Evaluation Phase Sample Clauses
Evaluation Phase. Once all proposals are received, the Procurement Officer will examine the Mandatory Requirement Questions and other required documentation, as listed in Attachment G, to determine if each proposal is deemed responsive. Proposals deemed to not be Responsive will not be further evaluated or awarded. Thereafter, the Evaluation Team will perform an evaluation of all responsive proposals using the Selection Methodology described in section 5. Following the evaluation, the Procurement Officer completes a Proposal Tabulation.
Evaluation Phase. The final phase in the cycle is the EVALUATION PHASE. This phase involves a comprehensive review of performance related to the Job Performance Competencies and Performance Related to Job Targets. This phase involves the completion of the Evaluation Form and, if applicable, the Professional Improvement Plan Form. The Evaluation Phase completes the evaluation cycle for the current year. Employees, whose performance is rated as acceptable, as evidenced on the year- end evaluation, are eligible for salary increases in accordance with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement. Employees whose performance is rated as unacceptable on the year-end evaluation, and are reappointed are not eligible in the subsequent school year to apply for transfers or promotions. These employees are also not eligible for any salary improvements until an acceptable performance level is attained, as set forth in the Professional Improvement Plan. Employees leaving a work location before the end of the school year for any reason shall be evaluated in accordance with the procedures set forth for the EVALUATION PHASE. Completed Evaluation Forms are to be sent to Human Resources within two weeks of the employee's departure from the work location.
Evaluation Phase. Administrative Review 10
Evaluation Phase. The evaluation phase will have the following tasks to do: This includes the following tasks:
Evaluation Phase. During the course of the evaluation year, two to five formal classroom observations will occur. The observation process will include the following:
a. Pre-observation Conference
(i) Occurs for each observation at least 3 days prior to observation, or otherwise by written mutual agreement.
(ii) Discusses the lesson to be observed
(iii) Sets a mutually agreed upon time for observation
b. Observation
(i) Will last at least 30 minutes.
(ii) Includes a written summary of the lesson taken by evaluator using the Observation form and rating each element.
c. Post Observation Conference
(i) Will occur within 7 working days after the observation, or otherwise by written mutual agreement.
(ii) Evaluator and evaluatee discuss the lesson observed using the Observation Form and element ratings in relation to the CFASST rubric.
(iii) If there is a need, as described in Section C, the evaluatee will be informed that an interim evaluation will be conducted including in writing the reasons for the interim evaluation. This notification will occur no later than January 25 and may be made a part of the Observation Form. Moreover, the listing of reasons shall not limit the scope of the interim or final evaluation.
Evaluation Phase. In the evaluation phase, the gains in quality will be measured, and related to the efforts needed to achieve them. • Tuned DCU-SMT system, De>En, tuned DCU-SMT system, En>De • Tuned non-PANACEA RMT system De>En, tuned non-PANACEA-RMT system En>De • Tuned PANACEA RMT system De>En, tuned PANACEA-RMT system En>De The same test data as for the baseline evaluation will be used (they will not be part of any development effort).
Evaluation Phase. Technical Response Review 10
Evaluation Phase. The evaluation phase shall include all activities necessary for the preparation of a Feasibility Report with a view to the approval of the Initial Investment Programme by the Shareholders. The evaluation phase of the Initial Investment Programme shall be made up of three periods in the following order:
i) establishment of the legal framework for the Project;
ii) preparation of a Feasibility Report; and
iii) decision making. The evaluation phase of the Initial Investment Programme shall begin on the Effective Date hereof and shall terminate on the date of approval of the Initial Investment Programme by the Shareholders.
Evaluation Phase. During the Evaluation Phase the ENGINEER shall:
1. Organize and conduct a kick-off meeting with OWNER and Lafayette Renew (the Project Team). The purpose and anticipated outcome of this meeting will be to discuss the project scope, information needed, objectives and expectations of each party, potential issues or roadblocks to project success, and possible outcomes.
2. Obtain copies of previous dewatering studies or pilot test reports for both the West Lafayette WRRF and Lafayette Renew WPCF.
3. Owner and Lafayette Renew to provide operational information necessary for the evaluation, including but not limited to digested sludge volume and characteristics, electrical power costs, polymer costs, liquid sludge hauling costs, and land application costs.
4. Evaluate centrifuge dewatering, storage, and land application for the existing current WRRF/WPCF capacities, and potential future capacities. The evaluation shall include different size centrifuges and estimated operating times.
5. Evaluate volumes and facility layout for maintaining up to three (3) months of dewatered biosolids storage
6. With input from the Project Team, identify potential site(s) for a regional biosolids dewatering and storage facility. Identify landowners and potential for land acquisition.
7. Prepare preliminary cost opinions for capital improvements necessary for a new dewatering facility, including equipment, structures, buildings, piping, electrical, instrumentation, and related site improvements.
8. Prepare preliminary O&M cost opinions including estimated electrical/power requirements, polymer usage, labor requirements, maintenance, and biosolids hauling and disposal.
9. Prepare preliminary cost opinions of related improvements specific to each wastewater utility to convey sludge to the biosolids facility site.
10. Provide a net-present value analysis over a projected 20-year period based on the estimated capital costs and O&M costs and compare to the current method of liquid storage and land application.
11. Provide exhibit(s), site plan and preliminary layout(s) for the two highest ranking alternatives.
12. Based on the results of the net-present value analysis, provide a recommendation on the feasibility of a regionalized biosolids facility vs. current process.
13. Summarize the results of the evaluation in a Report which will include the following:
a. Description of the need and purpose for the Project.
b. Description of the current situation and alternatives evaluated.
c. Des...
Evaluation Phase. ENGINEER shall study, review and evaluate the following: (insert description of study or insert “not applicable”)