EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS a. An equality impact assessment to be done and equality implications set out in the report as well as how they will be managed.
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. To be completed by the report author Name: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx (Assets Manager, Project co-ordinator) (Report author) Box 13 CONSULTATION
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. 7.8.1. The new framework agreement will not alter the service provision and so all previous equality implications will still apply. Nothing new will change.
7.8.2. An Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) screening assessment (ESA) has been completed. There are no negative impacts on any of the protected groups owing to the recommendations of this report.
7.8.3. The Equality Screening Assessment is provided as a background paper to the report and is available on request.
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. 4.1 It is envisaged that the outcome of this tender will have a neutral or positive impact on the protected groups. It is not anticipated that the services received by current service users will vary significantly from what is currently received. Eligibility for access to these services is not affected under this process and there is no planned reduction in budget. Future arrangements will be monitored on the take up of the service by diverse communities through monitoring and in relation to local population data analysis.
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. 4.1. The Partnership Agreement provides a framework within which services can be commissioned jointly to address local needs and contribute to addressing health inequalities.
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. 7.1 The proposal to directly award contracts for day services for people with Dementia will on the whole have a positive impact. It is not anticipated that the services received by people with Dementia and their carers will vary significantly from what is currently offered by awarding these contracts. Eligibility for access to these services is not affected under this process. Future arrangements will continue on the take up of the service by diverse communities through monitoring and in relation to local population data analysis.
7.2 Any future proof remodelled service will offer support and be inclusive to the needs of the local diverse population including Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups and those who are socially isolated and do not currently access services.
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. 8.1 The proposal to directly award contracts for day services for people with dementia will on the whole have a positive impact. It is not anticipated that the services received by people with dementia and their carers will vary significantly from what is currently offered by awarding these contracts. Eligibility for access to these services is not affected under this process; rather, it is hoped that by working collaboratively with the providers and focusing on outcomes, residents will receive better quality of service provision. Please refer to section 4.6 above.
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. 8.1 There are no direct equality implications arising directly from this report. The impact of any changes to the operational aspects of future waste collection services as a result of the Agreements at Appendix A will be considered and dealt with under the terms of the agreement.
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. 9.1 From initial assessments, there will be no adverse impact of the SIL Commissioning Strategy on certain groups. There is no projected reduction in commissioned placements affecting access through the strategy. It is in fact aimed for there to be an increase in the quality of placements.
EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS. 9.1 There are no adverse equality implications.