported. The use of XSL and XML-DTDs in defining products will be investigated. Products or new workflow specifications, generated by Subsystem-8 can be used as new input to the existing range of products and services. Milestones are put after WP1, WP2 which are essential for the preparation and the success of the demonstration. The work done within these two WP's is well defined and dedicated to the three work areas. Failure of one of these work packages means termination of the project. To handle the complexity of the whole project the work areas have been introduced. Each work area has a work area manager. The risk in work area A consists in not having representative data for both 'data management blocks' (cultural heritage, e-business). This will be unlikely since there is a large group of content providers in the project most of them already having digitised data. The work in work area B (mainly included in WP1+WP2) refers mainly to the integration of already available components preferable from the public domain. The use of standards like XML and different meta data schemas (relevant for both areas: cultural heritage and e- business) supports the exchange of data to a great deal. Interoperability (internally between the REGNET Subsystems and externally to foreign systems) is based on standard protocols like http and ISO 23950. The risk not finding a unique platform for the implementation of all subsystems and having problems in interfacing them might be minimal but there is also a task dedicated to that question. Partners working in area B have in most cases already being involved in relevant projects of FP4 or are just engaged in projects of FP5. Specification and development work will be based on sound methodologies and systems like UML. To minimize the risk to handle a very large consortium a very detailed management ...
Electronic Publishing. The use fonts for eBooks, e-magazines or any periodicals, brochures and catalogues to be read online or offline, on computers, e-readers, tablets, smartphones etc. requires a licence.
Electronic Publishing. The Publisher has a strong and developing online and electronic publishing presence and strategy, including publishing via the Publisher’s own subscription- based platforms and working with external partners. All Books will be considered on a title-by- title basis for inclusion in the Publisher’s electronic publishing initiatives, which decision is freely and exclusively to be taken by the Publisher.
Electronic Publishing. Information Retrieval Data Entry Content Engineering Platform Engineering Business Engineering Phase I is dedicated to the development and implementation phase to set up the service infrastructure which is build upon the REGNET ‘building blocks’ (nodes) and consists of three work packages (WP1, WP2, WP3). During this phase the first version of the REGNET Phase II includes the trial service and is defined as part of the Demonstration Phase (WP4). Work Area A refers to the content creation and content management, Work Area B refers to the platform engineering (integration of middleware components) and the development of the REGNET building blocks (nodes), and Work Area C covers the enterprise engineering (business process engineering, definition of work flow) and the set up of a legal framework. Work Area D covers the domain specific aspects of the REGNET-System. Work Area E contains the management of the demonstration assessment and evaluation phase. The demonstration is carried out in four European regions with a possible extension to two other regions.
Electronic Publishing. Embedding of the font software into electronic documents (i. e. PDF or Flash files) or internet pages is permitted only in a secured read-only mode. You must ensure that recipients of these documents or pages cannot extract the font software.
Electronic Publishing. 7.1 During the course of this contract, CK shall provide the APWA- Florida Chapter with a link to an enhanced mobile/digital edition of each issue of the magazine to be incorporated, at the discretion of APWA- Florida Chapter, into APWA- Florida Chapter’s web site, sent to members via email, and other such uses.
Electronic Publishing. A license extension is required for the use of the Font Soft- ware to create and publish eBooks, e-magazines or any dig- ital periodicals, brochures, catalogues, etc., to be read on- line or offline, on computers, e-readers, tablets, smartphones, or any other electronic device.
Electronic Publishing. Consultant shall have the right to perform services for other business and companies, subject to the provisions of this Agreement. Bureau of Electronic Publishing acknowledges that the cooperation of Bureau of Electronic Publishing and its employees and agents with Consultant is a necessary condition to Consultant rendering his services thereunder. Therefore, Bureau of Electronic Publishing shall cooperate with, work in good faith with, and provide all reasonable assistance to, Consultant (and shall cause its employees and agents to do the same) in connection with Consultant rendering his services hereunder.
Electronic Publishing. These fonts may be used within portable electronic documents with the following limitations: files. Font embedding, or conversion into a GIF or JPEG format is required before any distribution can take place. Using Adobe Illustrator or any similar applications which convert the font characters into editable outlines (which are easily accessible to document recipients), is NOT an acceptable means of producing an electronic document for distribution.