Employee Categories. 4.01 Unless both the Employer and the Union agree, in writing, to an extension of time, probationary employees are those who are hired with the understanding that they will become regular employees, provided that during the probationary period of one-hundred-and-twenty days (120) worked, they exhibit the ability and qualifications required by the Employer. 4.02 Temporary employees are those hired to work during a period when additional work of any nature requires temporarily augmented forces, or in the event of an emergency, or to work during vacation periods. If a temporary employee works continuously for a period longer than 120 days worked that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, temporary replacement employees are those hired to replace a full-time, permanent employee due to illness or an approved leave of absence. If a temporary replacement worker works continuously for a period exceeding the length of the regular employee’s absence plus 60 days worked, that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, up to two (2) concurrent students may be hired to work during a school vacation period or on a co-operative training basis, such employees to be deemed as temporary for the duration of their employment. 4.03 Employees reclassified from "Temporary" to "Probationary" will receive credit in the latter category for service as a temporary employee. Combined work in the two categories will not exceed one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days unless the temporary employee is the successful job posting applicant under the provisions of this Agreement from one job classification to another job classification. Then the probationary period commences with the start of the new position. 4.04 Regular employees are those who have worked for the Employer for more than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days and who have successfully completed the probationary period, a temporary employee who has worked continuously for a period longer than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days, or an employee who has completed a combined period in accordance with the Section 4.03. 4.05 Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer for the purposes of retirement by providing as much notice as possible, however a minimum of sixty (60) days written notice shall be provided to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing. Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer at any other time by providing a minimum of two weeks’ written notice to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Employee Categories. 4.01 Unless both the Employer and the Union agree, in writing, to an extension of time, probationary employees are those who are hired with the understanding that they will become regular employees, provided that during the probationary period of one-hundred-and-twenty days (120) worked, they exhibit the ability and qualifications required by the Employer.
4.02 Temporary employees are those hired to work during a period when additional work of any nature requires temporarily augmented forces, or in the event of an emergency, or to relieve regular employees because of illness, or to work during vacation periods. If a temporary employee works continuously for a period longer than 120 one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days worked that employee shall be considered as a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, temporary replacement employees are those hired to replace a full-time, permanent employee due to illness or an approved leave of absence. If a temporary replacement worker works continuously for a period exceeding the length of the regular employee’s absence plus 60 days worked, that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, up to two (2) concurrent students may be hired to work during a school vacation period or on a co-operative training basis, such employees to be deemed as temporary for the duration of their employment.
4.03 Employees reclassified from "Temporary" to "Probationary" will receive credit in the latter category for service as a temporary employee. Combined work in the two categories will not exceed one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days unless the temporary employee is the successful job posting applicant under the provisions of this Agreement from one job classification to another job classification. Then the probationary period commences with the start of the new position.
4.04 Regular employees are those who have worked for the Employer for more than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days and who have successfully completed the probationary period, a temporary employee who has worked continuously for a period longer than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days, or an employee who has completed a combined period in accordance with the Section 4.03.
4.05 Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer for the purposes of retirement by providing as much notice as possible, however a minimum of sixty (60) days one month’s written notice shall be provided to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing. Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer at any other time by providing a minimum of two weeks’ written notice to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Employee Categories. 4.01 Unless both the Employer and the Union agree, in writing, to an extension of time, probationary employees are those A full time regular employee is a person who are hired with the understanding that they will become regular employees, provided that during the probationary period of one-hundred-and-twenty days (120) worked, they exhibit the ability and qualifications required by the Employer.
4.02 Temporary employees are those hired to work during a period when additional work of any nature requires temporarily augmented forces, or in the event of an emergency, or to work during vacation periods. If a temporary employee works continuously for a period longer than 120 days worked that employee shall be considered is employed as a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, temporary replacement employees are those hired to replace a full-time, permanent salaried employee due to illness or an approved leave of absence. If a temporary replacement worker works continuously for a period exceeding the length of the regular employee’s absence plus 60 days worked, that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, up to two (2) concurrent students may be hired to work during a school vacation period or on a co-operative training basis, such employees to be deemed as temporary for the duration of their employment.
4.03 Employees reclassified from "Temporary" to "Probationary" will receive credit in the latter category for service as a temporary employee. Combined work in the two categories will not exceed one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days unless the temporary employee is the successful job posting applicant under the provisions of this Agreement from one job classification to another job classification. Then the probationary period commences with the start of the new position.
4.04 Regular employees are those who have worked for the Employer for more than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days full time basis and who have successfully has completed the probationary period, a temporary . Full time regular employees shall be covered by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement except those which apply specifically and exclusively to part time regular employees or casual employees as the case may be.
