MCUA PARTIES Any of the following types of entities that have executed a Master Contract Usage Agreement with Enterprise Services: ▪ Political subdivisions (e.g., counties, cities, school districts, public utility districts) in the State of Washington; ▪ Federal governmental agencies or entities; ▪ Public-benefit nonprofit corporations (i.e., § 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporations that receive federal, state, or local funding); and ▪ Federally-recognized Indian Tribes located in the State of Washington.
COVID 19 public health emergency means the period beginning on January 27, 2020 and until the termination of the national emergency concerning the COVID–19 outbreak declared pursuant to the National Emergencies Act (50 Deposit means an extraordinary payment of an accrued, unfunded liability. The term deposit does not refer to routine contributions made by an employer to pension funds as part of the employer’s obligations related to payroll, such as either a pension contribution consisting of a normal cost component related to current employees or a component addressing the amortization of unfunded liabilities calculated by reference to the employer’s payroll costs. Eligible employer means an employer Eligible workers means workers
Student and Parent Access Access by students or parents/guardians to the Provider’s programs or services governed by the DPA or to any Student Data stored by Provider shall not be conditioned upon agreement by the parents/guardians to waive any of the student data confidentiality restrictions or a lessening of any of the confidentiality or privacy requirements contained in this DPA.
Parent A parent, legal guardian or person in parental relation to the Student.