First Year of AGREEMENT. The FRPP Fee for COMMODITY distributed to recipients eligible under the PROGRAM in the first year of this AGREEMENT (through September 30, 2022) shall be twelve (12) cents.
First Year of AGREEMENT. Starting the first full pay period after the effective date of the Agreement, employees will be placed on the appropriate step of the wage scale according to their continuous years of service with the Employer (Appendix B attached) or receive an increase of 2.65% to that employee’s minimum base hourly straight time rate of pay (“regular rate”), whichever is higher. In addition, for any employee who does not receive a raise of at least 3% upon initial placement on the Wage Scales (Appendix B), any such employee will receive a raise of 3% effective the first full pay period after the effective date of the Agreement.
First Year of AGREEMENT. Effective the first pay period after July 1, 2021, the Employer will increase the wage rates for all employees in the classifications listed in Appendix A by 4%. Also, effective the first pay period after July 1, 2021, the Employer shall provide an additional market adjustment of 1% for all employees in the following classifications: Painter, Lead Housekeeper, Housekeeper or Laundry Person.
First Year of AGREEMENT. The base for calculation is the average Consumer Price Index for the months of February, March and April plus a trigger of The first adjustment will reflect one cent per hour for each full points that the average Consumer Price Index for the months of May June and July exceeds the base for calculation and will be paid the pay period commencing August The second adjustment will reflect one cent (1 per hour for each full points that the average Consumer Price Index for the months of August September and October exceeds the base for calculation and will be paid the pay period commencing November The third adjustment will reflect one cent per hour for each full points that the average Consumer Price Index for the months of November December and January exceeds the base for calculation and will be paid the pay period commencing February The fourth adjustment will reflect one cent per hour for each full points that the average Consumer Price Index for ?he months of February March and April exceeds the base for calculation and will be paid the pay period commencing May It is agreed that the maximum amount that can be paid by this Clause in the first year is twenty cents per hour.
First Year of AGREEMENT a) The base for calculation shall be set for the life of this agreement.The average C.P.I. for the months of March 2004,April 2004,and May 2004.
b) The first adjustment will be calculated and paid as of the pay period commencing September 25, 2004. It will reflect one cent (1¢) per hour for each full .083 point that the average C.P.I. for the months of June 2004, July 2004 and August 2004 exceeds the base for calculation.
c) A second adjustment will be calculated, replace the first adjustment, if any, and paid as of the pay period commencing on December 25, 2004. It will reflect one cent (1¢) per hour for each full .083 point that the average C.P.I. for the months of September, 2004, October, 2004 and November, 2004 exceeds the base for calculation.
d) A third adjustment will be calculated, replace the second adjustment, if any, and paid as of the pay period commencing on March 26, 2005. It will reflect one cent (1¢) for each full .083 point that the average C.P.I. for the months of December, 2004, January, 2005 and February, 2005 exceeds the base for calculation.
e) A fourth adjustment, if any, will be calculated and will be carried over throughout the second year of this agreement, and paid as of the pay period commencing on June 25, 2005. It will reflect one cent (1¢) for each full .083 point that the average C.P.I. for the months of March 2005, April 2005 and May 2005 exceeds the base for calculation.