File Purging. Written reprimands/warnings shall be removed from an employee's file, at his/her request, after three (3) years so long as no other disciplinary action has occurred within the three (3) year time period. Any material, other than performance evaluations, directly associated with the items being purged, will also be removed from the file. Documents removed from the personnel file shall be placed in a confidential file maintained by the Human Resources Department. Such purged document will not be used against an employee for the purpose of progressive discipline. Purged documents may be used in any civil or arbitration proceeding for the purpose of establishing consistency of disciplinary action, lack of discrimination, the existence of mitigating or extenuating circumstances and compliance with legal obligations. The Union will have equal access, upon request, to these files for the same purposes.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
File Purging. Written reprimands/warnings shall be removed from an employee's file, at his/her request, after three two (32) years so long as no other disciplinary action has occurred within the three two (32) year time period. Any material, other than performance evaluations, directly associated with the items being purged, will also be removed from the file. Documents removed from the personnel file shall be placed in a confidential file maintained by the Human Resources Department. Such purged document will not be used against an employee for the purpose of progressive discipline. Purged documents may be used in any civil or arbitration proceeding for the purpose of establishing consistency of disciplinary action, lack of discrimination, the existence of mitigating or extenuating circumstances and compliance with legal obligations. The Union will have equal access, upon request, to these files for the same purposes.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement