Equipment Decontamination. Describe the decontamination procedure for all drilling, sampling equipment (including metal sleeves), and field-parameter testing equipment. The following is a recommended generic procedure for decontamination of sampling equipment: o Wash with non-phosphate detergent o Tap water rinse
Equipment Decontamination. Describe the decontamination procedure for all drilling and sampling equipment (including metal sleeves), and field-parameter testing equipment. Clearly document the decontamination procedures.
Equipment Decontamination. Equipment used to collect, handle, or measure environmental samples will be decontaminated in basic accordance with Site-specific SOP EPA-XXXXX-2012-04, Field Equipment Decontamination at Nonradioactive Sites (see Appendix B). Materials used in the decontamination process will be disposed of as investigation-derived waste (IDW) as described below. This SOP specifies the minimum procedural requirements for equipment decontamination. Additional equipment decontamination procedures are also specified in the medium-specific collection SOPs.
Equipment Decontamination. If environmentally impacted soils are present, the A-E shall properly dispose of any soil cuttings to an approved offsite disposal.
Equipment Decontamination. Decontamination of equipment will be performed to limit the migration of contaminants off-site. All equipment will be cleaned prior to site entry to remove grease, oil and encrusted soil. Decontamination of large equipment will consist of physically removing gross contamination with shovels, brushes etc. followed by detergent and water high pressure wash with a clean water rinse. Cuttings and decontamination fluids will be handled as outlined in the project work plan.
Equipment Decontamination. Equipment decontamination will be kept to a minimum through the use of either dedicated or disposable sampling equipment. However, some sampling equipment will require decontamination, and these include equipment made of glass, metals, Teflon™, and other plastic materials. Additionally, some devices are not made to be disposed of and are necessary for completion of the various sampling activities, and these include (but are not limited to): groundwater level probes; groundwater quality field instruments used to measure field parameters when groundwater sampling; grab samplers for surface water sampling; and other similar devices that are used repeatedly at more than one sampling location or site. Equipment decontamination procedures are described in SOP SAS-04-04 which includes a discussion regarding the inspection and decontamination of drilling equipment and other subsurface sampling devices that are brought on site and used by subcontractors.
Equipment Decontamination. All drilling and down-hole sampling equipment was steam cleaned after each use. Hand tools, water level meters and other equipment were either steam cleaned or washed by hand and rinsed with distilled water. PVC used for installing temporary monitoring xxxxx for groundwater sampling was steam cleaned prior to and after use in each boring. Field rinsate blank samples were collected from cleaned water samplers and PVC well screen. These QA/QC measures are discussed in more detail below. Because direct push sampling methods were used, only a limited amount of excess soil was left over from explorations after samples were collected. This excess soil was disposed of as solid waste because field screening results did not indicate the presence of VOCs in the soil. Used soil liners, soiled nitrile gloves and other miscellaneous personal protective materials were also disposed of as solid waste. Liquid waste consisting of purge and decon water was collected and sampled. After chemical analytical results were obtained the water was disposed of in the sanitary sewer system with permission of the City of Medford.
Equipment Decontamination. All equipment shall be provided to the work site free of gross contamination. The Engineer may prohibit from the site any equipment that in his opinion has not been thoroughly decontaminated prior to arrival. Any decontamination of the Contractor’s equipment prior to arrival at the site shall be at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor is prohibited from decontaminating equipment on the Project that has not been thoroughly decontaminated prior to arrival. The Contractor shall furnish labor, materials, tools and equipment for decontamination of all equipment and supplies that are used to handle Controlled Materials. Decontamination shall be conducted at an area designated by the Engineer and shall be required prior to equipment and supplies leaving the Project, between stages of the work, and between work in different AOEC’s. The Contractor shall use dry decontamination procedures. Residuals from dry decontamination activities shall be collected and managed as Controlled Materials. If the results from dry methods are unsatisfactory to the Engineer, the Contractor shall modify decontamination procedures as required. The Contractor shall be responsible for the collection and treatment/recycling/disposal of any liquid wastes that may be generated by its decontamination activities in accordance with applicable regulations.
Equipment Decontamination. All equipment shall be provided to the WSAs free of gross contamination. ConnDOT may prohibit from the WSAs any equipment that in its opinion has not been thoroughly decontaminated prior to arrival. Any decontamination of the CSM’s equipment prior to arrival at the WSAs shall be at the expense of the CSM. The CSM is prohibited from decontaminating equipment at the WSAs that has not been thoroughly decontaminated prior to arrival. The CSM shall be responsible for decontamination of equipment, hand tools and other items which come into contact with Hazardous Materials as a result of executing work at the site prior to re-mobilization. The decontamination procedure shall include as a minimum:
a. Removal of heavy particulates via scrub with a stiff brush or power washer;
b. Scrub with a stiff brush with a phosphate-free, industrial grade detergent solution, such as Alconox or Sparkleen; and,
c. Rinse with water. The CSM shall be responsible for the collection and treatment/recycling/disposal of any liquid and solid wastes that may be generated by its decontamination activities in accordance with applicable regulations.
Equipment Decontamination. Before removal of equipment and tools from a facility that includes a radiological controlled area, items must be released from the site after completing a radiological release survey. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all equipment and tools removed from a facility for use at another location complies with a radiological release survey. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for decontaminating equipment and tools that cannot be released following a radiological release survey using a appropriate methods to meeting release criteria. If decontamination efforts are abandoned and the equipment or tool is designated as waste, subsequent disposition is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility.