Workplace Safety & Insurance Board a) Where an employee is absent due to illness or injury which is compensable by Workplace Safety Insurance Board the employee shall provide the Employer with a medical certificate which states; i) injury sustained by the employee; ii) restrictions which would apply to the employees immediate return to work; iii) anticipated date of return to regular duties. b) In the case of absence due to a compensable accident, where the anticipated length of such absence is four (4) months or more, the Employer will post notice of the vacancy in accordance with the Job Posting Procedure (Article 14) of this Agreement. Where the anticipated absence is less than four (4) months, the Employer may fill the position at his discretion. c) The injured employee shall have a period of two (2) years from the date of the injury within which she shall preserve the seniority which she had accrued up to the time of the accident and within which she shall have the right to return to her regular posted job upon the recommendation of the Worker’s Safety Insurance Board or the attending physician, provided the W.S.I.B. or physician certify that the employee has the physical capability to perform her normal job. d) If an employee returns to work within the two (2) year period mentioned in (d) above, she shall be returned, at the same salary level and without loss of seniority or benefits accrued to the date of injury. e) If, on the recommendation of the Worker’s Safety Insurance Board or the attending physician, the employee is capable only of performing work of a different kind, or of a lighter nature, and such work is available within the employ of the Employer, in a job which is covered by this Agreement, and the employee is capable of performing the work in question, then the returning employee may exercise her seniority by bumping into the job, at the applicable salary level, displacing the employee with the least seniority in the classification provided that she satisfies Article 13.04 (f).
Reinsurance Administration A. Within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar month, the Cedent shall take all reasonable and appropriate steps to furnish the Reinsurer with a seriatim electronic report, as detailed in Schedule C, for each Reinsured Contract, valued as of the last day of that month. On or before September 30, 2001, the Cedent shall provide the initial seriatim electronic report, which shall cover the period from the Effective Date hereof through August 31, 2001; provided, however, that the initial seriatim electronic report may omit Funding Vehicle Values by MorningStar designation. The Cedent shall provide complete seriatim electronic data, as required herein, on or before April 30, 2002. Failure to provide this information as required shall constitute a material breach within the scope of Article XX, Paragraph G. B. Additionally, within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar month the Cedent shall furnish the Reinsurer with a separate Summary Statement containing the following: 1. Reinsurance Premiums due to the Reinsurer summarized separately for each premium class by GMDB, EPB, and Income Program, as shown in Exhibit II; 2. benefit claim recoverables due to the Cedent in total and, if applicable, broken down by VNAR, SCNAR, and EEMNAR and Income Program; and 3. the month end date for the period covered by the Summary Statement. C. If the net balance is due to the Reinsurer, the Cedent shall remit the amount due with the Summary Statement, but no later than thirty (30) days after the month end date for the period covered by the Summary Statement. If the net balance is due to the Cedent, the Reinsurer shall remit the amount due to the Cedent within ten (10) days after receipt of the Summary Statement. D. The payment of Reinsurance Premiums is a condition precedent to the liability of the Reinsurer under this Agreement. In the event that the Cedent does not pay the Reinsurance Premiums in a timely manner, as defined below, the Reinsurer may exercise the following rights: 1. The Reinsurer shall charge interest if Reinsurance Premiums are not paid within thirty (30) days of the due date, as defined in Paragraph C of this Article. The interest rate charged shall be based on the ninety-(90) day federal Treasury Xxxx, as published in The Wall Street Journal on the first business day in the month following the due date of the Reinsurance Premiums, plus one hundred (100) basis points. The method of calculation shall be simple interest (360-day year). 2. The Reinsurer may terminate this Agreement in the event that Reinsurance Premium payments are more than sixty (60) days past due after the due date, as described in Paragraph C of this Article, by giving sixty (60) day written notice of termination to the Cedent. As of the close of the last day of this sixty-(60) day notice period, the Reinsurer's liability with respect to the ceded liabilities shall terminate. If all Reinsurance Premiums that are the subject of a sixty (60) day termination notice shall have been received by the Reinsurer within the time specified, the termination notice shall be deemed vacated and the Agreement shall remain in effect.
