Point System Sample Clauses
Point System. Violation Categories Points to Be Assigned Driving while intoxicated or unlawful blood 10 Speeding--15 miles or less over posted limits 3 Speeding--over 16 miles over posted limit 4 Careless driving 3 Reckless driving 5 Failing to observe a stop sign 3 Failing to observe a red light 3 Failing to observe a traffic instruction sign 3 Operating without valid Florida driver's license or improper (revoked, suspended, etc.) license 10 Improper lane changing 3 Failing to have vehicle under control 3 Crossing private property to avoid traffic light or stop sign 1 Driving on wrong side of road 3 Improper turning 3 Failing to yield-enter through highway 3 Improper backing 3 Following too close 2 Improper passing 3 Leaving scene of accident (property damage) 5 Leaving scene of accident (injury) 10 School bus driver failing to stop at R.R. crossing(excluding tracks at compound) unloaded 3 School bus driver failing to stop at R. R. 10 Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer 10 Passing a school bus whose red lights are flashing and whose stop arm is out 10 Seatbelt/child restraint violation 1 Failing to observe any other established driving law or regulation--points to be established 0 to 10 using the above schedule as a guide to determine the number of points according tosimilar severity. Defective Equipment 2 Improper License Plate 3
Point System. The point system, as listed below, includes credit for credit courses, job-related adult education courses, attendance at workshops and/or seminars, membership in professional organizations, and service on District committee by administrative appointment or election as classified representative. 3 semester unit course 3.00 2 semester unit course 2.00
Point System. An employee's eligibility to drive for the Company will be determined by a point system. The point system will also be used to determine an applicant's eligibility for hire. An employee may be considered a NEGLIGENT OPERATOR of a motor vehicle and be subject to termination when his or her driving record shows the following "point count": The DMV keeps a public record of all traffic convictions and accidents for 36 months or longer depending on the type of conviction. Records of more serious convictions, like reckless or drunk driving, are kept for up to seven years. A traffic conviction for driving unsafe counts as one point. Any "at fault" accident also is normally counted as one point. Two points are charged against you if you are convicted of reckless driving, of driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, of hit-and-run driving, of evading a peace officer, of driving while your license is suspended or revoked, or for driving on the wrong side of the road. This list is not all-inclusive. Any driver with too many "points" may lose his or her driver's license. Serious violations while driving a Company vehicle or a personal vehicle in the course of Company business that may result in immediate termination regardless of the points accumulated include but are not limited to: • Driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. • Involved in a criminal offense involving a motor vehicle. • Driving while one's license or insurance is expired, suspended or revoked. • Having an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle. • Reckless driving, drag racing or attempting to elude an officer. • Leaving the scene of a collision in which you are involved. No applicant with more than two points on a driving record will be considered for hire or transfer into a driving position. Likewise, applicants with a SERIOUS VIOLATION on their driving records will not be considered for hire.
Point System. 1. The points will be computed based on the completion of the last five (5) school years and summer sessions. Priority will be given to the teacher within the school who has the fewest points during a completed five-year period.
a. In order to qualify for a full year's credit of regular teaching, the teacher must have taught at least 75% of the regular school year.
b. In order to qualify for a half-year credit of regular teaching, the teacher must have taught at least 50% of the regular school year.
2. One (1) point will be assigned for each full-time teaching or counseling assignment during the past five summer sessions.
3. One-half (1/2) point will be assigned for each half-time summer session teaching or counseling assignment during the past five summer sessions.
4. One (1) point will be assigned for each year the teacher was not employed by the District during the regular school year for the same five-year period.
5. Tie-Breakers:
a. Order of Employment number
b. Least recency of summer school teaching assignment
6. A list of summer school applicants showing current summer school points and BCC, LDS authorizations will be available at each school site prior to summer school assignments being made.
Point System. Each co-curricular program has been assigned a category, and therefore a salary, on this schedule through the use of the Point Total Evaluation worksheet.
