Payout At the commencement of the period of leave, the College shall pay to the participant the moneys standing to his/her credit less any premiums or contributions deducted for the year, except as may otherwise be mutually agreed, it being understood that interest is not earned for the period of leave.
Performance Pay In accordance with Section 8 of the General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, contingent upon the availability of funds and at the Agency Head’s discretion, each agency is authorized to grant merit pay increases based on the employee’s exemplary performance, as evidenced by a performance evaluation conducted pursuant to Rule 60L-35, Florida Administrative Code.
Performance Period This Agreement shall be performed during the period which begins Oct 01 2020 and ends Sep 30 2022. All services under this Agreement must be rendered within this performance period, unless directly specified under a written change or extension provisioned under Article 14, which shall be fully executed by both parties to this Agreement.
Performance Measure Grantee will adhere to the performance measures requirements documented in
Share Class Annual Compensation Rate Class R-1 1.00% Class R-2 0.75% Class R-2E 0.60% Class R-3 0.50% Class R-4 0.25% Class R-5 No compensation paid Class R-5E No compensation paid Class R-6 No compensation paid If you hold Plan accounts in an omnibus account (i.e., multiple Plans in one account on the books of the Funds), Plans that are added to the omnibus account after May 15, 2002 may invest only in R shares, and you must execute an Omnibus Addendum to the Selling Group Agreement, which you can obtain by calling our Home Office Service Team at 800/421-5475, extension 8.
Incentive Pay (1) For any calendar year: in which twenty-five percent (25%) of the number of members employed as of January 1 of each year are rated as either Level II or Level III in every phase of the PFT then (a) Members who are rated at Level II in all phases of the PFT will receive three hundred dollars ($300.00) in a one-time lump sum payment. (b) Members who are rated at Level III in all phases of the PFT will receive six hundred dollars ($600.00) in a one-time lump sum payment. (2) For any calendar year in which fifty percent (50%) of the number of members employed as of January 1 of each year are rated as either Level II or Level III in every phase of the PFT then: (a) Members who are rated at Level II in all phases of the PFT will receive six hundred dollars ($600.00) in a one-time lump sum payment. (b) Members who are rated at Level III in all phases of the PFT will receive nine hundred dollars ($900.00) in a one-time lump sum payment. (3) All lump sum payments referenced herein will be paid in February of the following year.
Performance Factors (a) Each party will notify the other party of the existence of a Performance Factor, as soon as reasonably possible after the party becomes aware of the Performance Factor. The Notice will: describe the Performance Factor and its actual or anticipated impact; include a description of any action the party is undertaking, or plans to undertake, to remedy or mitigate the Performance Factor; indicate whether the party is requesting a meeting to discuss the Performance Factor; and address any other issue or matter the party wishes to raise with the other party. (b) The recipient party will provide a written acknowledgment of receipt of the Notice within 7 Days of the date on which the Notice was received (“Date of the Notice”). (c) Where a meeting has been requested under paragraph 7.2(a)(3), the parties agree to meet and discuss the Performance Factors within 14 Days of the Date of the Notice, in accordance with the provisions of section 7.3.
Performance Award You are hereby awarded, on the Grant Date, a Performance Award with a target value of [AMOUNT].
Performance Incentive 4.10.1 If the Seller delivers Coal to the Purchaser in excess of ninety percent (90%) of the ACQ in a particular Year, the Purchaser shall pay the Seller an incentive (“Performance Incentive”/ “PI”), to be determined as follows: PI = P x Additional Deliveries x Multiplier Where: PI = The Performance Incentive payable by the Purchaser to the Seller P = The Base Price of Highest Grade, as shown in Schedule II Additional Deliveries = Quantity [in tonnes] of Coal delivered by the Seller in the relevant Year in excess of 90% of the ACQ. Multiplier shall be 0.15 for Additional Deliveries between 90%-95% of ACQ and 0.30 for Additional Deliveries in excess of 95% of ACQ. 4.10.2 With respect to part of a Year in which the term of this Agreement begins or ends, the relevant quantities in Clause 4.10.1, except the Multiplier, shall apply pro-rata. 4.10.3 Within thirty (30) days of expiry of a Year, the Seller shall submit an invoice to the Purchaser with respect to the PI payable in terms of Clause 4.10.1 and the Purchaser shall pay the amount so due within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the invoice. In the event of non-payment of PI by the due date, the Seller shall have the right to suspend Coal supplies without absolving the Purchaser of its obligations under this Agreement.
Performance Incentives As a bonus, to supplement Assistant Coach’s compensation, as set out herein, the University agrees to pay the following sums upon attainment of each specified goal, provided the Program is in compliance with all Governing Athletics Rules and University Rules, and there are no pending or active NCAA or __________ Conference investigations or major violations of which Assistant Coach knew or should have known. Assistant Coach must also complete the _________ [insert sport] season as an Assistant [Men’s/Women’s] [delete if sport is football] __________ Coach to receive any performance incentives for that season. Payment will be made to Assistant Coach within 60 days after goal is accomplished. (a) $_________ in any contract year in which the team wins the __________ Conference championship. (b) $_________ in any contract year in which the team participates in post-season NCAA competition. (c) $_________ for each game that the team wins in NCAA post-season competition. (d) $_________ in any contract year in which the team wins the NCAA championship.]