4.02 A part-time regular employee who has worked continuously for a period longer than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days, or is an employee hired to work regular hours or days but who works less than a full-time shift schedule on a regular and continuing basis and has completed the probation period. A part-time regular employee shall not work more than thirty-two (32) hours per week unless otherwise agreed to by the Union. Part- time regular employees shall be covered by all conditions of this Agreement, except as follows:
(a) Sick leave entitlements for part time regular employees shall be in accordance with Clause 27.02(e).
(b) Part time regular employees will receive Statutory Holiday pay on a combined period pro-rata basis consistent with the proportion of hours normally worked in weeks not containing a holiday.
(c) Part time regular employees will receive vacation pay and vacation time off work per Article 25 on a pro-rata basis in accordance with the Section 4.03proportion of “full-time equivalent” hours worked (or deemed to have been worked) as defined in Clause 4.02(d) below.
4.05 Employees may terminate their (d) Seniority for part time regular employees shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis in accordance with proportion of full-time equivalent hours worked, or deemed to have been worked. For the purposes of this calculation, it is agreed that the “full-time equivalent” hours on an annual basis shall be deemed to be 1,992. Notwithstanding anything, it is further agreed that wherever under this Agreement any entitlement for any part time regular employee is to be determined on a pro rata basis such pro ration shall be calculated by using the number 1,992 hours as the “full-time equivalent” for any one year period. Notwithstanding anything, it is further agreed that where, pursuant to this Agreement, a part time regular employee is entitled to receive a specified term or condition of employment on a pro-rata basis in accordance with the Employer “full-time equivalent” hours worked, all time off work during which such employee’s seniority either accrues, or is deemed to accrue, per this Agreement shall be deemed to be time worked for the purposes of retirement by providing as much notice as possiblecalculating such pro rata entitlements under this Agreement.
(e) Such other provisions of this collective agreement, however which specifically identify differences in terms and conditions of employment between full time regular employees and part time regular employees.
4.03 A casual employee is one hired to relieve a minimum full time regular or part time regular employee absent on Annual Vacation, Sick Leave, Statutory Holidays or days in lieu of sixty (60) days written notice shall be provided to the Employer. Upon the request Statutory Holidays, Leave of the EmployeeAbsence, the notice period Banked Overtime or any other authorized leaves of absence and for unusual peak work loads and may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced hired for a maximum of ninety (90) working days in writing. Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer at any other time by providing a minimum of two weeks’ written notice to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writingcalendar year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Employee Categories. 4.01 Unless both the Employer and the Union agree, in writing, to an extension of time, probationary employees are those who are hired with the understanding that they will become regular employees, provided that during the probationary period of one-hundred-and-twenty days (120) worked, they exhibit the ability and qualifications required by the Employer.
4.02 Temporary employees are those hired to work during a period when additional work of any nature requires temporarily augmented forces, or in the event of an emergency, or to work during vacation periods. If a temporary employee works continuously for a period longer than 120 days worked that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, temporary replacement employees are those hired to replace a full-time, permanent employee due to illness or an approved leave of absence. If a temporary replacement worker works continuously for a period exceeding the length of the regular employee’s absence plus 60 days worked, that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, up to two (2) concurrent students may be hired to work during a school vacation period or on a co-operative training basis, such employees to be deemed as temporary for the duration of their employment.
4.03 Employees reclassified from "Temporary" to "Probationary" will receive credit in the latter category for service as a temporary employee. Combined work in the two categories will not exceed one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days unless the temporary employee is the successful job posting applicant under the provisions of this Agreement from one job classification to another job classification. Then the probationary period commences with the start of the new position.
4.04 8.01 Regular employees are those who have worked for the Employer for more than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days and persons who have successfully completed the probationary periodperiod and have been granted regular status with the Company.
8.02 A probationary employee is a person hired on a trial basis for six (6) months, during which time they shall not be subject to the terms of this agreement, except in the wage rate classification or where clauses specifically refer to probationary employees therein. Employees retained past the six (6) months shall be deemed satisfactory and placed on the seniority list and credited with seniority from the date last hired. Upon written agreement by the Union and the Company, the probationary period may be extended up to three (3) months.
8.03 Regular part-time employees are persons who work more than 24 hours and less than 40 hours per week.
8.04 The Company will provide seven (7) days prior written notification to the Union of a change to an employee’s category.
