Motion Sample Clauses
Motion. Within fifteen (15) days after the Agreement Date, the Receiver shall submit to the Court in the SEC Action, the Coverage Action, and the Third-Party Coverage Actions a motion requesting entry of an order substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit I (the “Scheduling Order”) (a) preliminarily approving the Agreement; (b) approving the content and plan for publication and dissemination of Notice; (c) setting the date by which any objection to this Agreement must be filed; (d) staying the Coverage Action and the Third- Party Coverage Actions during the Court’s consideration of the Agreement (as more particularly described in Exhibit I); and (e) scheduling a Hearing to consider final approval of the Agreement and entry of the orders required by Paragraph 8 of this Agreement. With respect to the content and plan for publication and dissemination of Notice, the Receiver will propose that Notice in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit F, be sent via electronic service to all counsel of record (who are deemed to have consented to electronic service) for any Person who is, at the time of the Notice, a party in any matter in (i) MDL No. 2099, In re: Stanford Entities Securities Litigation (N.D. Tex.) (the “MDL”); (ii) the SEC Action; (iii) the Indirect Claims; and (iv) the Third-Party Coverage Actions. The Receiver will further propose that notice be sent via facsimile transmission and/or first class mail to any other counsel of record for any other Person who is, at the time of service, a party in any case included in the foregoing sentence, and via electronic mail, first class mail or international delivery service to all Interested Parties not served via one of the other foregoing methods, except that the Receiver is not required to individually provide notice to any Person who is an Underwriters’ Insured but is not included in any of the following groups: Stanford Investors; Claimants; or parties to one or more of the MDL, the SEC Action, the Indirect Claims, and the Third-Party Coverage Actions. The Receiver will further propose that notice be posted on the websites of the Receiver and the Examiner along with complete copies of this Agreement, including all exhibits. The Receiver will further propose that Notice in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit G be published once in the national edition of The Wall Street Journal and once in the international edition of The New York Times. In advance of filing the motion papers to acc...
Motion. On a motion made by TBD, and seconded by TBD, the following order will be voted on by the Commissioners Court of Dallas County, State of Texas:
Motion. On a date mutually acceptable to the Parties that is not more than twenty (20) days from the Agreement Date, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in writing, via e-mail or otherwise, the Plaintiffs shall submit to the MDL Court a motion requesting entry of a scheduling order substantially in the form attached as Exhibit D (a) preliminarily approving the Settlement; (b) approving the content and plan for publication and dissemination of Notice;
Motion. That the ANU Students’ Association will only endorse changes to Admissions, Scholarships and Accommodation (ASA) if they are based on an overarching goal of increasing equity in admissions and diversification of the student body. Progressive Speakers List That all future meetings of the Student Representative Council, until decided otherwise, will be conducted using a progressive speakers’ list Policy Register That the General Secretary compile a “Policy Register” for all Policies passed at all Meetings of the Association for 2017. This will include all motions that can be deemed as “policy” and adopted by the Association for 2017 and continuing years. The General Secretary will present this Policy Register to SRC 7 and include the document in their handover. Sustainable Record Keeping That the General Secretary investigate sustainable solutions of record keeping and maintaining institutional knowledge for the purposes of Handover. Livestreaming at the National Union of Students National Conference That the SRC adopts as Guiding Principle Policy that the SRC supports livestreaming of the NUS National Conference with appropriate limitations in regards to confidential and autonomous issues. ANU Student Partnership Agreement That the SRC Endorse the ANU Student Partnership Agreement Religious Holidays That ANUSA endorses the Ethnocultural Department in pursuing a uniform examinations policy to allow for students to defer assessments which class with events of cultural and/or religious significance. Memorandum of Understanding between ANUSA and PARSA That the SRC endorse the Memorandum of Understanding and associated Schedules between ANUSA and PARSA. Opposition to government cuts to University Funding That the ANU Students' Association oppose any increase in student contributions to the cost of university degrees, including an increase to cover a 20% cut to university funding. Supporting Access to Government Services XXXXX notes the recent move by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx calling on the government to end unemployment assistance payments to those who have been unemployed for more than six months. XXXXX also notes that many students rely on similar services and that attacks on government services effects students and their interest. Condemning Holocaust Denial (Motion of the Australian Union of Jewish Students) On Monday, 15 August, leaflets were distributed in the Xxxxxxx car park and other locations on campus, which expressly denied the existence of the Holocaust, ...
Motion. Pursuant to Section 154.7(a)(9) of the Commission’s regulations, Columbia moves to place the proposed tariff records into effect at the requested effective date of October 1, 2015.
Motion. “I move that the Commission authorize the Executive Director to enter into an interagency agreement to pass through $407,425 of federal funds to BCDC for the purpose of implementing the California Coastal Management Program for Fiscal Year 2010-2011.” Staff recommends a YES vote.
Motion. On a motion made by TBD, and seconded by TBD, the following order will be voted on by the Commissioners Court of Dallas County, State of Texas: Be it resolved and ordered that the Dallas County Commissioners Court does hereby approve the Program Letter Agreement between The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Dallas County Health and Human Services, and authorize the County Judge to sign the agreement on behalf of Dallas County. ATTACHMENTS: PROGRAM LETTER AGREEMENT FOR GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION
Motion. The primary document to be prepared and filed is a Motion. The Help Center offers for consideration the form titled “Joint Motion to Approve and Order Mediation Agreement” (GC Juv 002B). Note that you must attached to that Motion a copy of the Mediation Agreement.
Motion. If the Board wishes to extend the employment contract with Xxxx Xxxxx until May 1, 2024, it may do so by adopting the following motion:
Motion. Be it resolved that the Student Health and Dental benefit plan cost be increased by $18 for the 2019/2020 fiscal year. • Where are these cost increases coming from? Is it related to the on-site dental care? • Dental has seen a slight increase in usage, not significant. The extended health coverage increase two years ago is the large driver of the increased usage. • Last year the SA fees increased the plan fee by $40-$50. • Every year the cost of the plan is reassessed by the insurance company in relation to usage by students. There have been years that the cost goes down; it is all based on usage. • What is the current plan cost? • It costs students $258 per year. The overall cost of the plan will go from $2.1 to $2.25 million. • What would happen if this motion does not pass? • If it does not pass, we will likely lose about $70 thousand. $1.67 million will go back to students through claims. Be it resolved that the Student Health and Dental benefit plan cost be increased by $18 for the 2019/2020 fiscal year. • Previous motion to fill the interim Vice President Campus Life role ends at the ratification of the election results by Council, leaving a month or so before the end of the current board’s term. As the Vice President Campus Life position does not exist next year and therefore there is going to be no one elected into this role, recommend that the newly elected Vice President Student Experience fill the interim Vice President Campus Life position until 2019-06-01 when they officially move into the Vice President Student Experience role. This will allow them to gain extra training and start working with the Clubs Committee.