Establishment of Records Sample Clauses

Establishment of Records. An employee or designee thereof has the right to review his/her files(s) upon request and at the time and place mutually convenient to the custodian. Employees must be provided a copy of any document that is to be placed in their file and an opportunity to submit a rebuttal to be included in the record. Personnel records may include applicant files, examination records, classification files, employee files and related materials, and medical records. Medical records will be maintained in accordance with Section 46.5 of this Article. The County may retain and store records in various formats, including as electronically imaged documents.
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Related to Establishment of Records

  • Establishment and Maintenance of Records GRANTEE shall maintain records, including but not limited to, books, financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, personnel, property, and all other pertinent records sufficient to reflect properly:

  • Audit Rights and Retention of Records Consultant shall preserve all Contract Records (as defined below) for a minimum period of three (3) years after expiration or termination of this Agreement or until resolution of any audit findings, whichever is longer. Contract Records shall, upon reasonable notice, be open to County inspection and subject to audit and reproduction during normal business hours. County audits and inspections pursuant to this Section may be performed by any County representative (including any outside representative engaged by County). County may conduct audits or inspections at any time during the term of this Agreement and for a period of three years after the expiration or termination of the Agreement (or longer if required by law). County may, without limitation, verify information, payroll distribution, and amounts through interviews, written affirmations, and on-site inspection with Consultant's employees, Subconsultants, vendors, or other labor. Contract Records include any and all information, materials and data of every kind and character, including without limitation, records, books, papers, documents, subscriptions, recordings, agreements, purchase orders, leases, contracts, commitments, arrangements, notes, daily diaries, drawings, receipts, vouchers and memoranda, and any and all other documents that pertain to rights, duties, obligations or performance under this Agreement. Contract Records include hard copy and electronic records, written policies and procedures, time sheets, payroll records and registers, cancelled payroll checks, estimating work sheets, correspondence, invoices and related payment documentation, general ledgers, insurance rebates and dividends, and any other records pertaining to rights, duties, obligations or performance under this Agreement, whether by Consultant or Subconsultants. County shall have the right to audit, review, examine, inspect, analyze, and make copies of all Contract Records at a location within Broward County. County reserves the right to conduct such audit or review at Consultant’s place of business, if deemed appropriate by County, with seventy-two (72) hours' advance notice. Consultant agrees to provide adequate and appropriate work space. Consultant shall provide County with reasonable access to the Consultant’s facilities, and County shall be allowed to interview all current or former employees to discuss matters pertinent to the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall, by written contract, require its Subconsultants and subcontractors to agree to the requirements and obligations of this Section. Any incomplete or incorrect entry in such books, records, and accounts shall be a basis for County's disallowance and recovery of any payment reliant upon such entry. If an audit or inspection in accordance with this Section discloses overpricing or overcharges to County of any nature by the Consultant or its Subconsultants in excess of five percent (5%) of the total contract xxxxxxxx reviewed by County, the reasonable actual cost of the County’s audit shall be reimbursed to the County by the Consultant in addition to making adjustments for the overcharges. Any adjustments and/or payments due as a result of such audit or inspection shall be made within thirty (30) days from presentation of County's findings to Consultant.

  • Inspection of Records Upon reasonable notice to the Administrative Trustees and the Property Trustee, the records of the Trust shall be open to inspection by Securityholders during normal business hours for any purpose reasonably related to such Securityholder's interest as a Securityholder.

  • Audit of Records Consultant shall make all records, invoices, time cards, cost control sheets and other records maintained by Consultant in connection with this Agreement available during Consultant’s regular working hours to City for review and audit by City.

  • Establishment of Account (a) The Fund hereby appoints the Custodian as the custodian of all Securities and cash at any time delivered to the Custodian to be held under this Agreement. The Custodian hereby accepts such appointment and agrees to establish and maintain one or more accounts for each Series in which the Custodian will hold Securities and cash as provided herein. Such accounts (each, an “Account,” and collectively, the “Accounts”) shall be in the name of the Fund and Series, if any.

  • Establishment of Accounts The Escrow Agent hereby instructs the Depositary, and the Depositary agrees, to establish the separate deposit accounts listed on Schedule I hereto and to establish such additional separate deposit accounts as may be required in connection with the deposits contemplated by Section 2.4 hereof (each, an “Account” and collectively, the “Accounts”), each in the name of the Escrow Agent and all on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

  • Retention of Records The Contractor and its subcontractors shall maintain all records pertinent to this Agreement, and all other financial, statistical, property, participant records, and supporting documentation for a period of no less than seven (7) years from the later of the date of acceptance of the final payment or until all audit findings have been resolved. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the retention period, the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the seven (7) years, whichever is later, and until any outstanding litigation, audit, or claim has been fully resolved.

  • AUDIT RIGHT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS CITY shall have the right to audit the books, records, and accounts of CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors that are related to this Project. CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors shall keep such books, records, and accounts as may be necessary in order to record complete and correct entries related to the Project. All books, records, and accounts of CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors shall be kept in written form, or in a form capable of conversion into written form within a reasonable time, and upon request to do so, CONTRACTOR or its subcontractor, as applicable, shall make same available at no cost to CITY in written form. CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors shall preserve and make available, at reasonable times for examination and audit by CITY, all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents pertinent to this Agreement for the required retention period of the Florida Public Records Act, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, as may be amended from time to time, if applicable, or, if the Florida Public Records Act is not applicable, for a minimum period of three (3) years after termination of this Agreement. If any audit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of the retention period or three (3) years, whichever is longer, the books, records, and accounts shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. If the Florida Public Records Act is determined by CITY to be applicable to CONTRACTOR's and its subcontractors’ records, CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors shall comply with all requirements thereof; however, no confidentiality or non-disclosure requirement of either federal or state law shall be violated by CONTRACTOR or its subcontractors. Any incomplete or incorrect entry in such books, records, and accounts shall be a basis for CITY's disallowance and recovery of any payment upon such entry. CONTRACTOR shall, by written contract, require its subcontractors to agree to the requirements and obligations of this Section.

  • Inspection and Retention of Records In addition to any other requirement under this Agreement or at law, Party must fulfill all state and federal legal requirements, and will comply with all requests appropriate to enable the Agency of Human Services, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (along with its Inspector General and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), the Comptroller General, the Government Accounting Office, or any of their designees: (i) to evaluate through inspection or other means the quality, appropriateness, and timeliness of services performed under this Agreement; and (ii) to inspect and audit any records, financial data, contracts, computer or other electronic systems of Party relating to the performance of services under Vermont’s Medicaid program and Vermont’s Global Commitment to Health Waiver. Party will retain for ten years all documents required to be retained pursuant to 42 CFR 438.3(u).

  • Transfer of Records In accordance with Sections 2.1 and 3.1, the Receiver assigns, transfers, conveys and delivers to the Assuming Institution, whether located on Bank Premises occupied or not occupied by the Assuming Institution or at any other location, any and all Records of the Failed Bank, other than the following:

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