Geographic Information System (GIS Sample Clauses

Geographic Information System (GIS. A system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical information.
Geographic Information System (GIS. The noise monitoring system shall include Geographic Information System (GIS) capabilities integrated with the noise monitoring system. CONTRACTOR will be required to import data collected as part of JWA Annual noise report into the system GIS provided by CONTRACTOR. This includes the noise contour maps and the Santa Xxx Heights land use maps supplied by JWA. These files will be supplied to CONTRACTOR as ArcView shape files. The GIS system shall cover an area large enough to include a 25 nautical mile radius around the airport, and aircraft to an altitude of 10,000 feet. The GIS shall, at a minimum, include the following capabilities and features:
Geographic Information System (GIS. Services (WBS 4.2 SOW) a) Cooperate with the City to manage, develop, implement, maintain and improve the GIS strategic plan. b) Maintain, develop, implement, and improve GIS standards, policies and procedures. c) Provide GIS training to City staff as necessary. d) Design and model geodatabases for storing structured GIS content (support and manage existing GIS content and design and develop geodatabase models). e) Maintain all existing and future GIS data layers. f) Develop new data layers and maps requested by the City or its contractors to meet business needs. g) Provide support services for City-provided GIS software and systems. h) Maintain, store, and retrieve available documents and records from the City’s GIS database.
Geographic Information System (GIS. The participating PSAP shall comply with the adopted NG911 GIS Governance Policy.  All location information required to support NG911 call routing will be derived from the statewide geo‐ spatial database.
Geographic Information System (GIS is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing objects and events. It combines the power of a database with the visualization capabilities offered by maps. Typically, 80 – 90 % of stored local government records directly relate to a specific location, street address, or district. A GIS stores information about the world as a collection of thematic layers that can be referenced to one another by virtue of their location. GIS technology can integrate many corporate databases and provide the power to create maps, visualize scenarios, solve complicated problems, present powerful ideas, and develop effective solutions. GIServOhio is a portal for state and local government to search, identify, retrieve and access geographic information or data as well as determine the usability of geographic data sets regardless of the state agency or participating local government in which they reside through a portal or clearinghouse. The means of displaying, distributing, and pointing to LBRS data will include a combination of the following: Data publishing—making information available for download or transmission via storage media as a result of voice, mail, or email request Clearinghouse—storing information for a particular geographic extent (e.g., a county) on a stand alone server from which users can download data sets Data hosting—Internet or Intranet-based server system that covers the data from a given entity Web services—permits a virtual connection to host servers simultaneously to gather and display data from diverse sources.
Geographic Information System (GIS. The following paragraphs describe GIS reporting requirements.
Geographic Information System (GIS. The entirety of a system used for processing location information including data, hardware, software, people and managed services. Geography Mark-up Language (GML) – OpenGIS XML-based language for describing and encoding geospatial information. An application of XML, a specification developed by members of the Open GIS Consortium. Geo server – is an open source software server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data using OpenGIS standards Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Coverage Service (WCS) and Web Map Service (WMS). Geo server can also publish data from any major spatial data source using open standards. Geospatial Data – Digital data that represent the geographical location and characteristics of natural or man-made features, phenomena and boundaries of the Earth. Geospatial data represent abstractions of real-world entities, such as roads, buildings, vehicles, lakes, forests and countries. Geospatial data refers to such data in any format, including raster, vector, point, text, video, database records, etc. GeoWebCache – is a java web application used to cache map tiles coming from a variety of sources such as the OpenGIS standard Web Map Service (WMS) in order to optimise map image delivery. GeoWebCache exists as a standalone application and as a built in extension to Geo server. HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the World Wide Web protocol for moving hypertext (HTML) files across the Internet. Humanitarian eXchange Language (HXL) – an XML schema which allows humanitarian organisations to publish their data in a machine readable format. Once the data has been published in this open format then anyone can have access to it.
Geographic Information System (GIS. During Year Three GIS tools will be established to ensure components can share information and maps can be developed in Russian and English. Technical Assistance:
Geographic Information System (GIS. The server system (4.1.8) and the service applications (4.1.9) should be hardened to prevent malicious changes of the program execution flow and, thus, the system to act as a possible stepstone to attack other systems. To avoid rouge devices to get or set data in the device, proper crypto-based authentication should be in place ( Table 29 gives a structured overview of the requirements for the GIS. Device Hardening 4.1.8 Application Hardening 4.1.9 Device Authentication
Geographic Information System (GIS. UIA will be responsible for maintaining GIS data for the City Network, including the costs for any software licensing, hardware, and data archival expenses.