8.05 The Company and Union agree that temporary employment is permitted within this Collective Agreement. The Company will notify the Principal Xxxxxxx when a temporary employee who has worked continuously is utilized for a period longer position. The temporary employment shall not exceed twelve (12) months. Temporary employees will not be hired for more than onetwelve (12) months in a twenty-hundred-and-twenty four (12024) daysmonth period, or an unless mutually agreed upon. No position after twelve (12) months will be deemed temporary and the temporary employee who has completed will be reclassified as a combined period regular employee unless mutually agreed upon. In the event that temporary employees become regular through a job posting (without a break in accordance employment), such temporary time will be credited to their seniority. Temporary employees will be covered by the Collective Agreement with the Section 4.03.
4.05 Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer exception of Articles 13 and 16. Temporary employees will not be hired into positions where regular employees can be stepped up. When an Employee is relieving for the purposes of retirement by providing as much notice as possible, however a minimum of sixty (60) days written notice shall be provided to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employeematernity/parental/ adoption leave, the notice period may employee will be reduced by considered temporary for up to and including the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretionduration of that particular leave. The temporary employee will be entitled to 4% vacation pay or equivalent time off, such reduction as mutually agreed. The position will be subject to be evidenced in writing. Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer at any other time by providing a minimum of two weeks’ written notice to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writingunion dues.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Employee Categories. 4.01 Unless both the Employer and the Union agree, in writing, to an extension of time, probationary employees are those who are hired with the understanding that they will become regular employees, provided that during the probationary period of one-hundred-and-twenty days (120) worked, they exhibit the ability and qualifications required by the Employer.
4.02 Temporary employees are those hired to work during a period when additional work of any nature requires temporarily augmented forces, or in the event of an emergency, or to work during vacation periods1. If a temporary employee works continuously for a period longer than 120 days worked that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, temporary replacement employees are those hired to replace a full-time, permanent employee due to illness or an approved leave of absence. If a temporary replacement worker works continuously for a period exceeding the length of the regular employee’s absence plus 60 days worked, that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, up to two (2) concurrent students may be hired to work during a school vacation period or on a co-operative training basis, such employees to be deemed as temporary for the duration of their employment.
4.03 Employees reclassified from "Temporary" to "Probationary" will receive credit in the latter category for service as a temporary employee. Combined work in the two categories will not exceed one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days unless the temporary employee is the successful job posting applicant under the provisions of this Agreement from one job classification to another job classification. Then the probationary period commences with the start of the new position.
4.04 Regular employees are those bargaining unit employees who have worked completed their initial probationary period.
a. Regular full time employees are those non-probationary employees who work a minimum of forty (40) hours per week (fifty-six (56) average hours per week for Firefighters and Engineers).
b. Regular part time employees are those non-probationary employees who work at least twenty (20), but less than forty (40) hours a week.
c. A “seasonal employee” is a regular employee who is hired for seasonal activities and does not work over thirty four (34) weeks in a twelve (12) month period. During any period of unemployment, a seasonal employee shall not receive or accrue any benefits or be subject to any employee obligations.
2. Temporary employees are employees hired to augment, not displace, the Employer regular bargaining unit work force on a short term or project basis.
a. A temporary employee may not be employed for more than onesix (6) months in a twelve (12) month period, without MSBEA consent. In the absence of MSBEA consent, any temporary employee who is employed for more than six (6) months shall be automatically entitled to the wages and benefits provided regular employees under this Agreement, and shall be obligated to pay the Association a fee equal to the dues imposed by the Association. These benefits include wages, leave, holiday pay, and overtime. Temporary employees are not covered by any other terms of this agreement.
b. Temporary employees will receive the wage rate applicable to their classification if the position is a classified and graded position.
c. Temporary employees shall be paid only for hours actually worked and shall not accrue benefits except as noted in (a.) above. In the case of a temporary who is hired as a "regular" employee in the same classification without a break in service in the last twelve (12) month period, credit shall be given for service already rendered under the on-hundred-and-twenty (120) days call status when computing longevity for wage reviews and who have successfully completed for the purpose of the employee's completion of the probationary period. Service will be considered unbroken if the employee did not work in any other job classification during the period in question. The service will be considered unbroken even if the service was intermittent. The service will be computed based on the number of paid hours worked during the on-call employment.
d. Temporary employees may not be hired to avoid filling a regular position, or to otherwise circumvent this agreement.
e. An on call employee is a special type of temporary employee who has worked continuously for agrees to be available to the Borough to fill in, as needed, with no guarantee of any hours. An on call employee may not work more than one thousand (1000) hours in a twelve (12) month period longer than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days, or an employee who has completed a combined period in accordance beginning with the Section 4.03.
