Probationary Sample Clauses

Probationary. This category describes persons taken on strength on a probationary basis with the prospect, if their services are found satisfactory, of a change of category to Regular full-time or Regular part-time (Section 1.2, following).
Probationary. A bargaining unit member who is employed to fill a full- or part-time position for a trial period of sixty (60) school days in which the member reports to work.
ProbationaryAn employee who is employed to fill a full or part-time position for a trial period of ninety (90) work days.
Probationary. (a) Definition. A probationary appointment means that the individual holding such an appointment is being evaluated for purposes of determining whether or not the ASF Member will be offered an appointment with permanent status.
Probationary. Tenured and non-tenure track faculty in the affected department shall be laid off in inverse order as described in Article 29. However, in departments or programs where positions are financed by monies from an outside jurisdiction or agency and are occupied by fixed-term or probationary faculty, such faculty may continue to hold such positions in reduced departments or programs unless there are tenured faculty members qualified to fill such positions as determined by the President.
ProbationaryAn employee who has not completed the probationary period. An employee is probationary for their first three years of employment.
ProbationaryAn Employee who is employed to fill a full- or part-time position for a trial period of sixty-four (64) working days.
ProbationaryEffective January 28, 2003, an entry probationary unit member as defined in Section 14.4.1 shall not be entitled to City paid leave entitlement under Section 8.4.2.
ProbationaryProbationary employees are persons hired on trial to determine their suitability for continuing employment in regular positions. An employee shall be considered probationary for a six-(6) calendar month period. At the end of this probationary period his/her date of hiring will be established as six calendar months prior to the date he/she attains six-(6) calendar months' service. During this period of probation, he/she shall not be considered as having regular status and he/she may be discharged without having recourse to the grievance procedure.
Probationary. Layoffs shall be by job class according to reverse order of seniority as determined by total continuous County civil service, except as specified above. The following provisions shall apply in computing total continuous service: (1) Time spent on military leave, leaves to accept temporary employment outside the County government and leave to accept a position in the unclassified service shall count as County service. (2) Periods of time during which an employee is required to be absent from his/her position due to an injury or disease for which he/she is entitled to and currently receiving Worker's Compensation benefits shall be included in computing length of service for purposes of determining seniority rights. (3) Time worked as an extra help or seasonal shall not count as County service. (4) Time worked in a permanent, probationary, provisional or temporary status shall count as County service. Part-time status shall count at the rate of one year of continuous employment for each 2080 straight-time hours worked. If two or more employees have the same seniority, the examination scores for their present classes shall determine seniority.