Workplace Safety Insurance 27.1 Each member covered by this Agreement who is absent on account of injuries received while on duty and who is receiving a pension, salary or wage award from the Workplace Safety and Insurance shall be entitled to be paid the difference between the pension wage or salary award from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and his or her current net salary as long as such member remains in the employ of the Niagara Police Board. This shall be applied such that the combination of any WSIB salary or wage award plus the employer top-up shall, in total, equal the net pay of the member's current salary. The non-economic loss portion of any WSIB pension payments shall not be considered as being a salary or wage award, and hence shall not form part of these calculations. A member who does not comply with the provisions of the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act or Regulations thereto and subsequently receives a salary or wage award of an amount less than the prevailing maximum payable due to such non-compliance, shall not receive from the Niagara Police Board the difference between the wage or salary award paid by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board and his or her current net salary for the said period of six (6) months. For the purpose of this Clause, net pay shall be the pay for the member as shown in Appendix "A" less those deductions required under Government Statutes, pension plans and as provided for in this Agreement. 27.2 Subject to the terms of this Article, each member covered by this Agreement who is injured as a result of carrying out his/her duties shall not be deprived of his/her vacations or statutory holidays as a result thereof, and shall accumulate such vacation credits and statutory holidays as he/she might otherwise receive. 27.2.1 Each member shall be entitled to accumulate the float time that he/she might otherwise receive for a period of three (3) months following the injury. 27.2.2 In respect of members who have been off work and receiving WSIB benefits for less than two (2) consecutive calendar years, within one week of the member's return, the member and the Chief of Police or designee shall mutually agree upon when the vacation credit, statutory holidays and float time shall be taken within the following twelve (12) months, or in the alternative, the member may elect to be paid for same at the rates of pay applicable in the year of accrual. 27.2.3 In respect of members who have been off work and receiving WSIB benefits for two
Standard Hazard Insurance and Flood Insurance Policies (a) For each Loan, the Master Servicer shall enforce any obligation of the Servicers under the related Servicing Agreements to maintain or cause to be maintained standard fire and casualty insurance and, where applicable, flood insurance, all in accordance with the provisions of the related Servicing Agreements. It is understood and agreed that such insurance shall be with insurers meeting the eligibility requirements set forth in the applicable Servicing Agreement and that no earthquake or other additional insurance is to be required of any Mortgagor or to be maintained on property acquired in respect of a defaulted loan, other than pursuant to such applicable laws and regulations as shall at any time be in force and as shall require such additional insurance. (b) Pursuant to Section 3.23, any amounts collected by the Master Servicer, or by any Servicer, under any insurance policies (other than amounts to be applied to the restoration or repair of the property subject to the related Mortgage or released to the Mortgagor in accordance with the applicable Servicing Agreement) shall be deposited into the Distribution Account, subject to withdrawal pursuant to Section 3.24. Any cost incurred by the Master Servicer or any Servicer in maintaining any such insurance if the Mortgagor defaults in its obligation to do so shall be added to the amount owing under the Loan where the terms of the Loan so permit; provided, however, that the addition of any such cost shall not be taken into account for purposes of calculating the distributions to be made to Certificateholders and shall be recoverable by the Master Servicer or such Servicer pursuant to Section 3.24.
Asset Coverage The Borrower will not at any time permit the aggregate amount of Total Liabilities that are Senior Securities Representing Indebtedness to exceed 33 1/3% of its Adjusted Net Assets.
WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD Clause 14.01 (a) When a probationary or regular employee, through employment with the Employer, suffers an injury or disability, or a recurrence of an injury or disability, the Employer shall pay the employee an amount, when combined with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payment, equals the employee’s regular wage less deductions required by law, for a period of nine (9) months from the first day of absence. (b) Pending receipt of payment from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, an employee shall receive advances up to the amount of the employee’s regular wage rate, less income tax deductions and shall continue to receive their regular wage rate during the period of absence up to nine (9) months provided that: (i) the employee will make reasonable effort to ensure prompt completion of necessary forms and information required to receive approval of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payment; (ii) the employee will be expected to fully participate in alternate work, if recommended, by the employee’s medical doctor; (iii) the employee’s claim has not been disallowed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, and; (iv) the employee agrees in writing, to sign over to the Employer the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payments. (a) The Employer shall continue to pay for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) months from the first day of an injury or disability, the premium cost for health and insurance benefits as covered by Clauses 16.03 and 16.04. (b) Should an employee return to work from an injury or disability for a period of six (6) continuous months and subsequently suffers a recurrence of an injury or disability, then the provisions of Clauses 14.02(a) and 14.03(a) shall apply. (c) Notwithstanding Clause 14.02(b), if an employee having ceased to be disabled returns to work and again becomes disabled from the same or related cause within six (6) months, it would be considered as one (1) continuous period of disability as per Clauses 14.02(a) and 14.03(a). (a) For a period of up to thirty (30) months from the first day of injury or disability, the employee shall be eligible to return to their same position classification if capable of performing the required work. If unable to perform the required work, the employee shall be given all reasonable consideration for any available job for which the employee is able and qualified to perform. (b) Notwithstanding Part (a), if any employee’s position is declared redundant while on WSIB leave, the employee upon their return shall exercise normal bumping procedures as per Article 8.
Standard Hazard and Flood Insurance Policies For each Mortgage Loan (other than a Cooperative Loan), the Master Servicer shall maintain, or cause to be maintained by each Servicer, standard fire and casualty insurance and, where applicable, flood insurance, all in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the related Servicing Agreement, as applicable. It is understood and agreed that such insurance shall be with insurers meeting the eligibility requirements set forth in the applicable Servicing Agreement and that no earthquake or other additional insurance is to be required of any Mortgagor or to be maintained on property acquired in respect of a defaulted loan, other than pursuant to such applicable laws and regulations as shall at any time be in force and as shall require such additional insurance. Pursuant to Section 4.01, any amounts collected by the Master Servicer, or by any Servicer, under any insurance policies maintained pursuant to this Section 9.16 or any Servicing Agreement (other than amounts to be applied to the restoration or repair of the property subject to the related Mortgage or released to the Mortgagor in accordance with the applicable Servicing Agreement) shall be deposited into the Collection Account, subject to withdrawal pursuant to Section 4.02. Any cost incurred by the Master Servicer or any Servicer in maintaining any such insurance if the Mortgagor defaults in its obligation to do so shall be added to the amount owing under the Mortgage Loan where the terms of the Mortgage Loan so permit; provided, however, that the addition of any such cost shall not be taken into account for purposes of calculating the distributions to be made to Certificateholders and shall be recoverable by the Master Servicer or such Servicer pursuant to Section 4.02.
Pollution Liability Insurance Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance shall be written on a Contractor’s Pollution Liability form or other form acceptable to the City providing coverage for liability arising out of sudden, accidental, and gradual pollution and remediation. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 dollars per claim and in the aggregate. All activities contemplated in this Agreement shall be specifically scheduled on the policy as “covered operations”. The policy shall provide coverage for the hauling of waste from the Project site to the final disposal location, including non-owned disposal sites.
Contractor’s Pollution Liability Insurance If specified in Schedule A, the Contractor shall maintain, or cause the Subcontractor doing such Work to maintain, Contractors Pollution Liability Insurance covering bodily injury and property damage. Such insurance shall provide coverage for actual, alleged or threatened emission, discharge, dispersal, seepage, release or escape of pollutants (including asbestos), including any loss, cost or expense incurred as a result of any cleanup of pollutants (including asbestos) or in the investigation, settlement or defense of any claim, action, or proceedings arising from the operations under this Contract. Such insurance shall be in the Contractor’s name and list the City as an Additional Insured and any other entity specified in Schedule A. Coverage shall include, without limitation, (a) loss of use of damaged property or of property that has not been physically injured, (b) transportation, and (c) non-owned disposal sites.
CLEAN AIR ACT AND THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT (a) If the Sub-Recipient, with the funds authorized by this Agreement, enters into a contract that exceeds $150,000, then any such contract must include the following provision: Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387), and will report violations to FEMA and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).