4.05 Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer for the purposes most recent date of retirement by providing as much notice as possible, however a minimum of sixty (60) days written notice shall be provided to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing. Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer at any other time by providing a minimum of two weeks’ written notice to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing.hire without MSBEA
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Employee Categories. 4.01 Unless both the Employer and the Union agree, in writing, to an extension of time, probationary employees are those A full time regular employee is a person who are hired with the understanding that they will become regular employees, provided that during the probationary period of one-hundred-and-twenty days (120) worked, they exhibit the ability and qualifications required by the Employer.
4.02 Temporary employees are those hired to work during a period when additional work of any nature requires temporarily augmented forces, or in the event of an emergency, or to work during vacation periods. If a temporary employee works continuously for a period longer than 120 days worked that employee shall be considered is employed as a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, temporary replacement employees are those hired to replace a full-time, permanent salaried employee due to illness or an approved leave of absence. If a temporary replacement worker works continuously for a period exceeding the length of the regular employee’s absence plus 60 days worked, that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, up to two (2) concurrent students may be hired to work during a school vacation period or on a co-operative training basis, such employees to be deemed as temporary for the duration of their employment.
4.03 Employees reclassified from "Temporary" to "Probationary" will receive credit in the latter category for service as a temporary employee. Combined work in the two categories will not exceed one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days unless the temporary employee is the successful job posting applicant under the provisions of this Agreement from one job classification to another job classification. Then the probationary period commences with the start of the new position.
4.04 Regular employees are those who have worked for the Employer for more than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days full time basis and who have successfully has completed the probationary period, a temporary . Full time regular employees shall be covered by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement except those which apply specifically and exclusively to part time regular employees or casual employees as the case may be.
4.02 A part-time regular employee who has worked continuously for a period longer than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days, or is an employee hired to work regular hours or days but who works less than a full-time shift schedule on a regular and continuing basis and has completed the probation period. A part-time regular employee shall not work more than thirty-two (32) hours per week unless otherwise agreed to by the Union. Part-time regular employees shall be covered by all conditions of this Agreement, except as follows:
(a) Sick leave entitlements for part time regular employees shall be in accordance with Clause 27.02(e).
(b) Part time regular employees will receive Statutory Holiday pay on a combined period pro-rata basis consistent with the proportion of hours normally worked in weeks not containing a holiday.
(c) Part time regular employees will receive vacation pay and vacation time off work per Article 25 on a pro-rata basis in accordance with the Section 4.03proportion of “full-time equivalent” hours worked (or deemed to have been worked) as defined in Clause 4.02(d) below.
4.05 Employees may terminate their (d) Seniority for part time regular employees shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis in accordance with proportion of full-time equivalent hours worked, or deemed to have been worked. For the purposes of this calculation, it is agreed that the “full-time equivalent” hours on an annual basis shall be deemed to be 1,992. Notwithstanding anything, it is further agreed that wherever under this Agreement any entitlement for any part time regular employee is to be determined on a pro rata basis such pro ration shall be calculated by using the number 1,992 hours as the “full-time equivalent” for any one year period. Notwithstanding anything, it is further agreed that where, pursuant to this Agreement, a part time regular employee is entitled to receive a specified term or condition of employment on a pro-rata basis in accordance with the Employer “full-time equivalent” hours worked, all time off work during which such employee’s seniority either accrues, or is deemed to accrue, per this Agreement shall be deemed to be time worked for the purposes of retirement by providing as much notice as possiblecalculating such pro rata entitlements under this Agreement.
(e) Such other provisions of this collective agreement, however which specifically identify differences in terms and conditions of employment between full time regular employees and part time regular employees.
4.03 A casual employee is one hired to relieve a minimum full time regular or part time regular employee absent on Annual Vacation, Sick Leave, Statutory Holidays or days in lieu of sixty (60) days written notice shall be provided to the Employer. Upon the request Statutory Holidays, Leave of the EmployeeAbsence, the notice period Banked Overtime or any other authorized leaves of absence and for unusual peak work loads and may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced hired for a maximum of ninety (90) working days in writing. Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer at any other time by providing a minimum of two weeks’ written notice to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writingcalendar year.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
Employee Categories. 4.01 Unless both The parties recognize that it is in their common interest to ensure that the Employer Company is guaranteed the work force necessary to meet its operational requirements. It is further agreed that this is best achieved by: Protecting the employment security of current Full- time and Part-time; Maintaining an adequate supplementary workforce of part-time workers to meet fluctuating labor needs which vary from time to time. For the Union agreepurposes of this collective agreement, in writing, to an extension there are kinds of time, probationary employees: Seasonal employees are those who are hired with the understanding that they will become regular employeesdefined as a person hired, provided that on a temporary basis during the probationary peak production period of one-hundred-and-twenty days (120) workedto provide relief for vacations and to meet increased seasonal production requirements. A Seasonal Employee will be hired for a term and task. For greater clarity, they exhibit Seasonal Employees receive wages only in exchange for service and are not entitled to anything else through this collective agreement. Seasonal Employees may be hired during the ability and qualifications required by the Employer.
4.02 Temporary employees are those hired to work during a peak production period when additional work of any nature requires temporarily augmented forces, or in the event of an emergency, or to work during vacation periods. If a temporary employee works continuously for a period longer than 120 days worked that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, temporary replacement employees are those hired to replace a full-time, permanent employee due to illness or an approved leave of absence. If a temporary replacement worker works continuously for a period exceeding the length of the regular employee’s absence plus 60 days worked, that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, up to six (6) months. In addition, Seasonal Employees may be engaged two (2) concurrent students may be hired weeks prior to work during a school vacation period or on a co-operative the Peak Production Period for training basis, such employees to be deemed as temporary for the duration of provided that their employment.
4.03 Employees reclassified from "Temporary" to "Probationary" will receive credit hiring does not result in the latter category displacement of Full-time and Part-time employees. No one will lose any time to which they would otherwise be entitled. Seasonal Employees are hired in order to meet the needs of the marketplace for service as a temporary employeeterm and task. Combined Seasonal Employees shall be terminated upon completion of the Peak Production Period. Seasonal Employees receive a base hourly rate and are not entitled to any premiums or benefits under this collective agreement except daily overtime or work in excess of hours in a week. A Part-time Employee is defined as an employeewho typically works twenty-four (24)hours or less per week during the two categories will not exceed one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days unless peak season. Such an employee may perform work in order to supplement the temporary employee is the successful job posting applicant under the provisions of this Agreement from one job classification to another job classification. Then the probationary period commences with the start needs of the new position.
4.04 Regular business. This will include replacing full time employees are those who have worked for the Employer for more than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days and who have successfully completed the probationary periodon vacation, Worker’s Compensation, sick leave, leave of absences, etc. For greater clarity, a temporary Part-time Employee will be eligible to perform the work of a full time employee who has worked continuously for a period longer than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days, or an employee who has completed a combined period in accordance with the Section 4.03is absent and this may involve working beyond hours.
4.05 Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer for the purposes of retirement by providing as much notice as possible, however a minimum of sixty (60) days written notice shall be provided to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing. Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer at any other time by providing a minimum of two weeks’ written notice to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Employee Categories. 4.01 Unless both the Employer and the Union agree, in writing, to an extension of time, probationary employees are those who are hired with the understanding that they will become regular employees, provided that during the probationary period of one-hundred-and-twenty days (120) worked, they exhibit the ability and qualifications required by the Employer.
4.02 Temporary employees are those hired to work during a period when additional work of any nature requires temporarily augmented forces, or in the event of an emergency, or to relieve regular employees because of illness, or to work during vacation periods. If a temporary employee works continuously for a period longer than 120 one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days worked that employee shall be considered as a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, temporary replacement employees are those hired to replace a full-time, permanent employee due to illness or an approved leave of absence. If a temporary replacement worker works continuously for a period exceeding the length of the regular employee’s absence plus 60 days worked, that employee shall be considered a regular employee. Notwithstanding the above, up to two (2) concurrent students may be hired to work during a school vacation period or on a co-operative training basis, such employees to be deemed as temporary for the duration of their employment.
4.03 Employees reclassified from "Temporary" to "Probationary" will receive credit in the latter category for service as a temporary employee. Combined work in the two categories will not exceed one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days unless the temporary employee is the successful job posting applicant under the provisions of this Agreement from one job classification to another job classification. Then the probationary period commences with the start of the new position.
4.04 Regular employees are those who have worked for the Employer for more than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days and who have successfully completed the probationary period, a temporary employee who has worked continuously for a period longer than one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days, or an employee who has completed a combined period in accordance with the Section 4.03.
4.05 Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer for the purposes of retirement by providing as much notice as possible, however a minimum of sixty (60) days one month’s written notice shall be provided to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing. Employees may terminate their employment with the Employer at any other time by providing a minimum of two weeks’ written notice to the Employer. Upon the request of the Employee, the notice period may be reduced by the Employer at the Employer’s sole discretion, such reduction to be evidenced in writing.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement