Functionality Criteria. Variables Total Points Criteria Description Of Criteria Points Notes:
1. Bidders are required to score minimum points of 70 (70%) for Functionality stated in tender data.
2. Bidders who fail to meet the required minimum number of points for functionality stated in the tender data will not be evaluated further.
3. Bidders who fail to submit information as per the returnable schedules will not be allocated points. The functionality will be scored using the following values: Experience on similar scale projects: Value of work evaluation (No points will be allocated for value of works for Civil Engineering Projects, Water, Transport, Traffic Engineering and all Electrical & Mechanical Projects) Value of work (7GB) Rating
Functionality Criteria. Variables Total Points Criteria Description Of Criteria Points Variables Total Points Criteria Description Of Criteria Points Notes:
1. Bidders are required to score minimum points of 70 (70%) for Functionality stated in tender data.
2. Bidders who fail to meet the required minimum number of points for functionality stated in the tender data will not be evaluated further.
3. Bidders who fail to submit information as per the returnable schedules will not be allocated points. The functionality will be scored using the following values: Experience on similar scale projects: Value of work evaluation (No points will be allocated for value of works for Civil Engineering Projects, Water, Transport, Traffic Engineering and all Electrical & Mechanical Projects) Value of work (7GB) Rating
Functionality Criteria. Variables Total Points Criteria Description Of Criteria Points Variables Total Points Criteria Description Of Criteria Points Notes:
1. Bidders are required to score minimum points of 70 (70%) for Functionality stated in tender data.
2. Bidders who fail to meet the required minimum number of points for functionality stated in the tender data will not be evaluated further.
3. Bidders who fail to submit information as per the returnable schedules will not be allocated points. The functionality will be scored using the following values:
Functionality Criteria. Tenderers are required to score a minimum of 17 points out of a possible 24 points in order to be responsive: Tender Data, of the proposed functionality criteria and point system for evaluation. Refer to Clause F2.1 in the Tender Data A mandatory briefing meeting will be conducted on at 16h00 on Monday, 27 January 2024 at OR Tambo Garden of Remembrance in Bizana, Eastern Cape, where representatives from the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Museum will meet prospective bidders. The sharing of information and clarifications of issues related to this Bid as given by the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Museum will form part of this Bid and responses.
Functionality Criteria. Product Catalog Product Data shall include the information required to complete a transaction, including but not limited to: Product name, Product description, manufacturer number, UOM, price. Marketplace@Novation must receive this data from Supplier in Neoformat. Supplier may include the following additional content: Hyperlinks, images, broader product descriptions and other rich content Contract Portfolio Product Data Contract Viewing Any Novation Supplier Agreement between Supplier and Novation shall be displayed to VHA and UHC members through the Contract Viewing module within the Contract Management Solution Novation Contract
Functionality Criteria. The quality criteria and maximum score in respect of each of the criteria are as follows: Scoring Quality (Functionality) A maximum equal to 100 tender evaluation points will be awarded for quality. Only bidders who score 60% and above (i.e. 60 points and above out of a total of 100 points) will be further evaluated in terms of the 90/10 price/preference points system in line with Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (Act No.5 of 2000). The functionality will be scored using the following values: • 100 points – Quality o 35points – Experience on similar scale projects o 20 points – Qualifications & competencies of key staff o 20 points – Project Specific Programme schedule and cash flow o 25 points – Client References
1. Bidders are required to score minimum points of 60 (60%) for Functionality stated in tender data.
2. Bidders who fail to meet the required minimum number of points for functionality stated in the tender data will not be evaluated further.