Point System. The point system is used to create five (5) groups on the salary schedule. The points are computed as follows:
a. Length of season - 5 points/week
b. Number of school day practices - 1 point/practice
c. Number of non-school day practices or competitions - 2 points/practice or com- petition
d. Number of team members - 1 point/team member
(1) Head coach points = number of athletes in 9-12 program x 1
(2) Assistant coach = number of athletes in 9-12 program x 1 number of coaches in 9-12 program e. Head coach - 15 points
Point System. The attendance and discipline policy shall follow a point system. If an employee is absent from a scheduled working period and fails to trade for another shift, have coverage for that shift, or provide a doctor’s note, they shall accrue one (1) point. If an employee is absent for more than ten (10) minutes during a scheduled working period without securing a replacement they will accrue .5 points. An employee will not be permitted to clock in or work without a proper uniform. If an employee is missing components of the uniform, they should not clock in. Points will be assessed based on time missed (if any). If an employee misses more than ten (10) minutes of a scheduled shift due to correcting a uniform, they will accrue .5 points. If an employee does not return in proper uniform, the missed shift will be treated as an absence and the student will accrue one (1) point. If an employee is able to return in proper uniform within the 10 minute grace period allowed for lateness, they will not accrue points. If an employee violates any other work rule which does not merit immediate dismissal and has received one (1) verbal or written warning regarding the same rule, they shall accrue one and a half (1.5) points. If an employee accrues three (3) or more points in a semester, the employee shall be terminated. A student employee shall be notified in writing for each instance of point accruement; the notification shall also inform the student employee in question of the grievance procedure in this Agreement, and their right to union representation. Point accruements for work rule violations must be for just cause. Point totals will reset every academic period.
Point System. (1) A Point System shall be established for specific clothing items identified in
10.1 C (5). Employees may elect to transfer the value of such clothing items to points. Points associated with these items are based on one point per current dollar of cost at the time of issue.
(2) Points can be used to obtain items listed on Schedule “AA” - Point System - Optional Clothing Items for Use at Work. The point value of items listed in Schedule “AA” - Point System - Optional Clothing Items for Use at Work are based on one point per current dollar of cost at the time of issue.
(3) All Points will be rounded to the nearest dollar. Employees will not be entitled to cash out value of points.
(4) Upon completion of the second calendar year of service an employee is eligible to participate in the Point System.
(5) In the fall of the year preceding the year of entitlement, employees may convert the current value at the time of issue to equivalent point value of up to 1 pair of trousers, 2 work shirts, and 2 t-shirts.
(6) Employees who elect to convert items identified in 10.1 C (5) to points will receive no less than the minimum annual issue of 1 pair of trousers, 1 work shirt and 1 t-shirt.
(7) In the fall of each year, employees may elect to utilise available points for items listed in 10.1 C(5) to obtain items listed in Schedule “AA” - Point System - Optional Clothing Items for Use at Work or defer unused points for conversion to the fall of the year of entitlement.
(8) An employee who defers the use of some or all of his/her eligible points must use that number of points in the year of entitlement. Deferred points that are not used in the year of entitlement shall be cancelled and the dollar value will be split evenly between the Honour Guard and the VFRS Band by year end.
(9) Employees who would be eligible for a uniform allotment and make application to the Fire Chief in their last 2 years of employment giving notice that they will be retiring on superannuation, will not be subject to
10.1 C.(5) (6) and (7) above and can exceed the maximum allowable in order to accumulate points for a retirement blazer listed under Schedule “AA” - Point System - Optional Clothing Items for Use at Work.
Point System. A. 50 points for each completed year of Bedford Fire Department Full- Time/Call service.
B. 35 points for each completed year of any other fire department Full- Time/Call service.
C. 25 points for an Associates Degree D. .35 points for a Bachelors Degree E. .10 points each for certification of (points shall be cumulative): 1. EMT-I 2. EMT-P 3. Fire Officer I & II 4. Hazmat Technician 5. Rescue System I 6. Fire Inspector I 7. Swift Water Technician
Point System. Until the earlier of the first anniversary of the Closing Date and the date on which BarCap and the relevant IMD Entity enter into an arms length agreement on mutually agreeable terms, the IMD Entities will have the option to become “enterprise level” clients at prevailing market rates of the Point System application/service.