Groundwater Sampling Sample Clauses

Groundwater Sampling. Water samples from each monitoring well installed under Task 5 will be collected and submitted to a state certified laboratory for general mineral, general physical, and inorganic constituent analyses.
Groundwater Sampling. Project Engineer/Geologist/Scientist hourly $95.00 20 $1,900.00 Senior Engineer/Geologist hourly $125.00 2 $250.00 Disposable Bailers each $13.80 14 $193.20 Interface Probe day $28.75 2 $57.50 Misc. Field Supplies day $28.75 1 $28.75 Absorbent socks each $12.00 2 $24.00 Pickup Truck 1/2 day $73.27 4 $293.08 September 2019 Task total: $2,746.53 September 2020 Task total: $2,746.53 September 2021 Task total: $2,746.53 September 2022 Task total: $2,746.53 page 1 of 2 September 2023 Task total: $2,746.53 Description Unit Basis (1) Rate (1) # Units Estimated Cost Project Engineer/Geologist/Scientist hourly $95.00 20 $1,900.00 Senior Engineer/Geologist hourly $125.00 6 $750.00 Principal/Professional Engineer each $155.00 1 $155.00 Administration day $65.00 2 $130.00 $2,935.00 DES Approved 24 HR Turnaround? Description Unit Basis (1) Rate (1) # Units Y/N Estimated Cost Groundwater - September - VOC 8260 NH Each $120.00 14 NA $1,680.00 Groundwater - September - Subcontractor Markup 15% 1 NA $252.00 Groundwater - May - VOC 8260 NH $120.00 14 NA $1,680.00 Groundwater - May - Subcontractor Markup 15% 1 NA $252.00 Owner's Representative: 10/2/2019 NHDES Approval: (signature/date)
Groundwater Sampling. The shallow groundwater was sampled to determine if there is a source of PCE impacting groundwater near the groundwater sampling locations and if PCE or decay products are present at levels that indicate a potential threat to indoor air via vapor intrusion or to downgradient water use. Based on reviews of previous work it was expected that the groundwater would be present at shallow levels (<10 feet). In fact, it was quite difficult to retrieve water from the temporary borings at this site that were completed to 14-17 feet of depth. Soils in the cored areas also contained significant clay and silt, which likely impeded flow into the borings. Groundwater samples were successfully recovered from borings SB-1, SB-3 and SB-4. Groundwater collection was unsuccessful at borings SB-2 and SB-5. The sample designation for groundwater samples is “GW” followed by the boring number. Thus, the sample designation for the groundwater sample from boring SB-2 would be “GW-SB2”. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 10 to 15 feet below ground surface. PVC well casing was used to collect water samples. This approach involved temporarily installing cleaned ¾-inch threaded PVC well screen and blank into the open borings after removing the soil sampling tools. This was possible because the boreholes tended to stay open to allow the PVC to be installed. This method provided additional time for water to enter the borings while the next boring was initiated. Five feet of machine-slotted well screen was used at the base of each temporarily well. Filter pack was not installed around the temporary xxxxx. Groundwater entered the temporary xxxxx which allowed for purging and sample collection as described below. After groundwater samples were collected the PVC casing was removed and steam cleaned before being re-used. Prior to purging water or collecting water samples from each boring, water levels were recorded with an electric water level meter. The measurements were made relative to the ground surface. Where possible, prior to collecting groundwater samples, water was purged from the temporary xxxxx. SB-3 was purged using a Mechanical bladder pump with clean, disposable tubing (Geoprobe MBP470). About 1 liter of water was purged from SB-3 prior to sample collection. The water sample from SB-3 was collected from the tubing above the mechanical bladder pump directly into 3 40-milliliter VOA vials, and an additional 3 vials were collected for a replicate sample. SB-1 and S...
Groundwater Sampling. Prior to the date hereof, Sellers have -------------------- sampled water from the existing deep well located at the Easton, Pennsylvania facility and have had that sample analyzed for volatile organic compounds. Sellers have provided Buyer with a written report describing the results of such sampling and analytical results and Buyer acknowledges receipt of such report.
Groundwater Sampling. 70 -------------------- Section 5.13. VPI Taxes................................................................................... 70 ---------
Groundwater Sampling a subset of groundwater monitoring locations will be analyzed for PCBs, SVOCs and pesticides to evaluate whether these constituents are present in groundwater. Section of the RI/FS Work Plan has been updated to include these locations, which include the OU 1 Post-Site Closure Monitoring locations as well as select bedrock and overburden monitoring locations proposed to be installed along Transect 1 during the hydrogeological investigation. The results will be compared with historic groundwater data to understand the extent of impacts of these contaminants and evaluate the necessity of inclusion of these analyses in future groundwater monitoring.
Groundwater Sampling. Results ---------------------------- A summary of the detections and exceedances of this sampling event are presented on Table 1. The laboratory data report is included as Attachment 2. A brief discussion of the sampling results is presented in the following paragraph. Three VOCs were detected in sample MW-16. 1,1,1-trichloroethance, 1,1-dichloroethane, and 1,1-dichloroethene were all detected at concentrations below the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) groundwater quality standard. Aluminum was detected in two of the five locations (W-12 and MW-15) at concentrations exceeding the NJDEP groundwater standard. Iron was detected in all five locations at concentrations exceeding the NJDEP groundwater standard. Manganese was detected in four of the five locations (W-8, W-10, W-12 and MW-15) at concentrations exceeding the NJDEP groundwater standard. Other metals detected, but not exceeding the groundwater standard include arsenic (W-8), barium (all locations), calcium (all locations), chromium (MW-15), copper (all locations), magnesium (all locations), nickel (MW-15), potassium (all locations), sodium (all locations), vanadium (W-12, MW015, and MW-16), and zinc (W-10, W-12, and MW-15). [Logo of XXXXXXX XXXXXX] CONCLUSIONS ----------- No VOCs or SVOCs were detected in excess of the NJDEP groundwater standard. Aluminum, iron, and manganese were detected in the groundwater at levels in excess of the NJDEP groundwater standard; however, based on historical site usage and operations, these metals are most likely naturally occurring and not associated with operational discharges to the environment. Based on the results of this sampling event, and the fact that the groundwater beneath the 0 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx facility is not used for potable purposes, no further action is recommended and it is requested that the NJDEP provide a written determination (i.e., a No Further Action Letter) for this Site. Upon receipt of this determination, the groundwater monitoring xxxxx be abandoned in accordance with NJDEP regulations and guidance. I trust you will find this information satisfactory. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Xxxxx Xxxxx or me at (000) 000-0000. Sincerely, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Inc. /s/ Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Senior Project Scientist Cc: X. Xxxxx X. Xxx Xxxxx [Handwritten note follows:]
Groundwater Sampling. Installation of piezometers and observation xxxxx varies
Groundwater Sampling. Using a hydropunch, collect groundwater grab samples from three selected areas surrounding the facility. Seal the borings with neat cement. Estimated Cost: $1,600 per annum
Groundwater Sampling. 5 2.6 Indoor Air Sampling .......................................................................................................... 7 2.7 Phase I ESA ......................................................................................................................... 7