Break Periods Sample Clauses
Break Periods. There will be no rest periods, organized coffee breaks or other non-working time established during working hours. Individual coffee containers will be permitted at the employee’s work location.
Break Periods. The parties agree that the paid rest period contemplated by Article 16(e) shall be taken during times that will not interfere with the operation of the Strong Start Centre.
Break Periods. Each employee shall be given two (2) paid break periods of fifteen (15) minutes each during each working shift.
Break Periods. Employees are entitled to one (1) fifteen (15) minute break period for each four (4) hour shift of employment. Employees who work less than a four (4) hour shift per day are not entitled to a break period. The specific time of the break is to be deter- mined by the employee’s direct supervisor. Employees may not forego a break period to use the equivalent time to leave their place of employment earlier than the normal time prescribed for the workday to end.
Break Periods. All employees will be allowed a fifteen (15) minute break period approximately midway during the first half of any workday and a fifteen (15) minute break period approximately midway during the second half of any workday.
Break Periods. Full time employees will be allowed two (2) fifteen minute breaks per work day. The employer reserves the right to schedule such breaks according to the needs of the department. Provided that in taking the break the employee's schedule is not increased and no further salary expense is incurred by the employer.
Break Periods. All employees shall receive one fifteen minute break period approximately midway in the shift during each shift. The supervisor retains the right to schedule employees' break periods to fulfill the operational needs of the various work units. Break periods may not be accumulated, that is, if an employee does not receive a break period because of operational requirements, such break periods may not be taken during a subsequent work period. In the event an employee is required to work overtime, there shall be a fifteen minute break period after two hours of work if the employee is required to work beyond such two hours. All employees shall be granted a lunch period which shall be unpaid. Whenever possible the lunch period will be scheduled at the middle of the shift and shall not be less than thirty minutes nor more than one hour in length, the exact scheduling and length of which shall be determined by the appropriate supervisor. In the event an employee is required to work overtime, there shall be a lunch period every four hours if the employee is required to work beyond four hours.
Break Periods. All employees are entitled to two (2) fifteen-minute breaks in each 7 1/2 - or 8- hour shift but said breaks cannot be taken consecutively or added to extend the meal period.
Break Periods. All employees shall be permitted a fifteen (15) minute rest period in the first half of a shift and a fifteen (15) minute rest period in the second half of a shift.
Break Periods. The University provides two 15-minute break periods without loss of pay, as scheduled by their Supervisor in the Employee’s normal work day.