File Material. Employees may include in their personnel files copies of any relevant material they wish, such as letters of favorable comments, licenses, certificates, college course credits or any other material that is job related. The Human Resources Office shall exclude and return to the employee any material which constitutes a violation of law, County policy, or provision of this agreement.
File Material. Except for routine hiring material and workers compensation claims material, no document which does not include as part of its normal distribution a copy to the employee, or which does not originate with the employee shall be placed in the personnel file unless the employee is simultaneously provided a copy. Anonymous material shall never be placed in an employee's personnel file. Any employee's signature on a document shall mean the employee has seen the document and not that the employee agrees with its content unless it is so stated on the document. The employee shall be the last person to sign a document and no comments may be made on recorded copies thereafter. If the employee refuses to sign a document, the Sheriff, (or designee) shall note such on the document and forward a copy to the employee.