3. Bidders who fail to submit information as per the returnable schedules will not be allocated points. ALLOCATION OF FUNCTIONALITY POINTS Relevant Experience on Similar Construction Projects (35 points): Number of Similar Construction Projects completed in the last 10 years Number of points Category Qualification Professional Registration Total Points Degre e Diploma Yes No Subtotal number of points 6 4 2 0 Categoy Experienc e Betwee n1- 4 years Betwee n4- 8years Between 8-12 years Over 12 years Subtotal number of points 4 8 10 12 Qualifications and Key Personnel (20 points): Highest qualifications and Professional Registration (8 points) Competence of Key Personnel (Subtotal 12 Points) Project Schedule (20 points):
Functionality Criteria. All bids will be scored according to the following criteria, any bids received scoring below 60% will be invalid and not considered further. 1 OPENSCAPE 4000 CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS 3-6 TECHNICIANS 1-2 TECHNICIANS 0 TECHNICIANS CERTIFICATES 2 OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTOR OF UNIFY CERTIFICATE 3 OFFICIAL RESELLER OF PROTEUS TELEPHONE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE
Functionality Criteria. The functionality will be scored using the following values: Notes:
1. Bidders are required to score minimum points of 70 (70%) for Functionality stated in tender data.
2. Bidders who fail to meet the required minimum number of points for functionality stated in the tender data will not be evaluated further.
3. Bidders who fail to submit information as per the returnable schedules will not be allocated points. Experience on similar scale projects: Value of work evaluation (No points will be allocated for value of works for Civil Engineering Projects, Water, Transport, Traffic Engineering and all Electrical & Mechanical Projects) Value of work (7GB) Point Breakdown Total Points Nature of work evaluation Nature of Work Point Breakdown Total Points Schedule / Availability of Plant & Equipment Plant and Equipment Description (With proof of ownership /rental) POINTS Client References Contracting Document SHEQ Safety Health & Environmental Quality (SHEQ) Project Specific Plan - 10 Points Health and Safety Plan (SHE) Max Points Possible Project Specific Programme schedule and cash flow – 10 Points Programme/ Project Schedule Max Points
Functionality Criteria. The functionality will be scored using the following values: Notes:
1. Bidders are required to score minimum points of 70 (70%) for Functionality stated in tender data.
2. Bidders who fail to meet the required minimum number of points for functionality stated in the tender data will not be evaluated further.
3. Bidders who fail to submit information as per the returnable schedules will not be allocated points. Value of work evaluation (No points will be allocated for value of works for Civil Engineering Projects, Water, Transport, Traffic Engineering and all Electrical & Mechanical Projects) Experience on similar scale projects: 35 Points Value of work – 15 Points Nature of work – 20 Points Value of work (7GB) Point Breakdown Total Points Nature of work evaluation Nature of Work Point Breakdown Total Points Schedule / Availability of Plant & Equipment Plant and Equipment Description (With proof of ownership /rental) POINTS Client References Contracting Document SHEQ Safety Health & Environmental Quality (SHEQ) Project Specific Plan - 10 Points Health and Safety Plan (SHE) Max Points Possible Project Specific Programme schedule and cash flow – 10 Points Programme/ Project Schedule Max Points
Functionality Criteria. The quality criteria and maximum score in respect of each of the criteria are as follows: Scoring Quality (Functionality) A maximum equal to 100 tender evaluation points will be awarded for quality. Only bidders who score 60% and above (i.e. 60 points and above out of a total of 100 points) will be further evaluated in terms of the 90/10 price/preference points system in line with Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (Act No.5 of 2000). The functionality will be scored using the following values Previous Experience on similar projects 40 References for above listed similar projects 20 Qualifications & CVs (Competency of Key personnel to be deployed on the project 30 Programme Schedule 10 :
1. Bidders are required to score minimum points of 60 (60%) for Functionality stated in tender data.
2. Bidders who fail to meet the required minimum number of points for functionality stated in the tender data will not be evaluated further.
3. Bidders who fail to submit information as per the returnable schedules will not be allocated points. Under track record projects must not be older than 5 years. Points Allocation Point Allocation 5 or more references = 20 points 4 references = 16 points 3 references = 12 points 2 references = 8 points 1 references = 4 points 0 references = 0 points