Future Work Programme Sample Clauses
Future Work Programme. Within two years after this Agreement comes into force, all the Parties shall study the possibility of developing and expanding the coverage of the rules and disciplines established in the agreements referred to in Annex 10.01. Development and expansion of those agreements shall form an integral part of this Agreement.
Future Work Programme. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, no later than two (2) years after the entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall initiate negotiations on investment and review relevant Articles of this Agreement as necessary.
Future Work Programme. 1. The Parties share the objective of promoting significant reforms in this field to prevent measures of this kind from becoming concealed barriers to trade. The Parties shall cooperate in the effort to achieve such reforms under the frame of the World Trade Organization and the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
2. Two years after this Agreement has come into force for all the Parties, they shall establish a work programme to examine the possibility of introducing reforms, in the sense of paragraph 1, in their mutual trade.
Future Work Programme. 11.2.1 The Committee endorsed the Taxonomic Working Group’s work plan (Section 1 of the Advisory Committee’s work plan, see Agenda Item 15) and noted that no funds had been requested.
Future Work Programme. 14.2.1 The Committee endorsed the Working Group‟s work plan following discussion under Agenda Item 16.
Future Work Programme. With the objective of developing further steps to facilitate trade under this Agreement, the Parties shall, as appropriate, identify and submit for the consideration of the Commission new measures aimed at facilitating trade between the Parties, taking as a basis the objectives and principles set forth in Article 408 of this Chapter.
Future Work Programme. 9.2.1 Substantial progress has been made against most tasks in the SBWG work programme agreed at AC4. The work programme was updated to address the tasks outlined in this report.
Future Work Programme. 14.25.1 The Committee endorsed the SBWG‟s work plan following discussion under Agenda Item 16.
15.25.2 The Advisory Committee thanked the Convenor and Vice-convenor, as well as all Members and Observers of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group for the excellent progress made during the intersessional period and at this year‟s working group meeting, in particular with respect to the advice on pelagic longline bycatch mitigation.
Future Work Programme. (i) Supported allocating adequate resources to the Secretariat to progress the work of the PaCSWG.
Future Work Programme. 10.2.1 The Committee endorsed the proposed work programme of the BSWG and noted that data submission deadlines would be brought forward to December 2006 (below). Action To be completed (*already complete) Responsibility Data submission from Parties 1st tranche (1/2 of available data) 2nd tranche (remaining data) 3rd tranche (newly collected data) May 2006* December 2006 Annually Parties and Range States with breeding populations Request a list of breeding sites from Parties and Range States July 2006 Chair Revise the database lists and structures following the recommendations of the BSWG in June 2006 September 2006 Chair Develop a list of alien species July 2006 Chair Develop analyses as set out in the report of the BSWG of June 2006 March 2007 Chair and WG Review analyses of data and gaps, recommend priority sites / threat management actions. Recommend data-gathering priorities June 2007 and ongoing Chair and WG Work with other ACAP WGs to report on analyses of threats to ACAP species June 2007 and ongoing Chair and WG
10.2.2 Australia referred to the proposed data submission deadline and noted that this might prove difficult for some Parties to meet. Chile informed the meeting that its data were ready and would be submitted to the BSWG as soon as possible.
10.2.3 The Chair suggested that the BSWG’s Terms of Reference be revisited and reviewed at AC 3.